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Obama Treason Exposed!


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
US Code
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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)


But the most sinister twist — the most brazen conspiracy caper of all — in this entire spy novel extravaganza we are now enduring has to be the eight-year scheme by the Obama administration to betray the American people and hand unbridled power to one of our most ardent and determined enemies.

An extraordinary and thorough report by Politico exposes a vast left-wing conspiracy at all levels of the Obama administration to collude with a terrorist organization in hopes of empowering a nation devoted to the death of America.

According to the report, Obama officials pressured federal investigators to back off investigations into huge money-laundering, weapons and drug trafficking operations by the terrorist group Hezbollah. The Obama administration offered this protection even as Hezbollah was raking in $1 billion a year and extending its murderous anti-American influence far beyond the Middle East.

All in the name of what? Upholding the U.S. Constitution? Fighting the war on terror? Peace in the Middle East?

Not hardly. It was all in the name of placating Iran — Hezbollah’s patron nation — so that the Obama administration could ink a ridiculously lopsided deal on Iran’s nuclear program. A deal that scored Iran hundreds of millions in cash and billions more in sanctions relief.

At the very, very, very end of the whole deal, Iran gets to weaponize its nuclear program anyway.

If that is not outright treason, then nothing is.

Also, as Trump has proven by decimating ISIS in less than a year, Obama purposely let them thrive throughout his term.
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Not sure if Trump will pursue this as I believe he doesn't want to taint the office. But it sure seems that there is a lot of nefarious **** with this guy.
Tibs and FlogManBun will have nothing to say on this topic. Because real issues like one or two scoops, Putin, and concrete walls really stand to undermine America as we know it.
What's worse than commie obamies presidency? All of the ******* cockroaches he left behind in government agencies.
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Tibs and FlogManBun will have nothing to say on this topic.

And neither will any other “news” outlet. Surprised you guys haven’t posted about illegal immigrants starting the California wildfires.
And neither will any other “news” outlet.

We call you Flog for a reason. Because we beat you regularly.

I'm sure you'll somehow qualify these other reports as not "news" because they come from a source you can't stomach. Save for the fact that whole, excellent, investigative piece was done by the left-of-center Politico.


As I said, remember it's all about one scoop or two to you Liberal hacks.



A deafening media silence on the Obama-Hezbollah scandal

Politico published a jaw-dropping, meticulously sourced investigative piece this week detailing how the Obama administration had secretly undermined US law enforcement agency efforts to shut down an international drug-trafficking ring run by the terror group Hezbollah. The effort was part of a wider push by the administration to placate Iran and ensure the signing of the nuclear deal.

Now swap out “Trump” for “Obama” and “Russia” for “Iran” and imagine the eruption these revelations would generate. Because, by any conceivable journalistic standard, this scandal should’ve triggered widespread coverage and been plastered on front pages across the country. By any historic standard, the scandal should elicit outrage regarding the corrosion of governing norms from pundits and editorial boards.
Yet, as it turns out, there’s an exceptionally good chance most of your neighbors and colleagues haven’t heard anything about it.

Days after the news broke, in fact, neither NBC News, ABC News nor CBS News — whose shows can boast a collective 20 million viewers — had been able to find the time to relay the story to its sizeable audiences. Other than Fox News, cable news largely ignored the revelations as well.

Most major newspapers, which have been sanctimoniously patting themselves on the back for the past year, couldn’t shoehorn into their pages a story about potential collusion between the former president and a terror-supporting state.

Perhaps if President Trump had tweeted about the story, outlets would’ve squeezed something in.

Even when outlets did decide to cover the story, they typically framed it as a he-said/she-said. “Politico Reporter Says Obama Administration ‘Derailed’ Hezbollah Investigation,” reads the NPR headline. Did Josh Meyer of Politico say something about Obama or did he publish a 14,000-word, diligently sourced, document-heavy investigative piece? If you get your news from NPR, you’d never know.

Fact is, the Drug Enforcement Agency began its classified investigation (called Project Cassandra) into Hezbollah in 2008. It found that the Iranian proxy had laundered nearly a half a billion dollars and was moving cocaine to the United States. According to Politico, the Obama administration not only threw obstructions in front of investigators but failed to prosecute major players in the enterprise.

What makes the media blackout particularly shameful is that the story isn’t a partisan hit job. It was written by a well-regarded journalist at a major outlet. The story has two on-the-record sources — which is more than we can say for the vast majority of so-called scoops about the Russian “collusion” investigation. One of these sources, David Asher, was an illicit finance expert at the Pentagon who was tapped to run the investigation. There’s no plausible reason to ignore him or the story.
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Looking at history, Obama's foreign policy ideology was just to act as an apologist for the supposed "wrongs" of the Bush administration to the Middle Eastern Muslim people. Everything Obama did was tinged with his imaginary "guilt" for all the "bad" things America has ever done (and ignored all the good). Obama not only campaigned and won an election on the (very false premise) that the so-called weapons of mass destruction error by our intelligence community was the ONLY reason we went to war with Iraq (it wasn't), but he extended that guilt and mistake into actually foreign policy decisions.

He basically ALWAYS took it easy on Muslim nations throughout his tenure as sort of a "make up" for what Bush/Cheney did.

And history will show that his policy in the Middle East was horrible (even worse than Bush and his wars). We have seen the fruit of Obama's labor to take it easy on these countries. They are not our "friends". They are not interested in global stability, human rights, representative government, secular and religious rights. Being "nice" doesn't work.

Obama never "negotiated" anything. He just bent over (literally and figuratively) and acquiesced on everything. At the first sign of a fight, he tucked tail and ran and gave up to save his precious credibility as a "nice guy".

When you look at all the violence that has erupted in the Middle East. When you look at the balls China and Russia now have when THEY make foreign relation decisions, where do the ******* democrats think this came from? Oh... I forgot, they still blame it on Bush.
It's a miracle we survived this abomination

Obama Was a State Sponsor of Terror

It should not surprise or shock anyone that President Barack Hussein Obama has been revealed to have derailed the investigation and prosecution of Iran’s terrorist sock puppet, Hizb’allah, and its drug-running operation in order to complete the fatally flawed Iran nuclear deal. Obama gave aid and comfort to terrorist groups and their state sponsors from the day he was sworn in, to the point of actual criminality.

Obama and his administration precipitously withdrew from Iraq, snatching defeat from President Bush’s victory, and then ignored intelligence warnings on the rise of ISIS for a year: Obama once told CNN that the rise and expansion of the Islamic State was “not on my intelligence radar”

Well, in order to see something on your radar, you actually have to look at it, and the fact is that President Obama from the start ignored his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones about ISIS that he ignored for a year. The fact is that President Obama, who famously dismissed ISIS as a “JV team,” ignored the intelligence reports of the rise of the Islamic State and the danger it posed

So with Obama’s turning a blind eye to the terrorist threats posed by the Taliban, Ansar Al-Sharia, and ISIS, even offering material aid and comfort to the Taliban, should we be surprised that he flew pallets containing $1.7 billion in cash to Iran, cash used to fund terrorist groups like Hizb’allah whose drug-running he excused and ignored?

Coupled with his material aid and comfort to the Taliban, Obama’s obstruction of justice in shutting down Hizb’allah’s drug-running operation and failing to prosecute those running it constitutes crimes against the United States worthy of investigation, prosecution, and, yes, incarceration.

And neither will any other “news” outlet.

The article was published in Politico. No person seriously doubts the bona fides of Politico and the author of the article, Josh Meyer. Meyer worked for the Los Angeles Times for 20 years, and is on the board of directors of Investigative Reporters and Editors, a professional association of investigative reporters.

So dismissing the article elfie-style - "pfffft, it was published in [identify news organization] so I didn't even read it" - makes no sense.

The article was published in Politico. No person seriously doubts the bona fides of Politico and the author of the article, Josh Meyer. Meyer worked for the Los Angeles Times for 20 years, and is on the board of directors of Investigative Reporters and Editors, a professional association of investigative reporters.

So dismissing the article elfie-style - "pfffft, it was published in [identify news organization] so I didn't even read it" - makes no sense.


If you are a Liberal, it makes complete sense. Rule #7 of Being a Liberal: When Facts are presented to you in an argument, work ardently to discredit the source and ignore the argument put forth.
Doesn't matter. No one is going to prosecute The First Black President for anything and He knows this. Ditto The First Female Major Party Candidate.
Doesn't matter. No one is going to prosecute The First Black President for anything and He knows this. Ditto The First Female Major Party Candidate.

The main focus should be to expose the widespread corruption in the Obama presidency, as well as how politically weaponized the IRS, DOJ and FBI have become. Any indictments/convictions above that are gravy.
The main focus should be to expose the widespread corruption in the Obama presidency, as well as how politically weaponized the IRS, DOJ and FBI have become. Any indictments/convictions above that are gravy.

Exactly. If not, it will be easily accepted in the future.