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Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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“Iran so far has followed the letter of the agreement, but the spirit of the agreement involves Iran also sending signals to the world community and businesses that it is not going to be engaging in a range of provocative actions that are going to scare businesses off,” Obama said at a press conference.

“When they launch ballistic missiles with slogans calling for the destruction of Israel, that makes businesses nervous.”

What an incredible idiot. Yeah, the big problem with that statement is scaring businesses off.

Hush child, that's blasphemy, Pharoh is still our god, avert your eyes


A third grader knew that this would be the result. The fact that Bammy took a victory lap in celebration of this foreign policy nightmare shows how much of a sham this Administration is. This foreign policy decision will most probably lead to Israeli airstrikes, and widespread destruction in the region.

It's Bush's fault.
Everything is going precisely as planned.

Gutting the USA and Israel and not having any of his fingerprints on the deal - but you're right, his worshipers will still be blaming Bush
Wow... he really is the worst deal maker I've ever seen as President.

Does he even know what a contract is? The letter of the law is EXACTLY what is required. Only a ******* idiot (which Obama is in this case) would even talk about the "Spirit" of the law.

Christ... this is the same "spirit of the law" he applied to the laws in this country too. Whatever he thinks in that stupid head of his should be, not what's written down.
Given how many of you openly "hate Muslims" and support the Israeli Apartheid Regime, I have a hard time taking your comments here seriously. You wanted Iran to get glassed by the Israelis, and Obama prevented that war from happening. THAT is why you're really upset with this deal. The hate monger in you never got it's Islamic blood thirst quenched.
Given how many of you openly "hate Muslims" and support the Israeli Apartheid Regime, I have a hard time taking your comments here seriously. You wanted Iran to get glassed by the Israelis, and Obama prevented that war from happening. THAT is why you're really upset with this deal. The hate monger in you never got it's Islamic blood thirst quenched.

More and more, daily, I'm convinced you are Elfie.

Mods, can we get an IP check/validation?

There isn't any way there are two people here who behave so similarly, throwing around insults and accusations in the same manner - baseless Alinsky attacks - to divert the subject at hand.

PS...Steel, is this one of your famous True Colors statements? That baseless branding of people as something they aren't worked out well for ya. Yet you continue it here. Do you Libs ever learn?
More and more, daily, I'm convinced you are Elfie.

Mods, can we get an IP check/validation?

There isn't any way there are two people here who behave so similarly, throwing around insults and accusations in the same manner - baseless Alinsky attacks - to divert the subject at hand.

It is neither an insult nor an accusation. Members of this board have stated, for the record, that they hate Muslims.
It is neither an insult nor an accusation. Members of this board have stated, for the record, that they hate Muslims.

When can't decipher your own comments, you need help. Your attacks are Alinsky-esque.

You generalize for one - "given how many of you openly hate Muslims" is at least a few generalizations in one. "Many of you" refers to a "lot" of the board members. You then apply "hate Muslims" to the end of the sentence, and this comes from you blindly attaching "hate" to what are a litany of expressed problems with Islam, the majority of which do not involve hate:
- Concern over the Religion and its teachings that non-believers must be killed
- Concern over the pass our Governments gives to Radical Islamists,
- Concern over the double standards afforded Muslims v Christians (see baking cakes for a gay couple as but one of thousands of double standard examples)
This list could go on, endlessly. Valid, legitimate concerns. But you, in your militant Left style (you're still not a Libertarian, sorry), turn any disagreement a person has, any concern a person has, and makes it 'hate."

Yes, 'some' members of the board have stated they hate Muslims. And the reasons are valid. Islam and the Koran teaches them in 280 verses that any non-believers (that's all of us agreed?) are worthy of being put to death. We are their stated enemies. It's inarguable. For someone to hate an enemy, an enemy that has stated you are worthy of death, is understandable, no?

Then you can't stop your never ending attacks on Israel, having to label her the Apartheid State. Now, if I were like you, this would be the point where I'd point out that (see paragraph 1 above) based on your past comments, you're clearly an anti-semite. But I walk a higher road and won't. Moving on...

You follow it all up with a massive assumptive generalization - that you know what 'everyone' here thinks - that anyone who supports Israel really wanted Israel to go to war with Iran. Talk about a walk off the reservation. I for one, and I'd like to think most here, do not want to see any war at all. But we sure do appreciate having an ally (or once an ally until she was diminished so badly and wrongly by this imposter of a President) with the metal and means to keep an Iran in check. And we view this situation, Obama's terrible diplomacy, as one that strengthened Iran - which it did - while weakening Israel, making all of us a little less safe. He made the worlds largest supporter of state terrorism wealthier and closer to obtaining a deliverable nuclear weapon. That's the facts.

But you couldn't stop there, you had to then re-label everyone again as a 'hate monger,' all of whom want to see Muslims die - and relish in it.

You want to recant that statement you made - it was neither an insult nor an accusation? As demonstrated, it was insults (plural intended) and accusations (plural again intended).
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Making Israel the villain in all of this is the new hotness. Accuracy not important. 'Aparthied" when almost 2 million Arabs live, work. vote and govern there. Ok.
When can't decipher your own comments, you need help.
Yes, 'some' members of the board have stated they hate Muslims. And the reasons are valid.

You need help. You decry my "accusation" then not only confirm it, you justify it.

Making Israel the villain in all of this is the new hotness. Accuracy not important. 'Aparthied" when almost 2 million Arabs live, work. vote and govern there. Ok.

"Apartheid" when 4 million more are forced, at gunpoint, to live on Reservations and not the land of their ancestors so that Israel can maintain it's Jewish majority. Which is racist as hell, and the thing you Apartheid apologists never want to address. Again, the Partition Plan was ILLEGAL. That is FACT and not my opinion. The forcible displacement of those Arabs from Israel proper to the Gaza and West Bank Reservations in 1948 is an abomination, one for which you yourself would never stand had it happened to you or your parents.

Duck and dodge all you want, you're defending racial segregation and ethnic cleansing.
No, I decry your Alinsky methods of generalizing and stating everyone here 'hates' Muslims, wants to see them killed, and that everyone here is sorry that Israel didn't get to go to war with Iran.

And I put the post up to point out the absurdity of most of your posts - your style - saying things like 'it is neither an insult nor an accusation' when in fact it was full of both insults and accusations.

Comical actually. But, hey, it's your True Colors, so very expected.
Bomma in the news this weekend saying we have to keep ISIS from getting nuclear technology and weapons. Well duh, you're the ******** that gave it to them.
Personally I blame the British...and Carter, and Regan, and Clinton, and both Bushes, and of course Obama... Iran is a series of failed stupid policy that let one of the worlds greatest dangers come to power... a theocracy steeped with hatred for western culture, along with most of its neighbors, and now potentially armed with Nuclear weapons... everyone involved should be exiled to the moon
Hush child, that's blasphemy, Pharoh is still our god, avert your eyes



Sooner or later, American's will need to call this for what it is. Some value politics above country on the left. I can only hope once Obama has been released from his duties, that many will finally see him for what he truly is.

There was a book called the man in the high castle by Philip K Dick.

It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some twenty years earlier the United States lost a war—and is now occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan.

This harrowing, Hugo Award-winning novel is the work that established Philip K. Dick as an innovator in science fiction while breaking the barrier between science fiction and the serious novel of ideas. In it Dick offers a haunting vision of history as a nightmare from which it may just be possible to wake.

^^ The way Obama is making deals, Dick's sicence fiction could become reality. I can see it now...It's American in 2022. The Jihad types, emboldened by politics and revenue streams of Barack Hussien Obama have successfully obtained nuclear weapons and the means to deploy them. There were two one nuclear incidents in the USA and Europe where the attacker could not be identified that created a panic and collapse of the economies.

China thanks to Obama taking his foot off the gas has achieved superiority in space. Russia has control over much of Eastern Europe, once again thanks to Obama's do nothing policies. The United States is not longer a world power after electing a socialist in 2016, and re-electing the same person in 2020. Much of Western Europe is now under Shira Law. The UK is hanging on by its fingernails, Isreal is gone, and the United States which never recovered from the crippling debt accumulated by Obama cis now over taxed.

Laws and businesses as we know it have changed for the worse with a cripling tax code to support a welfare nation. Our rich and entrapuaners have mostly fled, or becamse isolated. The former president, Barack Hussien Obama hasn't been seen in the USA in years. He has just resurfaced in a new Middle Easter Arab coalition with a blue turban on his head and hailed a hero to Islam.

With a lack of resources and Global warming in the Middle East, the USA has accepted Obama's plan to allow 10 million Arabs a year to its boarder's with a sinister plan of taking the majority vote by numbers to crush the USA as its a much safer alternative than nuclear war.

One man labeled xenophobic racists in the mid-2010's that warned about Obama's policy has resurfaced and faces an up hill battle to become President....will the Left listen to him now?
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"Apartheid" when 4 million more are forced, at gunpoint, to live on Reservations and not the land of their ancestors so that Israel can maintain it's Jewish majority. Which is racist as hell, and the thing you Apartheid apologists never want to address. Again, the Partition Plan was ILLEGAL. That is FACT and not my opinion. The forcible displacement of those Arabs from Israel proper to the Gaza and West Bank Reservations in 1948 is an abomination, one for which you yourself would never stand had it happened to you or your parens.

Duck and dodge all you want, you're defending racial segregation and ethnic cleansing.

That's the Palestinian version of events. Of course no matter what anyone posts to the contrary you'll just call it Zionist propaganda, but the facts are that many Palestinians were told by their own leadership to flee temporarily in anticipation of quickly and violently driving the Israelis out. Israel in fact tried to convince them to stay and work out joint governance and citizenship.Things didn't work out the way the Palestinians had hoped.
Given how many of you openly "hate Muslims" and support the Israeli Apartheid Regime, I have a hard time taking your comments here seriously. You wanted Iran to get glassed by the Israelis, and Obama prevented that war from happening. THAT is why you're really upset with this deal. The hate monger in you never got it's Islamic blood thirst quenched.

You're welcome.
That's the Palestinian version of events.

It is the historical fact of the matter and is not disputed.

Of course no matter what anyone posts to the contrary you'll just call it Zionist propaganda, but the facts are that many Palestinians were told by their own leadership to flee temporarily in anticipation of quickly and violently driving the Israelis out.

Wait, the leadership of a people told the women and children to evacuate a war zone to avoid being slaughtered? WHAT SAVAGES! This standard procedure when war is being waged in the streets.

Israel in fact tried to convince them to stay and work out joint governance and citizenship.Things didn't work out the way the Palestinians had hoped.

This never happened. Look it up. The Palestinians tried repeatedly, both in-region and at the UN to have their land rights restored. The Israelis refused, saying that it would hurt Israel's "Jewishness". Long before the 6 day war, the Palestinians tried every legal means to have their land rights restored. They were thwarted at every turn by the Israelis who CANDIDLY stated that preserving a racial majority was their goal.

What I have seen in my discussions here is how grossly misinformed most of you are about Israel's history. Most of the factual points here are not disputed by the Israelis themselves. Zionists are racist as all hell, and don't really hide that fact. If what you're saying were even remotely true, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The Israelis would have allowed the refugees back to their homes between 1949-1954 instead of fighting their land rights tooth an nail. You simply do not know what the hell you're talking about.