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New Kickoff rule backfires


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score

I wish the NFL would just move kickoffs back 5 yards, and allow all 53 men to dress. If needed expand the roster to 55 players and let two more players have a chance to make $450,000.00 a year. There isn't a football player in America that wouldn;t take that opportunity.

After watching week one, the game is at a very high level overall. Bring back one of the best plays int he game, and let the blue hats do their job.
Uhm, I don't think you understand what is happening. There are actually more KO returns now than before. Which is what you're asking for, if I read your post correctly.
Uhm, I don't think you understand what is happening. There are actually more KO returns now than before. Which is what you're asking for, if I read your post correctly.

The NFL wants to limit kickoff returns. Re-read the article again.

When NFL owners voted to move the touchback after kickoffs from the 20 to the 25-yard line, they hoped that it would incentivize returners to keep the ball in the end zone and therefore reduce kickoff returns and the injuries that come with them.

Me, I'm for going back to the old rule and letting all 53 players dress just in case an injury happens.
The NFL wants to limit kickoff returns. Re-read the article again.
They've already made their rule to 'limit' KO returns. That kicked in this season. But it's not happening, as kickers are kicking shorter, hence more kickoffs. This is a good thing, I love KO/Punt returns, it's a big part of the game the way it should be. The old 2011 rule you refer to, was simply moving the KO to the 35 yard line. But the new rule implemented this year, is the ball gets placed on the 25 yrd line, not the 20 as before on touchbacks. Hence the thinking of coaches to give returners a chance to return it, and not settle for an automatic start at the 25 yard line. So the new rule is better than the old rule, and is providing for more returns.
They've already made their rule to 'limit' KO returns. That kicked in this season. But it's not happening, as kickers are kicking shorter, hence more kickoffs. This is a good thing, I love KO/Punt returns, it's a big part of the game the way it should be. The old 2011 rule you refer to, was simply moving the KO to the 35 yard line. But the new rule implemented this year, is the ball gets placed on the 25 yrd line, not the 20 as before on touchbacks. Hence the thinking of coaches to give returners a chance to return it, and not settle for an automatic start at the 25 yard line. So the new rule is better than the old rule, and is providing for more returns.

I agree. My point is they ( the NFL ) felt the new rule would limit kickoff returns even more. It backfired. The kickoff used to be an exciting play. Now its often the most boring with the ball sailing out of the enddoze.

Give me a kickoff at the 30 yard line, not the 35 and let them play.
They can't do **** with roster sizes until the next CBA. I'm sure they will expand the roster during the next CBA. But the league is going to want to add more regular season and more playoff games.
Meh. All the tinkering they are doing just spot the ball at the 25 already and be done with it. We never seem to reach the 20 anyways so it would he an upgrade for us.
Maybe the Steelers would stop wasting draft picks on "returners" if the league finally got away from it.
Bring back the XFL scramble!
LOL, they should place the ball at midfield and let them go at it water polo style! Would be quite the spectacle with plenty of huge hits, pile-ups and concussions. Er, wait...

They've already made their rule to 'limit' KO returns. That kicked in this season. But it's not happening, as kickers are kicking shorter, hence more kickoffs. This is a good thing, I love KO/Punt returns, it's a big part of the game the way it should be. The old 2011 rule you refer to, was simply moving the KO to the 35 yard line. But the new rule implemented this year, is the ball gets placed on the 25 yrd line, not the 20 as before on touchbacks. Hence the thinking of coaches to give returners a chance to return it, and not settle for an automatic start at the 25 yard line. So the new rule is better than the old rule, and is providing for more returns.

Still has its problems. For instance, DET/IND game yesterday. Personal Foul on DET on a score by IND with 30 sec left. Indy got to kick the ball off at the 50 because of the penalty. DET still got the ball back at the 25. Drove down and scored the winning FG. They should apply the penalty after the return. In the current handling of the rule, DET didn't receive any penalty, but actually a more favorable field position because the new 25 yard spot.
Am I the only person who doesn't remember all these horrific injuries on kick returns?. They act like kick returns are storming the beach at Normandy with bodies strewn around every time. That's not my recollection.

I think they want to be rid of kicks for a different reason. Because coaches hate that they have to spend so much time coaching them and they have to dedicate roster spots for guys whose only real job is running down on kicks. Coaches would rather give those roster spots to developmental QBs or whatever. Guys who may actually become good starters some day instead of keeping a guy they know will never be good enough to start.
Here is my idea if you want to get rid of kicks.

Each half starts at 25 yard line.

After a score, if you scored 7, the opponent gets the ball at the 25
If you scored 8, opponent starts at the 20
If you scored 3, opponent starts at the 35, maybe 40

Instead of an onside kick. The team can attempt to "Score" from the 25 on a single play. No points are awarded. Ball then gets spotted at the 50 regardless of outcome. Whoever "won" on the try takes possession at the 50.

This would reward scoring TDs and add some strategy. Maybe you decide to go on a few more 4th and shorts instead of kicking a FG and giving them good field position.
Tape may be on to something there with the first three examples. The latter ones probably to extreme for change's sake. But the first examples seem like a good idea. Better apply for copyright now and get some cash for it Tape.