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Northern Gateway pipeline in Canada approved


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Canada has conditionally approved a pipeline to bring oil from the Alberta oil sands to the country's Pacific coast

The 1,177-km (731 miles) pipeline project, known as the Northern Gateway, is expected to transport 525,000 barrels a day to Asia-bound tankers.

Mr Harper has said diversifying Canada's oil sands production is essential, especially after President Barack Obama has delayed a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring crude to the Gulf of Mexico.

The northern Alberta region has the world's third largest oil reserves, with 170 billion barrels of proven reserves, and 97% of its oil exports currently go to the US.




So Canada sends oil to China while Obama fiddles

all part of the plan, I say
Wouldn't it be neat if we sold it to them for Canadian dollars.
At least you don't have leaders that hate their own country

Senate panel votes to approve Keystone (but Reid won't bring it up for vote)

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted Wednesday to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, delivering a rebuke to President Obama.

Proponents of the pipeline expressed frustration with Obama’s refusal to take action for more than five years on the final leg of Keystone, which is planned to run from Alberta’s oil sands to refineries on the United States Gulf Coast.

A previous bill sponsored by Hoeven has been on the Senate calendar since the beginning of May, but Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has yet to bring it up for a vote, Barrasso said.

“He won’t do it, because he opposes the pipeline,” he said. “The president opposes the pipeline. They’ve done everything in their power to stop it.”


Got to keep that oil on Warren Buffets trains....
Currently we get a discount when buying Canadian oil. The reason being they can't get their oil to world markets very easily.
If they can get their oil to world markets our discount will go away and we'll be paying higher prices.
Currently we get a discount when buying Canadian oil. The reason being they can't get their oil to world markets very easily.
If they can get their oil to world markets our discount will go away and we'll be paying higher prices.

And your argument has been that they will just use the Keystone Pipeline to get the oil to the world market in the gulf and we don't get it. Now, they are doing they same thing without creating any American jobs to build it.

Uhh, Yay!?
And your argument has been that they will just use the Keystone Pipeline to get the oil to the world market in the gulf and we don't get it. Now, they are doing they same thing without creating any American jobs to build it.

Uhh, Yay!?

It's not good news if you want private sector jobs that make evil rich fatcats even richer. You right wingers make me sick.
It's not good news if you want private sector jobs that make evil rich fatcats even richer. You right wingers make me sick.

You mean evil rich fatcats who aren't named Warren Buffet who might lose some of his millions invested in the railraods, right?
If Keystone were built, it would be a Canadian company building it. I'm sure they already have their management and lead engineers in place who are likely Canadian.
They might hire some temporary workers in the states to do grunt work. But once its built these jobs are gone. There really are not any permanent good American
jobs being created with this.

My guess would be that there will be more American jobs created by Solarcity's recent announcement to build a large solar panel plant in Buffalo, NY.
If Keystone were built, it would be a Canadian company building it. I'm sure they already have their management and lead engineers in place who are likely Canadian.
They might hire some temporary workers in the states to do grunt work. But once its built these jobs are gone. There really are not any permanent good American
jobs being created with this.

My guess would be that there will be more American jobs created by Solarcity's recent announcement to build a large solar panel plant in Buffalo, NY.

Uhh, so the few temporary jobs which "might" be created are now absolutely NOT going to be created. But, that is OK with you, I guess.

I suppose, also, that the pipleline, once built, requires zero maintenance so no American jobs would be created to maintain a pipeline?

But, hey, those few jobs are not important to anyone. At all.

Why would these few jobs be related to the solar panel jobs in Buffalo? Couldn't we create BOTH groups of jobs? Is that better or worse than only one set of jobs?
Uhh, so the few temporary jobs which "might" be created are now absolutely NOT going to be created. But, that is OK with you, I guess.

I suppose, also, that the pipleline, once built, requires zero maintenance so no American jobs would be created to maintain a pipeline?

But, hey, those few jobs are not important to anyone. At all.

Why would these few jobs be related to the solar panel jobs in Buffalo? Couldn't we create BOTH groups of jobs? Is that better or worse than only one set of jobs?

because the north dakotan spotted ridgeback three-legged turtle's home would be invaded and trampled.
There will be plenty of jobs to go around....but Obama's 'Hate America First' campaign can't have that

Keystone would lead to about 42,000 jobs and provide an economic boost of about $2 billion, according to a State Department analysis of the pipeline.

That same analysis also found that Keystone will not result in a significant increase in U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions — cited by Mr. Obama as the determining factor in whether he approves the project.

not only would it allow the U.S. to get fuel from a friendly neighbor such as Canada — as opposed to hostile or unstable nations such as Venezuela — it also would create tens of thousands of jobs while pumping billions of dollars into the economy.

If Keystone were built, it would be a Canadian company building it. I'm sure they already have their management and lead engineers in place who are likely Canadian.
They might hire some temporary workers in the states to do grunt work. But once its built these jobs are gone.

Kinda like the PA Turnpike. Once it was built, no need for any other turnpike employees. Sheesh.
You also understand that engineers, whether civil or mechanical need to be licensed in the state where construction takes place. And what happens on the end of the pipeline? It just flows right into boats on it's own.
Do you actually think about these things before you post?
If Keystone were built, it would be a Canadian company building it. I'm sure they already have their management and lead engineers in place who are likely Canadian.
They might hire some temporary workers in the states to do grunt work. But once its built these jobs are gone. There really are not any permanent good American
jobs being created with this.

My guess would be that there will be more American jobs created by Solarcity's recent announcement to build a large solar panel plant in Buffalo, NY.

Wouldn't a solar plant be mostly self sustaining with a small group of maintenance workers too? Should we scrap that plan because the jobs are temporary?
The solar plant is a manufacturing plant building solar panels. You build them, ship them out and make some more.

The Canadian oil is already coming into the States, primarily by rail. That is a more labor intensive way to get it here than a pipeline.
So the pipeline net effect could be a loss of jobs.
The Canadian oil is already coming into the States, primarily by rail. That is a more labor intensive way to get it here than a pipeline.
So the pipeline net effect could be a loss of jobs.

so the next time a tanker train derails and spills oil you can cry about solar power again?


The Keystone XL pipeline expansion would provide a significant boost to U.S. energy security, bringing more than 800,000 barrels of oil per day to U.S. refineries – from Canada and the U.S. Bakken region. Crude imports from Canada could reach 4 million barrels a day by 2030, about twice what we currently import from the Persian Gulf.

Approval of the full Keystone XL pipeline, now in its fifth year of review, also could support 42,000 jobs and put $2 billion in workers’ pockets during its construction. According to a 2011 CERI study, full development of the oil sands could support more than 500,000 additional jobs in the U.S. by 2035.

The U.S. government's own environmental review indicates that the Keystone XL pipeline would "have a degree of safety over any other," offering a safe, practical way to bring not just more Canadian oil to U.S. refineries but also domestic production from our upper plains states. This is good for consumers, good for U.S. jobs, good for energy and economic security and certainly serves our national interest.

The solar plant is a manufacturing plant building solar panels. You build them, ship them out and make some more.

The Canadian oil is already coming into the States, primarily by rail. That is a more labor intensive way to get it here than a pipeline.
So the pipeline net effect could be a loss of jobs.

If the oil goes by pipeline through Canada instead of the US won't the railways be screwed anyway?
So Enbridge is building the pipeline, but which oil company's oil will be flowing through the pipeline? Or is Enbridge also the oil company, like Exxon? In other words, will Enbridge stop profiting once the pipeline is complete? Whose stock is going up? I want in!
The solar plant is a manufacturing plant building solar panels. You build them, ship them out and make some more.

The Canadian oil is already coming into the States, primarily by rail. That is a more labor intensive way to get it here than a pipeline.
So the pipeline net effect could be a loss of jobs.

Man, I hope you didn't pull a hammy reaching for that straw. Jesus Christ on a Caterpillar.

I think you mean that it is carried "primarily by rail owned, in part, by Warren Buffet who donates millions to Obama"...
The solar plant is a manufacturing plant building solar panels. You build them, ship them out and make some more.

The Canadian oil is already coming into the States, primarily by rail. That is a more labor intensive way to get it here than a pipeline.
So the pipeline net effect could be a loss of jobs.
well, since we had horses, why did we need to build the automobile? seems that your line of thinking is "one way is good enough"
tick tick tick

No Plans to invade Canada

Wednesday’s hearing of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee was informative on a great many serious subjects. It also revealed that the United States isn’t prepared to take aggressive action against its looming menace to the north, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Let me first assure you we do not have a plan on the shelf for the invasion of Canada. I want to make sure that our Canadian allies, who may be watching…
So Enbridge is building the pipeline, but which oil company's oil will be flowing through the pipeline? Or is Enbridge also the oil company, like Exxon? In other words, will Enbridge stop profiting once the pipeline is complete? Whose stock is going up? I want in!

Enbridge is a pipeline and energy (mostly natgas) supply company regulated up the wazoo. The products they flow through their lines are produced by other companies in the oil and gas biz, including Suncor, Exxon, etc. and many smaller producers.

I'm not sure what you are suggesting, but it sounds like devious Canadian thinking

Look what that sort of thinking got Saddam.

tick tick tick

No Plans to invade Canada

Wednesday’s hearing of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee was informative on a great many serious subjects. It also revealed that the United States isn’t prepared to take aggressive action against its looming menace to the north, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Let me first assure you we do not have a plan on the shelf for the invasion of Canada. I want to make sure that our Canadian allies, who may be watching…

If you do, and you will one day, come see me first.
I will sign us over quickly so as to avoid all that uncomfortableness that could surround this sort of deal.
So long as we get to keep curling and hockey (except Bettman)
tick tick tick

No Plans to invade Canada

Wednesday’s hearing of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee was informative on a great many serious subjects. It also revealed that the United States isn’t prepared to take aggressive action against its looming menace to the north, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Let me first assure you we do not have a plan on the shelf for the invasion of Canada. I want to make sure that our Canadian allies, who may be watching…

Do we have to take Quebec too?