Suspicious person started before the spy gate incident.
Normal people started durring the spygate incident.
Abnormal people don’t or refuse to think there is anything going on. To much $$$$ to not be corrupt.
Steelers were one of the least penalized teams in the NFL at about (memory 3.6 per game) prior to James Harrison’s interview talking about how Goodell is targeting him. They went to 14.? After that interview……… yes corrupt.
How many game changing reversals to keep the cheatriots alive ? Why was the “completion” of a pass so gray area for such a long time, how about fandom roughing the QB calls ? How about the cheatriots getting penalized in non-game determin situations and other teams get penalized in game changing situation while playing them. Why does the league tolerate the cheating——————
It’s all to keep your attention pulled away from what the real goal is and that is to make money.
HellA, way back in the ORANGE sleeve TV time out guy, those time outs favored certain teams and hindered others. That was when I started. My suspicions.
It’s easy to manipulate a game point spread with just a KEY call or two. Remember when they took a TD off the board when we played (I think it was San Diego) in that play off game——- WhoAla:::: point spread covered.
Corrupt is easy, sheep are hard.
Salute the nation