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Oh, look what we "just" found out right after midterms are done!


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Huh, interesting how we have learned some pretty important things immediately after the midterms are over. Let's go over a few:

1. FTX is a pyramid scheme money-laundering device that involved the U.S. taxpayers sending trillions to the corrupt clowns in D.C., those clowns forwarding tens of billions of dollars to the ultra-corrupt Ukrainian regime, that group sending billions to FTX, and FTX then sending about $100 million back to the grifters who run D.C. Nothing to see here, let's not pay attention to this, no worries, none at all.

2. The execrable Katie Hobbs runs the Arizona elections, poll workers have stated under penalty of perjury that the voting machines in the reddest part of Maricopa County were working just fine until County officials under Hobbs' supervision "checked" the machines, immediately after which the machines began rejecting ballots ... and continued rejecting ballots for hours. The conservative voters were told to put their unrecorded ballots into "Drawer 3," and another poll worker testified that he SAW other poll workers mix the "Drawer 3" ballots with the COUNTED ballots. That means a ton of conservative voters were robbed of their ballots.

3. Hey, you know those "nuclear secrets" Trump stole?? Turns out none of the material was NOT secret information, or even a big deal. This from the FB ******* I: "That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said."

Good thing we did not know of any of these irrelevant matters before or during the midterms! Go America, keep ******* the people who pay the bills, grow the food, harness your energy, deliver that energy, build your homes, and pave your roads! G-E-N-I-U-S!
Katie Hobbs is doing such a good job counting votes, Biden should appoint her as Election Czar .
That story was reported back on the 11th.

Seems no new developments yet.
Huh, interesting how we have learned some pretty important things immediately after the midterms are over. Let's go over a few:

1. FTX is a pyramid scheme money-laundering device that involved the U.S. taxpayers sending trillions to the corrupt clowns in D.C., those clowns forwarding tens of billions of dollars to the ultra-corrupt Ukrainian regime, that group sending billions to FTX, and FTX then sending about $100 million back to the grifters who run D.C. Nothing to see here, let's not pay attention to this, no worries, none at all.

2. The execrable Katie Hobbs runs the Arizona elections, poll workers have stated under penalty of perjury that the voting machines in the reddest part of Maricopa County were working just fine until County officials under Hobbs' supervision "checked" the machines, immediately after which the machines began rejecting ballots ... and continued rejecting ballots for hours. The conservative voters were told to put their unrecorded ballots into "Drawer 3," and another poll worker testified that he SAW other poll workers mix the "Drawer 3" ballots with the COUNTED ballots. That means a ton of conservative voters were robbed of their ballots.

3. Hey, you know those "nuclear secrets" Trump stole?? Turns out none of the material was NOT secret information, or even a big deal. This from the FB ******* I: "That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said."

Good thing we did not know of any of these irrelevant matters before or during the midterms! Go America, keep ******* the people who pay the bills, grow the food, harness your energy, deliver that energy, build your homes, and pave your roads! G-E-N-I-U-S!

Bunch of criminals. This country needs an enema
I use to think that voting could make a difference that we could change things, that people had a voice. I hate to say it but after voting since Ronald Reagan's first term I have finally come to the conclusion that we no longer have the ability to change things with our voice or vote. This country is in a downhill spiral and it's going to take some good men doing bad things to stop the spinning.

It saddens me that the men that are willing to fight to ensure that we once again become the great country we once were are getting to old, and that those that are young enough are not willing to fight. years from now history will tell this story and we will be judged for the outcome, I pray that it's our history books that tell the story and that our grandchildren still have a country to love.
And you know what else? The MSM will memory hole this whole thing.
Huh, interesting how we have learned some pretty important things immediately after the midterms are over. Let's go over a few:

1. FTX is a pyramid scheme money-laundering device that involved the U.S. taxpayers sending trillions to the corrupt clowns in D.C., those clowns forwarding tens of billions of dollars to the ultra-corrupt Ukrainian regime, that group sending billions to FTX, and FTX then sending about $100 million back to the grifters who run D.C. Nothing to see here, let's not pay attention to this, no worries, none at all.

2. The execrable Katie Hobbs runs the Arizona elections, poll workers have stated under penalty of perjury that the voting machines in the reddest part of Maricopa County were working just fine until County officials under Hobbs' supervision "checked" the machines, immediately after which the machines began rejecting ballots ... and continued rejecting ballots for hours. The conservative voters were told to put their unrecorded ballots into "Drawer 3," and another poll worker testified that he SAW other poll workers mix the "Drawer 3" ballots with the COUNTED ballots. That means a ton of conservative voters were robbed of their ballots.

3. Hey, you know those "nuclear secrets" Trump stole?? Turns out none of the material was NOT secret information, or even a big deal. This from the FB ******* I: "That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said."

Good thing we did not know of any of these irrelevant matters before or during the midterms! Go America, keep ******* the people who pay the bills, grow the food, harness your energy, deliver that energy, build your homes, and pave your roads! G-E-N-I-U-S!

adding to the list right after the election, It's admitted the student loan forgiveness is unconstitutional, and all of a sudden a bunch of companies announce big layoffs coming.
I use to think that voting could make a difference that we could change things, that people had a voice. I hate to say it but after voting since Ronald Reagan's first term I have finally come to the conclusion that we no longer have the ability to change things with our voice or vote. This country is in a downhill spiral and it's going to take some good men doing bad things to stop the spinning.

It saddens me that the men that are willing to fight to ensure that we once again become the great country we once were are getting to old, and that those that are young enough are not willing to fight. years from now history will tell this story and we will be judged for the outcome, I pray that it's our history books that tell the story and that our grandchildren still have a country to love.
Politicians are all greedy elitist scum.
That story was reported back on the 11th.

Seems no new developments yet.
Funny that counting errors and "found" ballots always only go in one direction.
Funny that counting errors and "found" ballots always only go in one direction.


Drop boxes on taco trucks. Drop boxes in college dorms.
adding to the list right after the election, It's admitted the student loan forgiveness is unconstitutional, and all of a sudden a bunch of companies announce big layoffs coming.

Its really really weird how tgere is so much handwringing and gnashing of teeth when a clearly unconstitutional publicity stunt gets tossed out by the courts…

“ oh man, we TRIED to do something but the mean judges wouldn’t let us… elect us more so we can really fix things at some later date.”
You are forgetting that the Post Office admitted that it sent trucks loaded with pallets of ballots (which one driver testified were pre-filled out.) Across state lines from New York to Pennsylvania and reportedly Michigan & Minnesota.