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Most of you are probably domestic terrorists

The guy who tried to shoot up Republicans at a baseball game severely injuring Rep Steven Scalise was a Bible thumping Evangelical.
When in fact he was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Ahh so anyone who isn't a member of the proper poltical party or doesn't vote for them.

I've heard this story before...
This absolutely. Which party's constituents constantly label anyone not in lockstep with their beliefs as ____________ist, or____________phobic? Just fill in the blank, because according to their mindset, it works on any subject. It's all they have, but they know if repeated long enough, will convince others that it must be true.
Brennan and Clapper are part of the " advisory board". Communists.
They will have to build some really big camps for well over half the population.

Perhaps some type of armband or embroidered symbol on our clothes to identify us from others.
I‘ve said it before, and it’s even more true today, shooting our way out of this mess is THE ONLY OPTION.

As someone who fits 2-1/2 of the 3 categories, I fully expect that we will be targeted at some point. The only reason I feel secure is knowing that I am surrounded by MANY who feel as I do. Combine that with the knowledge that we can see people coming from .500 range, and I’m 1000% sure there will be many less attempting shenanigans by the time they can get to us. Our family’s experience in every conflict since the Revolutionary War gives us skills that a large percent of the population doesn’t. We also are able to live off our and surrounding forests as needed.

I also know that if ”Domestic terrorists” had been a term in use at the time, our Founding Fathers would also have been labeled as such by the King’s government at that time. So no great change.

There is a 0% chance that this doesn’t result in fighting eventually. While I myself have zero interest or intentions of instigating said forthcoming events, I have not been, nor am I currently unprepared. Is it enough, I’m not sure, but it is the best we can do under the circumstance. I just wish we had a local Army National Guard Depot nearby, so we could pickup some final supplies when things get started.
There is a 0% chance that this doesn’t result in fighting eventually. While I myself have zero interest or intentions of instigating said forthcoming events, I have not been, nor am I currently unprepared. Is it enough, I’m not sure, but it is the best we can do under the circumstance.
This is where I am at with it. I deeply, deeply hope that I never point a gun at a human being. If I do, they put me in that situation. I did not.

God have mercy on this once great nation.
I‘ve said it before, and it’s even more true today, shooting our way out of this mess is THE ONLY OPTION.

As someone who fits 2-1/2 of the 3 categories, I fully expect that we will be targeted at some point. The only reason I feel secure is knowing that I am surrounded by MANY who feel as I do. Combine that with the knowledge that we can see people coming from .500 range, and I’m 1000% sure there will be many less attempting shenanigans by the time they can get to us. Our family’s experience in every conflict since the Revolutionary War gives us skills that a large percent of the population doesn’t. We also are able to live off our and surrounding forests as needed.

I also know that if ”Domestic terrorists” had been a term in use at the time, our Founding Fathers would also have been labeled as such by the King’s government at that time. So no great change.

There is a 0% chance that this doesn’t result in fighting eventually. While I myself have zero interest or intentions of instigating said forthcoming events, I have not been, nor am I currently unprepared. Is it enough, I’m not sure, but it is the best we can do under the circumstance. I just wish we had a local Army National Guard Depot nearby, so we could pickup some final supplies when things get started.
Do you and your merry band have F15s and nukes? "C'mon man! Settle down with all that the liberty tree need the water thing and the blood. "
Perhaps the big victory against the Chevron deference will enable the good citizenry to claw back some lost liberty, including the wrongful and dehumanizing classification as "domestic terrorists" and "insurrectionists", etc just because some fuucktard bureaucrat "expert" decided to write that.
Perhaps legal definitions and established customs will once again matter.

If only SN had a reliable legal expert to opine on things of this nature.....maybe Tim can take that role?
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Perhaps the big victory against the Chevron difference will enable the good citizenry to claw back some lost liberty, including the wrongful and dehumanizing classification as "domestic terrorists" and "insurrectionists", etc just because some fuucktard bureaucrat "expert" decided to write that.
Perhaps legal definitions and established customs will once again matter.

If only SN had a reliable legal expert to opine on things of this nature.....maybe Tim can take that role?
Come on, everyone knows that there aren't any lawyers here.