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Now things are starting to get interesting

Fox News reported on Monday that Attorney General Bill Barr had assigned John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to conduct the inquiry into alleged misconduct and alleged improper government surveillance on the Trump campaign in 2016 as well as whether Democrats were the ones who improperly colluded with foreign actors.

Durham, known as a “hard-charging, bulldog” prosecutor, according to a source, will focus on the period before Nov. 7, 2016—including the use and assignments of FBI informants, as well as alleged improper issuance of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants. Durham was asked to help Barr to "ensure that intelligence collection activities by the U.S. Government related to the Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign were lawful and appropriate."

Not sold on Durham because I still don't trust Barr. If the narrative around Durham from the media is anything other than completely derogatory, nothing will happen. If we start hearing more of this non-partisan bulldog stuff from the MSM, the fix is in.
Well, I figure one of two things will happen.

1) Nothing. I mean, this all great theater, but until they start hauling these ******** in, it is just that theater.

2) John Durham will mysteriously end up dead. Suicide from two bullets to the back of his head is what my money is on.

The people who perpetrated and continue to perpetrate this fraud will never be brought to justice. Regardless of what they say, Republicans want to keep this all secret too, because for many, their hands are just as dirty.

Could you imagine if Americans EVER found out the truth? That they found out what their government was really up to? There aren't enough trees in DC for all of the hangings that would follow.

Sorry I have such little faith. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but there is a small part of me that thinks Trump is in on the whole thing. Too much strange **** happening that defies any logic.
President Donald Trump praised Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday for appointing a U.S. Attorney to investigate the origin of the FBI investigation which led to spying on his presidential campaign.
“I am so proud of our attorney general that he is looking into it,” Trump said, “I think it’s great.”

The president commented on the news as he left the White House for a trip to Louisiana.

The New York Times reported Monday night that Barr had appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016.

Pucker up, *******!
Sorry I have such little faith. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but there is a small part of me that thinks Trump is in on the whole thing. Too much strange **** happening that defies any logic.

I tend to agree Sarge. Sometimes I have that feeling that we are watching an American version of Kabuki Theater to keep us amused while the 'band' plays on.

President Donald Trump praised Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday for appointing a U.S. Attorney to investigate the origin of the FBI investigation which led to spying on his presidential campaign.
“I am so proud of our attorney general that he is looking into it,” Trump said, “I think it’s great.”

The president commented on the news as he left the White House for a trip to Louisiana.

The New York Times reported Monday night that Barr had appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016.

Pucker up, *******!

So Trump feels like he has to say he didn't know that Barr was looking into this. During the Obama years it was obvious that he and his AG were a team, like the Godfather and Tom Hagen, and everybody thought it was fine.
I think this is the reason Jeff Sessions was canned. He was afraid to take this thingy on.[/url]

I wouldn't be surprised if Sessions was a plant on the Trump Team. Sure he seems to be a nice guy on the surface but he is a Swamp Dweller/Team DC Establishment player from way back. If Trump won, he'd do (and did) his damnedest to keep the Russian Collusion investigation rolling and then hold off investigations into the DCs dark underbelly as long as he could. I think if Trump can manage to get elected to another term, we might actually start to see what's really going down in that cesspool of corruption called DC. No doubt the Swamp will keep fighting back for all its worth though at least until the rats start to flee. Once they start turning on each other, that's when it will get really interesting.
I tend to agree Sarge. Sometimes I have that feeling that we are watching an American version of Kabuki Theater to keep us amused while the 'band' plays on.


Same here.
I tend to agree Sarge. Sometimes I have that feeling that we are watching an American version of Kabuki Theater to keep us amused while the 'band' plays on.


If this doesn't end up with a bunch of indictments and convictions, then I will feel the Republic is lost.
I tend to agree Sarge. Sometimes I have that feeling that we are watching an American version of Kabuki Theater to keep us amused while the 'band' plays on.


Have to say I'm a big fan of Dan Crenshaw, congressman from Texas, though. That is a person who's gained some serious perspective throughout his life. Wish there were more in government like him.
Have to say I'm a big fan of Dan Crenshaw, congressman from Texas, though. That is a person who's gained some serious perspective throughout his life. Wish there were more in government like him.
I liked Heinlein's Starship Troopers book, where you had to have served in a military battle to become a full citizen with the rights to vote and hold public office.
Sorry I have such little faith. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but there is a small part of me that thinks Trump is in on the whole thing. Too much strange **** happening that defies any logic.

I always figure that the folks in government know a lot more than we do. Remember, we only know what them and the media tell us. Lately I think the Dems are just telling their base what they want to hear and aren't going to act on much of it. The GOP does that too, don't get me wrong. I have my opinions but I generally take a wait and see attitude.
I always figure that the folks in government know a lot more than we do. Remember, we only know what them and the media tell us. Lately I think the Dems are just telling their base what they want to hear and aren't going to act on much of it. The GOP does that too, don't get me wrong. I have my opinions but I generally take a wait and see attitude.

Sometimes the cartoons reflect more of real life than the news.


I know that the dark underbelly of politics is alive and well


And while I wish for some future man in the street issues to be aired in public.


I know I can still resort to the election campaign for my daily dose of jocularity.

If this doesn't end up with a bunch of indictments and convictions, then I will feel the Republic is lost.

The republic is already lost. There is absolutely no way this country ever comes together on anything ever again. And the divide gets deeper every day. To top it off, you have one party going out of their way to destroy whatever shared values we had and replace them some of the craziest **** you ever heard about, and the other party is doing absolutely nothing to stop it. We are electing booger eating morons and straight up anit semites to congress, and refusing to address any number of what can only be described as mental health issues that are spreading faster than AIDS in the 80's. There is no saving this stupidity.
The republic is already lost. There is absolutely no way this country ever comes together on anything ever again. And the divide gets deeper every day. To top it off, you have one party going out of their way to destroy whatever shared values we had and replace them some of the craziest **** you ever heard about, and the other party is doing absolutely nothing to stop it. We are electing booger eating morons and straight up anit semites to congress, and refusing to address any number of what can only be described as mental health issues that are spreading faster than AIDS in the 80's. There is no saving this stupidity.

The hell you say...

The republic is already lost. There is absolutely no way this country ever comes together on anything ever again. And the divide gets deeper every day. To top it off, you have one party going out of their way to destroy whatever shared values we had and replace them some of the craziest **** you ever heard about, and the other party is doing absolutely nothing to stop it. We are electing booger eating morons and straight up anit semites to congress, and refusing to address any number of what can only be described as mental health issues that are spreading faster than AIDS in the 80's. There is no saving this stupidity.

You sound like a glass half-empty never Trumper. I think this is the best Presidential era of my lifetime. I love every minute of it. America is kicking ***. The Democrats are imploding and being exposed as the insane idiots that they are. It's just awesome. They don't have anyone who can beat Trump in 2020. Fun times.
You sound like a glass half-empty never Trumper. I think this is the best Presidential era of my lifetime. I love every minute of it. America is kicking ***. The Democrats are imploding and being exposed as the insane idiots that they are. It's just awesome. They don't have anyone who can beat Trump in 2020. Fun times.

Both can be true at the same time. I love Trump but even he can't stop what is eventually going to destroy the country. Unfettered immigration from the 3rd world will sink the ship. We already have enclaves of cities that are controlled by Islam. Put that together with millions of illegals from south and central America then eventually the dike breaks. No country can handle that amount of cultural difference and separation of wealth.
Both can be true at the same time. I love Trump but even he can't stop what is eventually going to destroy the country. Unfettered immigration from the 3rd world will sink the ship. We already have enclaves of cities that are controlled by Islam. Put that together with millions of illegals from south and central America then eventually the dike breaks. No country can handle that amount of cultural difference and separation of wealth.

We need to secure the border and let ICE do their job of deporting criminal illegal aliens.
Don't know anything about Durham, his role in this, or if it's all really Kabuki. What I do believe is Trump ain't in on anything DC, Bill Barr stopped the shitshow dead in it's tracks, and the true colors of the dims have been exposed. Yeah he's come up short on the wall, but Trump is packing the courts with right minded judges, for me that's the real win in all of this. Oh and my 401K too.

You sound like a glass half-empty never Trumper. I think this is the best Presidential era of my lifetime. I love every minute of it. America is kicking ***. The Democrats are imploding and being exposed as the insane idiots that they are. It's just awesome. They don't have anyone who can beat Trump in 2020. Fun times.

It may be. But you have to look past this era. What IF somehow Trump is not re-elected and a Dim gets in office? You think the Mueller report was something? These ******** will look into Trump with an even bigger magnifying glass. If Trump wins in 2020, and a (R) or (I) isnt in office in 2024, Trump may as well die in office. They'll do such a dig in his *** that they'll see the roots of his molars.

Like Sarge said, the other side is growing this divide...and they don't even realize it. We all know a bunch of Libs. Friends or family. While I like to believe their hearts are in the right place, it seems they find a new victim group every day to screech about. Why is this? Conservatives that I know of don't really give a **** one way or another how someone else lives their lives as long as those people don't encroach in how we live ours. I tend to believe that is also how most Libs/Dems are as well.
You sound like a glass half-empty never Trumper. I think this is the best Presidential era of my lifetime. I love every minute of it. America is kicking ***. The Democrats are imploding and being exposed as the insane idiots that they are. It's just awesome. They don't have anyone who can beat Trump in 2020. Fun times.

Again, there you go with the Trump **** again, and I never mentioned him. How do I sound like a never Trumper? Because I blame congress for the ills of our country? Because I blame republicans for allowing democrats to shame them into inaction at EVERY ******* TURN? Hard to be a never Trumper when I voted for the guy.

I mean, I get it. It is funny to watch the democrats contort themselves into some perceived positive position every time Trump embarrasses them. Lord knows they have had it coming for a long time.

I guess I just want my government to actually work. For everyone.
I don’t want the government to work for me. I am sick of hearing about the government. Fk.
Obummercare cost my family and many others 10's of thousands of dollars. **** him. He makes me want to hurl. I see **** surveys all of the time 'Was Obummer the best President ever?' I always, always think are you kidding me? What kind of a snowflake moron would consider him our BEST!!! president ever? Such a dolt should be considered unable to live independently.