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Military will lift ban on transgender troops July 1


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The Pentagon will lift its ban on transgender troops on July 1, according to reports.

The change will require each branch of the military to phase in a new policy to accommodate transgender troops over the next 12 months, an evaluation process similar to the one used to expand combat positions made available to women.

In 2014, a report form an independent commission found there was no compelling medical reason to prohibit transgender people from serving in the military. The panel estimated there were 15,450 transgender personnel serving in the active, Guard and reserve components.



Anyone who has ever changed GI Joe's uniform knows he is transgender.
Not being a smartass but honest question. So if a male soldier identifies as a female...is that soldier then rated against female standards to include physical performance standards and allowable max-weight standards? Conversely, does a female now have to conform to male standards for running, push-ups, carrying heavy equipment standards? Seems to me, if you want to identify you must then conform or this whole thing is out of whack and you can have lawsuits.
Not being a smartass but honest question. So if a male soldier identifies as a female...is that soldier then rated against female standards to include physical performance standards and allowable max-weight standards? Conversely, does a female now have to conform to male standards for running, push-ups, carrying heavy equipment standards? Seems to me, if you want to identify you must then conform or this whole thing is out of whack and you can have lawsuits.

During one of our annual PT evaluations, I was sick (later diagnosed with asthma). Missed the run time by a small amount. If I were female (or identified as such, I guess), I'd have finished with a minute to spare and not failed the physical.

When on a ship and supplies came in, all the male enlisted were sent to unload the pallets and carry them onto the ship. Some almost the entire length of the ship. Female enlisted were not required to do so. None of them volunteered.
Not being a smartass but honest question. So if a male soldier identifies as a female...is that soldier then rated against female standards to include physical performance standards and allowable max-weight standards? Conversely, does a female now have to conform to male standards for running, push-ups, carrying heavy equipment standards? Seems to me, if you want to identify you must then conform or this whole thing is out of whack and you can have lawsuits.

The reality is humans are a physically dimorphic species. This is what realty looks like.

Not being a smartass but honest question. So if a male soldier identifies as a female...is that soldier then rated against female standards to include physical performance standards and allowable max-weight standards? Conversely, does a female now have to conform to male standards for running, push-ups, carrying heavy equipment standards? Seems to me, if you want to identify you must then conform or this whole thing is out of whack and you can have lawsuits.

Very good question. I wonder if that has even been thought about.
Step 3 recruit people who want sex changes. Allow them to skate by on lowered standards for whatever reason they choose to invent. Pay for the operation and after care. Recruit then leaves ASAP having taken thousands in benefits and contributing little.

A few will choose to stay because they will find if they are even barely competent, they will be quickly promoted .
DBs, regarding your video, while I have no strong opinion regarding women in the military, the failure of the woman to do well in that exercise is shared by her trainer.

She had terrible technique. Why she would even attempt to take somebody with so much greater mass on directly utterly defies logic. It speaks to terrible training. Anybody with even moderate sense can see that she doesn't have the physical mass to withstand that kind of charge. She should have been given some training to deal with that kind of charge in the situation to mitigate. That she wasn't speaks poorly of our military trainers. If that's the best we have in terms of our training corps, we have bigger issues than just whether or not women are in the corps.

Frankly with training that ill suited to our personnel, they probably need as many bodies as they can get since clearly they have very little idea what they're doing. If I were in charge, both the female marine and the training officer would be in my office immediately to explain why she was so poorly prepared for a live drill exercise.
The Pentagon will lift its ban on transgender troops on July 1, according to reports.

The change will require each branch of the military to phase in a new policy to accommodate transgender troops over the next 12 months, an evaluation process similar to the one used to expand combat positions made available to women.

In 2014, a report form an independent commission found there was no compelling medical reason to prohibit transgender people from serving in the military. The panel estimated there were 15,450 transgender personnel serving in the active, Guard and reserve components.




Who ever thought the Klinger schtick would end up being a real thing?

I can't wait for there to be pressure for transgender man-to-woman demand to be able to play pro sports as a woman, and, of course, they will clean up in every sport.

That will be just hilarious. All the top women pros will be men with their package clipped. They will be champs in tennis, golf and hoops. Can't wait.

Then they should have entire, separate leagues for them, eventually. But we all need to coddle them, because they are so "brave."
DBs, regarding your video, while I have no strong opinion regarding women in the military, the failure of the woman to do well in that exercise is shared by her trainer.

She had terrible technique. Why she would even attempt to take somebody with so much greater mass on directly utterly defies logic. It speaks to terrible training. Anybody with even moderate sense can see that she doesn't have the physical mass to withstand that kind of charge. She should have been given some training to deal with that kind of charge in the situation to mitigate. That she wasn't speaks poorly of our military trainers. If that's the best we have in terms of our training corps, we have bigger issues than just whether or not women are in the corps.

Frankly with training that ill suited to our personnel, they probably need as many bodies as they can get since clearly they have very little idea what they're doing. If I were in charge, both the female marine and the training officer would be in my office immediately to explain why she was so poorly prepared for a live drill exercise.

In the real world, you are correct, but we now live in the bizarro world where telling somebody they may not be able to do something is considered racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

Besides, we now have movies that cast women in male roles. There was a complaint that there weren't enough female roles, which wasn't true. Then the complaint was that the roles weren't good enough. I actually read a review which criticized one of the Spider-Man movies because spidey rescued the girl and the reviewed said why can't the girl ever rescue spiderman?.

So now you have Moneypenny rescuing James Bond, because apparently she is a trained sniper and also a secretary. It would be sexist for her to just be a secretary you know. Now you have 100 lb women beating up 200 lb guys.

It's no wonder this small woman thinks she can take on a guy twice her size. She's been told all her life that she can. And the instructor has been told he better never burst that bubble.
Step 2 - force military to pay for sex change operations.

Of course the government will pay for it

Rep. Mac Thornberry, the Texas Republican who chairs the Armed Services Committee, called on the Pentagon in a letter last July to provide a range of information on the impacts of repealing the ban.

Among the questions Thornberry asked:

“What would be the projected cost of changing the transgender service policy? To what extent would military barracks, ship berths, gym shower facilities, latrines, and other facilities have to be modified to accommodate personnel in various stages of transition and what would be the projected cost of these modifications?” Thornberry wrote.

He also asked about how far the Pentagon would go to provide medical treatment for transgender troops, “including behavioral health treatment, cross-hormone therapy, voice therapy, cosmetic or gender reassignment surgery and other treatments?”

Pentagon officials responded to Thornberry in September, said Eric Pahon, a department spokesman. The main focus of the Pentagon’s review of the policy has been on the effect of repeal on the military’s readiness to fight, Pahon said. More details about the review’s findings are expected to be released soon, he said.

Thornberry was not happy with the timing of the announcement, he said in a statement Friday.

“If reports are correct, I believe Secretary Carter has put the political agenda of a departing administration ahead of the military’s readiness crisis," Thornberry said. "The force is exhausted from back to back deployments and spending their home-station time scrambling to get enough equipment and training before they deploy again. My focus is on helping the troops now — to be the most effective, deployable force possible.

"Consistent with that philosophy, when we learned DOD was looking at new policies on the service of transgender individuals, the Committee posed a number of questions to DOD," he said. "In particular, there are readiness challenges that first must be addressed, such as the extent to which such individuals would be medically non-deployable. Almost a year has passed with no answer to our questions from Secretary Carter. Our top priority must be warfighting effectiveness and individual readiness is an essential part of that.”

One sticking point has been how long transgender service members would have to serve before being eligible for medical treatment to transition to the other gender.

The Pentagon commissioned a RAND Corp. report on transgender troops but has not released it. It estimated that there are fewer than 2,500 transgender service members, 65 of whom would seek medical treatment each year, according to The New York Times.

Regarding transgender people in the military. C'mon. Enough is enough.

I would suspect that folks in the military, from the guys at the top making difficult budget and requisition decisions all the way down to the young kids getting off the buses into various boot camps for their first day just have way too much **** on their plates to have time to deal with this.

Regarding women in the military, which I believe is a much more feasible and reasonable situation:

If you're going to put women in the military, give them the training and the specialization they need to be successful. The video shows how ridiculous it is for THAT woman to be taking on THAT man in THAT drill. I have no doubt there are other things she can do quite well and probably things she excels at (militarily) beyond the fellow. With proper technique training, she may have even been able to perform better in the drill. I doubt she could have beaten him, but I suspect she would not have attempted to take the full charge on directly. She may have tried to side-step his full charge at the last moment and used his momentum, I don't know. I don't know the purpose of the drill. Perhaps the idea is simply to bludgeon one another. If that's the case, it's obviously stupid. Why not put a 110 lb raw recruit in against a 325 lb linebacker and ***** because he didn't do better. It's simply ******* physics.

We would have been a mess during WW2 if women hadn't taken over a number of "men's" jobs while men were away. There are plenty of positions in the military that women can fulfill that are just as meaningful and valuable as men's positions. I think it would be unwise to attempt to exclude them from the military. However I do agree that they probably require specialization and particular training.

I can't say that the military has the resources to adequately meet that demand. I'm just being honest there.
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Regarding transgender people in the military. C'mon. Enough is enough.

I would suspect that folks in the military, from the guys at the top making difficult budget and requisition decisions all the way down to the young kids getting off the buses into various boot camps for their first day just have way too much **** on their plates to have time to deal with this.

Regarding women in the military, which I believe is a much more feasible and reasonable situation:

If you're going to put women in the military, give them the training and the specialization they need to be successful. The video shows how ridiculous it is for THAT woman to be taking on THAT man in THAT drill. I have no doubt there are other things she can do quite well and probably things she excels at (militarily) beyond the fellow. With proper technique training, she may have even been able to perform better in the drill. I doubt she could have beaten him, but I suspect she would not have attempted to take the full charge on directly. She may have tried to side-step his full charge at the last moment and used his momentum, I don't know. I don't know the purpose of the drill. Perhaps the idea is simply to bludgeon one another. If that's the case, it's obviously stupid. Why not put a 110 lb raw recruit in against a 325 lb linebacker and ***** because he didn't do better. It's simply ******* physics.

We would have been a mess during WW2 if women hadn't taken over a number of "men's" jobs while men were away. There are plenty of positions in the military that women can fulfill that are just as meaningful and valuable as men's positions. I think it would be unwise to attempt to exclude them from the military. However I do agree that they probably require specialization and particular training.

I can't say that the military has the resources to adequately meet that demand. I'm just being honest there.

Someone like Bruce Jenner who was obviously a gifted athlete would certainly have the physical ability to be in the military. The problem is all the other stuff that goes along with it. You are looking at bathroom problems, medicines, harassment, etc etc the list goes on and on...Just seems like too much of a headache and distraction to me.
As for the video it shows nothing other than a bigger body plowing over a smaller one. Thats like putting a heavyweight fighter against a welterweight. Now that being said the girl could have did something instead of just standing there. She could have at least jumped out of the way....
Step 4 - declare that a tranny without hormones is the same as PTSD. Give them a disability rating and pay for their treatments for life.
Don't ask, don't tell - was as far as it should have gone. Obama is out of control.

Military Readiness and Obama's Transgender Decree

The battle over what accommodations to make for the transgendered has been raging for the last couple of years. Barack Obama’s social engineering of the military has been ongoing since Jan. 20, 2009. By the end of this week, the two fronts will converge, as Obama will lift the ban on transgendered service members.

In December 2010, Barack Obama signed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Pentagon policy (signed by Bill Clinton) prohibiting open homosexuals from serving in the military. After a year of contrived review, transgendered individuals will likewise be able to serve openly as of July 1, 2016 — and announcement made during “LGBT Pride Month” and just in time for Independence Day. Coincidence, we’re sure.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced last year that the ban would be lifted unless a review revealed doing so would have “adverse impact on military effectiveness and readiness.” It will have adverse consequences, but Obama had no intention of ever admitting it, stubbornly going full speed ahead with his “fundamental transformation” of our nation.

We face threats from the Islamic State, as well as Russia and China on the rise, and Obama’s focused on socially engineering the military. Maybe those three geopolitical threats are shaking in their boots knowing that Bradley can become “Chelsea” and still wear the uniform, but we seriously doubt it.

All humans have inherent, God-given dignity and should be treated with respect, but that doesn’t mean undermining national security for the celebration of mental illness. And make no mistake: Obama’s objective isn’t about dignity, and it’s most certainly not about what makes our military a more effective fighting force. It’s about making the normalization of homosexuality a matter of law in regard to Defense Department personnel, practices and policy — all in an effort to pander to female Democrat voters in an election year.

Another thing to consider is if a male is transgendering to female, then he/she will usually score higher on the PT tests(men have different standards). The women won't think it's fair that this "woman" outscores them constantly and that's gonna cause some problems.