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Not even a smidgen of corruption...


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Who knew that the Obama administration had a penchant for black humor? Earlier this year, in February, President Obama told Bill O’Reilly during an interview on Fox News that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal involving the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups. In July 2103, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew foreshadowed his boss’s nonchalance by insisting that there was “no evidence” that any political appointee had been involved in the scandal.

Now we may know why. After months of delay in responding to congressional inquiries, the IRS now claims that, for the period of January 2009 to April 2011, all e-mails between Lois Lerner — the IRS official at the center of the scandal — and anyone outside the IRS were wiped out by a “computer crash.” As House Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp wrote in a statement, this loss means that “we are conveniently left to believe that Lois Lerner acted alone.” After all, there isn’t a “smidgen” of e-mail evidence to suggest otherwise.

A growing number of computer professionals are stepping forward to say that none of this makes sense. Norman Cillo, a former program manager at Microsoft, told The Blaze: “I don’t know of any e-mail administrator [who] doesn’t have at least three ways of getting that mail back. It’s either on the disks or it’s on a TAPE backup someplace on an archive server.” Bruce Webster, an IT expert with 30 years of experience consulting with dozens of private companies, seconds this opinion: “It would take a catastrophic mechanical failure for Lerner’s drive to suffer actual physical damage, but in any case, the FBI should be able to recover something. And the FBI and the Justice Department know it.”
In March of this year, John Koskinen, the new IRS commissioner, testified before Congress that all the e-mails of IRS employees are “stored in servers.” The agency’s own manual specifies that it “provides for backup and recovery of records to protect against information loss or corruption.” The reason is simple. It is well known in legal and IT circles that failure to preserve e-mails can lead to a court ruling of “spoliation of evidence.” That means a judge or jury is then instructed to treat deletions as if they were deliberate destruction of incriminating evidence.

Why is the loss of the Lerner e-mails particularly important? Last year’s report by the IRS inspector general set out a timeline of the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. A full 16 of the 26 non-redacted events in the inspector general’s timeline took place during the period for which all of Lerner’s e-mails were “lost,” and these 16 instances refer to “e-mail” as the source for information on that event. As tax expert Alan Joel points out, much of the context about how the IRS scandal developed and who may have known about it is now “lost” in the black hole the Lerner e-mails are supposed to have been sucked into.

Since the IG report, we have learned that Lerner was engaged in highly suspect activity. As the Wall Street Journal editorial page noted on Saturday:

She shipped a database of 12,000 nonprofit tax returns to the FBI, the investigating agency for Justice’s Criminal Division. The IRS, in other words, was inviting Justice to engage in a fishing expedition, and inviting people not even licensed to fish in that pond. The Criminal Division (rather than the Tax Division) investigates and prosecutes under the Internal Revenue Code only when the crimes involve IRS personnel.

If there is an ongoing cover-up of the IRS scandal, it’s obvious why some folks would be desperate to continue it. Last year, Time magazine’s liberal columnist Joe Klein wrote that the IRS scandal placed President Obama “on the same page as Richard Nixon.” Article II of the Articles of Impeachment by the House Judiciary Committee in 1974 included a charge that Nixon had caused, “in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.” The Judiciary Committee was also deeply disturbed by the Nixon administration’s apparent efforts to conceal evidence. When investigators found a crucial “18-and-a-half-minute gap” from a Watergate break-in conversation involving Nixon and his aides, the administration implausibly claimed that Rose Mary Woods, Nixon’s longtime secretary, had accidentally erased that portion of the tape. Later, Woods herself said she could have been responsible for no more than five minutes of the gap.

Now we have the “IRS server ate the e-mails” excuse. “Barack Obama has brought us Jimmy Carter’s economy and Richard Nixon’s excuses,” Steve Stockman (R., Texas) waggishly observed Friday. At a minimum, the House committees investigating the IRS scandal should demand that everyone involved in the search for the Lerner e-mails appear before them and testify under oath. I strongly suspect that if anything is amiss, one or more employees will not want to commit perjury to protect political higher-ups.

Normally, an independent prosecutor would be appointed to get to the bottom of all this. But don’t expect such a move from Attorney General Eric Holder. When he was the No. 2 official at Justice during President Clinton’s second term, he was instrumental in blocking the appointment of any new special prosecutors for various Clinton scandals. Holder himself has mastered the art of withholding documents from Congress. In 2012, the House of Representatives (including 17 Democrats) voted to hold Eric Holder in contempt for ignoring a subpoena for documents in the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.

As yet more evidence of this administration’s seeming tendency toward black humor, the current Justice Department investigation of the IRS scandal is being headed by Barbara Bosserman, a trial attorney who was a large donor to both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, with her first donation dating all the way back to the primary season in 2008. But, of course, Justice says there’s no conflict of interest. Not even a smidgen.
The Department of Justice is creating a special law enforcement group to investigate those it designates as domestic terrorists. They'll start work as soon as they get that Tea Party list from the IRS.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced he's forming a federal task force to clamp down on what the administration considers domestic terrorists. You know what this means. If you are from Idaho, you won't be able to get on any plane in America but if you're from Guantanamo, you can.
I just wonder how many people would be willing to admit they were wrong when they voted for this fool?
I just wonder how many people would be willing to admit they were wrong when they voted for this fool?
Two or three. The other few million will be afraid of being called racists.
And why isn't the press and all other news organizations badgering holder and Obama for answers?
The National Review got tired of Benghazi huh? If there is all this backup storage the article claims the IRS has then it will be easy enough to interview the IT people who wiped it.

OH NO! I forgot this is a conspiracy like climate change where everyone is involved, how could I forget those computer guys? We all know they are communists. They are all part of the New World Order/Lions Club/ Netflix members/Agenda 21, Agenda 22, Agenda -36 to the 50th power conspiracy. Dumb me.
The National Review got tired of Benghazi huh? If there is all this backup storage the article claims the IRS has then it will be easy enough to interview the IT people who wiped it.

OH NO! I forgot this is a conspiracy like climate change where everyone is involved, how could I forget those computer guys? We all know they are communists. They are all part of the New World Order/Lions Club/ Netflix members/Agenda 21, Agenda 22, Agenda -36 to the 50th power conspiracy. Dumb me.

You miss the simple ******* point. There is essentially no way (it's nearly impossible) for this many emails for this long to simply disappear, ESPECIALLY at the IRS, from a simple computer crash. The computer crash would not cause a crash on the remote tape back up machine, or at the remote data centers, or on their Exchange server if they were using one. Copies of these emails would have been in 3 locations at a minimum.

Yet their claim - a computer crash, isolated to a remote client (her laptop) - caused the irretrievable loss of the emails. It's a practical impossibility because of the separation of systems.

There's one logical conclusion - they were intentionally removed in every location that they existed intentionally. Period.

The National Review got tired of Benghazi huh? If there is all this backup storage the article claims the IRS has then it will be easy enough to interview the IT people who wiped it.

OH NO! I forgot this is a conspiracy like climate change where everyone is involved, how could I forget those computer guys? We all know they are communists. They are all part of the New World Order/Lions Club/ Netflix members/Agenda 21, Agenda 22, Agenda -36 to the 50th power conspiracy. Dumb me.

That's the first thing you've ever said that I agree with.
You miss the simple ******* point. There is essentially no way (it's nearly impossible) for this many emails for this long to simply disappear, ESPECIALLY at the IRS, from a simple computer crash. The computer crash would not cause a crash on the remote tape back up machine, or at the remote data centers, or on their Exchange server if they were using one. Copies of these emails would have been in 3 locations at a minimum.

Yet their claim - a computer crash, isolated to a remote client (her laptop) - caused the irretrievable loss of the emails. It's a practical impossibility because of the separation of systems.

There's one logical conclusion - they were intentionally removed in every location that they existed intentionally. Period.

Yeah and someone had access to all those locations with no one noticing plus the encryption information necessary.

Like I said the NWO/Lions club/Netflix/Agenda 21/ Agenda 22/ Agenda 3 hike! hike!/Agenda 33 1/3 RPM conspiracy Thanks for clearing that up.

I rest my case.

I like how you included your cat too.

You miss the simple ******* point.

No, no, YOU miss the simple ******* point. Bomma is the FBP and on top of that, a Democrat, and can do no wrong. Ever. Most transparent administration ever. Racist.
The National Review got tired of Benghazi huh?

Gee, who could have seen that coming. You mean I won't find an article on this on HuffPo or Mother Jones? Color me shocked.

OH NO! I forgot this is a conspiracy like climate change where everyone is involved, how could I forget those computer guys? We all know they are communists. They are all part of the New World Order/Lions Club/ Netflix members/Agenda 21, Agenda 22, Agenda -36 to the 50th power conspiracy. Dumb me.

No, it couldn't be a conspiracy, it's just that this woman, who is under investigation for using the IRS to target administration opponents, and has pled the fifth, just accidentally lost TWO YEARS of emails. OOPS! You are right, I'm sure it's perfectly innocent.
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Yeah and someone had access to all those locations with no one noticing plus the encryption information necessary.

Keep ignoring the facts. Explain how nearly 2 years of emails "could" disappear from her laptop, an Exchange server, and at least one, if not two backup remote locations? As you indicate, there are/were security mechanisms in place - encryption (probably in-flight encryption too), back ups, physical separation of repositories.

So how does one swallow the lie that a simple laptop crash caused the loss of the emails?

Plausible to swallow? Only by a died-in-the-wool blow-hard Liberal who will buy anything the liars feed them.
I work in a law firm and our main computer - the one through which all other computers in our network run - suffered a catastrophic crash. My partner called a computer consultant and an hour later, we had our e-mails back.

The consultant explained that e-mails are actually processed, delivered and stored at a separate location. For my office, we used Microsoft Outlook, so the consultant contacted Microsoft, spoke to a rep, used our access information and password and retrieved the e-mails.

The same system is used for government facilities. Lerner's computer does not deliver and store the e-mails; that is done through the system's e-mail server. If Lerner's computer suffered a "crash," so effing what? Get the e-mails through the storage system (server).

If the server crashed, then thousands - and probably millions - of government e-mails would have been subject to the problem.

So how is it, Polo, you stupid ******* retarded ***-clown buttmonkey, that nobody noticed the loss of thousands upon thousands of IRS e-mails from 2009-2011 until Congress subpoenaed an incredibly tiny fraction of those e-mails in 2013?
The same system is used for government facilities. Lerner's computer does not deliver and store the e-mails; that is done through the system's e-mail server. If Lerner's computer suffered a "crash," so effing what? Get the e-mails through the storage system (server).

If the server crashed, then thousands - and probably millions - of government e-mails would have been subject to the problem.

Yep, I work on sustainment of the Air Force Network...this is exactly how our email is set up. Every single employee is given a personal folder on a shared network drive (which is also backed up several times a day) which stores their email. I guess everyone at the IRS is missing two years of emails right?
My guess is you were looking in the mirror as you read those two words out loud.

Ooh....boy. That was a real zinger there. You hurt my feelings.
hey Polo.... simple email test for you.
if you log in to your yahoo email from your work computer and destroy that computer, can you still access your yahoo email from your home laptop?
if you answered yes, then you just admitted to yourself that this email **** is bullshit.
Polo's exposed her Elfie-self badly on this one. A Radical Left-wing Liberal who hates America and will turn a blind eye to any truth that damns her party, even if it is unarguable. The truth here is irrefutable - a laptop crash cannot and did not cause the loss of years of emails. It's a physical impossibility.

But our resident Left Wing Loco will insist it somehow is because admitting the obvious truth means admitting her beloved Socialist infiltrator ****** up in his cover up. And we now know Elfie's dumber than bat **** regarding technology.

Polo's exposed her Elfie-self badly on this one. A Radical Left-wing Liberal who hates America and will turn a blind eye to any truth that damns her party, even if it is unarguable. The truth here is irrefutable - a laptop crash cannot and did not cause the loss of years of emails. It's a physical impossibility.

But our resident Left Wing Loco will insist it somehow is because admitting the obvious truth means admitting her beloved Socialist infiltrator ****** up in his cover up. And we now know Elfie's dumber than bat **** regarding technology.

Well then the whole plot will unravel soon, why the anger? Sit back and enjoy the show.

Who knows how far the tentacles reach!
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Well then the whole plot will unravel soon, why the anger? Sit back and enjoy the show.

Who knows how far the tentacles reach!

Irony = blame Republicans and/or corporations instead of Obama and you would be slurping it up, telling everyone to open their eyes to the truth.

You do realize that the way your panties get all bunched over anything against Obama just inspires people to post more of it, right?
You do realize that the way your panties get all bunched over anything against Obama just inspires people to post more of it, right?
Heh. :cool:
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