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NFL Films On Tomlinisms

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, PA

Nice find Ron

Over the years I have softened on the Mike Tomlin's Tomlinisms.

Some are good and some are head scratchers but just take them for what they are and you'll have less frustration and even possible a laugh here then there.

Put the pudding back in the box

Salute the nation
We are not seeking comfort...rubber meets the road....if you have red paint, paint the barn red...unleash hell...turn over every stone...defend every blade of grass...
The Steeler organization and us fans, has been blessed to have 3 FINE MEN as head coaches in the last 50 some odd years..
We are not seeking comfort...rubber meets the road....if you have red paint, paint the barn red...unleash hell...turn over every stone...defend every blade of grass...

Dri Archer insisted on this but his voice was to little to be heard.

Sal;ute the nation
The Steeler organization and us fans, has been blessed to have 3 FINE MEN as head coaches in the last 50 some odd years..
Is bad to hope to be blessed with a fourth?