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No Fans


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2014
Reaction score
Tonight you could see the impact of no fans in the stands. Those guys were tired, no energy, and looked like they were just going through the motions.

In regular times, the fans give you that adrenaline boost to make a play. Tonight you could just see it in the play. After catches made or tackles made, there wasn't the usual excitement or passion, I thought. TJ got a sack and didn't do his little celebration. I saw a lackadaisical team out there tonight.

If you heard Decastro talking in his intereview last Saturday, he said it is sometimes tough to get going without the fans in there. It's not an excuse but these guys have been playing in front of people their whole lives and they thrive off that ****. It is human nature to want to give a little more when you have people there watching.

If I am the players, I wouldn't be concerned at all about not getting home field advantage. I'd want to goto KC and play in front of fans/steelers fans. Heinz field has no advantage this year, none.
DeCastro's interview said it all. As he said, these guys are human and they feed off emotions.
DeCastro's interview said it all. As he said, these guys are human and they feed off emotions.

I thought it was really telling. You could tell it bothered him.
Yes its not at all a hfa this season.... **** tom wolf banning all fans... no superspreading events have come from reduced attendance sporting events to date...
Yes its not at all a hfa this season.... **** tom wolf banning all fans... no superspreading events have come from reduced attendance sporting events to date...

I'm still ticked I wasn't able to go to any of the final three regular season games.
There's no reason whatsoever you can't at least put 20 k in the stadium.

I won't even go into govenors acting as tyrannical dictators
for almost a year now. Yet they allow certain other mass events to happen.

It's ******* bs.

They may not have people in the stands,but they still have millions watching your every move on tv. That has to be worth something.
There's no reason whatsoever you can't at least put 20 k in the stadium.

I won't even go into govenors acting as tyrannical dictators
for almost a year now. Yet they allow certain other mass events to happen.

It's ******* bs.

They may not have people in the stands,but they still have millions watching your every move on tv. That has to be worth something.

When you can't see the people, it doesn't matter if its millions or 1 person.