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O’Keefe To Release Footage From Inside Newsrooms ‘WikiLeaks Style’ - CNN sting?


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Conservative activist James O’Keefe has now promised to release footage from mainstream media newsrooms “in the next 48 hours.”

O’Keefe said he has obtained “hundreds of hours of tape from within the establishment media,” adding that people from inside newsrooms have come to him with footage to release “WikiLeaks style,” through his Project Veritas YouTube channel.

O’Keefe revealed he might have footage on “the one [Trump is] always targeting,” presumably meaning CNN.

Today O'Keefe was interviewed on Sean Hannity's radio show where he revealed that a major network has been "stung"


Behind the scenes footage showing the lying media showing their bias?

ha ha - this should be fun

"But, but, but ... reich wing!! Breitbart is fake news!! Trust the NYT, WaPo, LAT, ChiTrib, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC.

Would they lie? Or slant news to further their political agendas??

Only Fox News would do that!! We all know that to be true!! All news good, except Breitbart and Fox News, which are ****** to conservatives!!"

/s Idiot Liberals (Redundancy)
There are legal ramifications to recording private citizens without permission and publishing said recordings.

He may be putting himself in some dicey litigation waters.
CNN in full *** covering mode....this should be good

Conservative provocateur targets CNN with secret recordings

O'Keefe said in a telephone interview with CNN on Wednesday that he has "a few hundred hours" of "secretly recorded material" from inside the network.

"We're calling it CNN Leaks," he said, drawing inspiration from WikiLeaks' document dumps.

He said "part one" would be published Thursday at about 10 a.m. ET. "This is all legally recorded information," he said, declining to be more specific.

O'Keefe, who uses undercover stings to trap his targets, has a reputation for shady tactics and exaggerated statements.

In related news...

Morning Joe today on PMSNBC, and Mika Brzezinski, "they’re talking about how Trump’s out there influencing public opinion he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that’s our job.”

Right Mika, its the medias job to control what people think and you've failed miserably because you couldn't get Hillary elected...and now you poor babies are mad..

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Morning Joe today on PMSNBC, and Mika Brzezinski, "they’re talking about how Trump’s out there influencing public opinion he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that’s our job.”

WTF? She said that?? Holy hell.
There are legal ramifications to recording private citizens without permission and publishing said recordings.

He may be putting himself in some dicey litigation waters.

There are moral and societal ramifications for not being open, forthright and truthful. Politicians and media around the world would do well to be humbled, and to understand that their masters are the people.
I think they should lube up. I love seeing these people get exposed for what they are. They've gone from free press to being political propaganda machines for their party.
Such vacuous dolts. Hard to believe anyone watches them, let alone is influenced by them. Yet here we are..
There are moral and societal ramifications for not being open, forthright and truthful. Politicians and media around the world would do well to be humbled, and to understand that their masters are the people.

While I'm inclined to agree with you here, sunlight is always the best cleaning agent, I tend to doubt you took the same position on Snowden. His revelations actually did some quantifiable good in terms of informing the public of malfeasance.
Wait, you mean the media is biased toward Democrats? Damn!
Wait, you mean the media is biased toward Democrats? Damn!

Depends on which media. The New York Post is the media. Brietbart is the Media. Fox News is the media. They are certainly not biased towards the Democratic party.
Wait, you mean the media is biased toward Democrats? Damn!

I wish it was only bias . They are democRAT party operatives. They've had a blueprint for bringing down Republican politicians for a long time....except it ain't gonna work against Trump because he doesn't fit the mold of a politician.- Rush

You can't dismiss the fact that the vast majority of the media votes democrat .... 235 journalists donated to Democrats while only 20 gave to Republicans for a total of $225,563 to Democrats and $16,298 to the GOP.

They are finally being exposed...Thank You Mr. President.
While I'm inclined to agree with you here, sunlight is always the best cleaning agent, I tend to doubt you took the same position on Snowden. His revelations actually did some quantifiable good in terms of informing the public of malfeasance.

Why would you think to assign my personal character to a position on Snowden?
Why feel the need to assign your judgment on an unrelated matter?

Your strange need to deflect, and then target me says much about you.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Depends on which media. The New York Post is the media. Brietbart is the Media. Fox News is the media. They are certainly not biased towards the Democratic party.

While the NY Post and Fox might be part of the MSM, brietbart, IMO is not.. the most important point of all of this is that, sure there are individual cases that are not, but you cannot, seriously, look at the MSM as a whole and not see the Democrat/Liberal bias. If you can't you are either willfully ignoring it or stupid.
Here's the first part

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Why would you think to assign my personal character to a position on Snowden?
Why feel the need to assign your judgment on an unrelated matter?

Your strange need to deflect, and then target me says much about you.

There's that selective outrage Steel Chip was on about in the other thread.

While the NY Post and Fox might be part of the MSM, brietbart, IMO is not.. the most important point of all of this is that, sure there are individual cases that are not, but you cannot, seriously, look at the MSM as a whole and not see the Democrat/Liberal bias. If you can't you are either willfully ignoring it or stupid.

The head of Brietbart is effectively running the Trump administration. So they may not have been mainstream before, but they are now.

And I never said there was no bias, only that it isn't one sided.
Conservative activist James O’Keefe has now promised to release footage from mainstream media newsrooms “in the next 48 hours.”

O’Keefe said he has obtained “hundreds of hours of tape from within the establishment media,” adding that people from inside newsrooms have come to him with footage to release “WikiLeaks style,” through his Project Veritas YouTube channel.

O’Keefe revealed he might have footage on “the one [Trump is] always targeting,” presumably meaning CNN.

Today O'Keefe was interviewed on Sean Hannity's radio show where he revealed that a major network has been "stung"


Behind the scenes footage showing the lying media showing their bias?

ha ha - this should be fun


It's great fun! Still waiting for O'keefe the editor in chief to save the 'fake' president from the FBI steamroller headed his way.....

And waiting...................
As I keep saying, people line up at the circus and pay good money to watch the Clowns.

The people are having a discussion about the MSM being caught being the lying liars that they are, their corruption, when in walks the clown, and totally not on topic says "Yeah, let's talk about that FBI"

Hypothetically like someone saying "Hey guys, what do you think about motorcycles?" Elftard: "I love Ben and Jerrys ice cream."


I'll quote from Rush. You'll attack the source. This will go nowhere, because you'll start ranting and raving about anti-semitic ice cream companies or some other bullshit.


RUSH: The big controversy today… I first got wind of this last night. There’s a headline out there CNN has an “exclusive.” This is not quite fake news, but it’s almost as bad. “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” Now, first let me tell you what “the Trump-Russia stories” are. There are three of them.

1. The first from the New York Times last October, in which nameless sources told the New York Times that agents of the Trump campaign were in contact with Russia during the campaign and discussing ways to sabotage the Hillary campaign. That story came long after the narrative that the Russians hacked the election, the Russians stole the election. “Hillary should have won! Trump’s victory is illegitimate. That makes his agenda illegitimate. It makes his Supreme Court nominees illegitimate. It makes his cabinet illegitimate. In fact, nothing about Trump is legit, because he was elected by virtue of fraud. That’s the narrative that’s used to describe the Trump presidency since the night of the election or the day after.” They haven’t changed it. They’re only doubling and tripling down on it.

2. With that foundation having been laid, there came a story in October: “Guess what! Not only did the Russians hack, not only did the Russians tamper,” which is a preposterous impossibility. “The New York Times story claims that there were people in the Trump campaign talking to the Russians.” No evidence. The New York Times was very clear, deep down in the story: No evidence to support this. It was just sources saying so.

3. The New York Times ran the same story about three weeks ago with “updates.” There weren’t any updates. They just reran the story. They claimed to have a little bit more sourcing. But even in the story three weeks ago experts have yet to find any concrete evidence. There is no evidence! Now at the same time the New York Times story three weeks ago ran, the Wall Street Journal came out on a Wednesday night with a news alert alleging the same thing, that Trump operatives were in contact with Putin and Russian government operatives during the campaign for the express purpose of sabotaging.

It turned out that the Wall Street Journal the next day also contained basically the same stuff. No evidence to support this. It’s just nameless sources saying so. So in the CNN headline, “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories,” those are the stories that this CNN exclusive is about. That headline is very misleading, because it’s not what happened.

RUSH: I want to get back to this and wrap this up, because this is another example. Headline: “FBI refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” What does somebody who reads that headline think? What they think is that somebody in the Trump White House got so ticked off at all of these stories filled with lies about the Russians that they called the FBI, and they asked the FBI to tell the media to stop.

I checked with my little tech blogs today. Every damn one of these foolish kids thinks that’s what happened here. They think it’s the greatest assault on the rule of law they have ever seen — and, of course, they never thought anything Obama did was an assault on the rule of law. The Drive-Bys, CNN, Millennials everywhere think, “This is the greatest outrage we’ve ever seen. Why Trump actually had somebody call the FBI and tell them to tell reporters to tell them to stop reporting lies?” That’s not what happened.

There’s a name involved in this story by the name of, a man by the name of Andrew McCabe. McCabe is the deputy director or senior deputy director or the third or fourth secretary or deputy whatever at the FBI. Does the name Andrew McCabe ring a bell to any of you? (interruption) Oh, come on! Let me take you back to October 24th, Sunday night. “[T]he Wall Street Journal reported,” on October 24th, a couple of weeks before the election, “McAuliffe’s political action committee…”

Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, “gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe in her failed effort to win a seat in the Virginia state senate in 2015. Dr. McCabe was reportedly recruited by Gov. McAuliffe and other state Democratic Party officials to run for the seat. Her husband, Andrew McCabe, was serving as an associate director of the FBI during the state senate campaign. He was later promoted to deputy director of the FBI and assumed an oversight role in the Clinton email investigation.”

Well, that happens to be the guy who told Reince Priebus that the FBI knows that these stories in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are not right. What really happened here — and the CNN story even says it. It’s the headline that’s filled with lies: “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” What’s anybody to think reading that? Okay, here are the first ‘graphs of the CNN story: “The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple U.S. officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

“But a White House official said late Thursday that the request was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House it did not believe the reporting to be accurate.” The CNN story never says that the Trump administration lied! The CNN story doesn’t allege anything other than the opposite of what happened......

Then you get a headline: “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down…” The way this happened, it was initiated by McCabe and the CNN story makes that clear. “A White House official said late Thursday,” last night, “that the request was only made,” meaning the request to the FBI to tell the media to fix it. That request “was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House,” i.e., told the White House “it didn’t believe the reporting to be accurate.” So I’m thinking, “Is there a setup here? Why would McCabe even tell Priebus this?”

It could be any number of… Folks, the possibilities here are limitless. Maybe Comey is getting tired. Maybe McCabe wants to run the place. Maybe McCabe is trying to get close to Priebus. Who knows? If I wanted to speculate on it, I could spend the rest of the hour coming up with credible-sounding reasons for this to happen. “The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual,” CNN reported, “because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI…”

Well, the FBI originated this — and, by the way, the AP backs this up. “White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents…. The official said that Priebus’ request came after the FBI told the White House it believed a New York Times report last week describing those contacts was not accurate.” So AP and even CNN, both say that all of this was started by the FBI.

And it ends up in a headline, “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down…” as though the stories are true and the White House wanted the FBI to lie. Not so! CNN doesn’t even say Priebus lied. They don’t allege anything. They’re just playing a game here with the timeline in their headline, and trying to make like we’ve got a bunch of authoritarian Russian associates bending on the FBI, leaning on the FBI, to hammer the media. This is… Folks, this is a classic demonstration of collusion, because CNN knows exactly what happened here.


Nothing to see here folks except the MSM working their ***** off, day after day, to do anything at all to undermine this President and attack our Democracy. Nothing at all surprising, the media's been doing this since Vietnam. Its just getting worse.
As I keep saying, people line up at the circus and pay good money to watch the Clowns.

The people are having a discussion about the MSM being caught being the lying liars that they are, their corruption, when in walks the clown, and totally not on topic says "Yeah, let's talk about that FBI"

Hypothetically like someone saying "Hey guys, what do you think about motorcycles?" Elftard: "I love Ben and Jerrys ice cream."


I'll quote from Rush. You'll attack the source. This will go nowhere, because you'll start ranting and raving about anti-semitic ice cream companies or some other bullshit.


RUSH: The big controversy today… I first got wind of this last night. There’s a headline out there CNN has an “exclusive.” This is not quite fake news, but it’s almost as bad. “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” Now, first let me tell you what “the Trump-Russia stories” are. There are three of them.

1. The first from the New York Times last October, in which nameless sources told the New York Times that agents of the Trump campaign were in contact with Russia during the campaign and discussing ways to sabotage the Hillary campaign. That story came long after the narrative that the Russians hacked the election, the Russians stole the election. “Hillary should have won! Trump’s victory is illegitimate. That makes his agenda illegitimate. It makes his Supreme Court nominees illegitimate. It makes his cabinet illegitimate. In fact, nothing about Trump is legit, because he was elected by virtue of fraud. That’s the narrative that’s used to describe the Trump presidency since the night of the election or the day after.” They haven’t changed it. They’re only doubling and tripling down on it.

2. With that foundation having been laid, there came a story in October: “Guess what! Not only did the Russians hack, not only did the Russians tamper,” which is a preposterous impossibility. “The New York Times story claims that there were people in the Trump campaign talking to the Russians.” No evidence. The New York Times was very clear, deep down in the story: No evidence to support this. It was just sources saying so.

3. The New York Times ran the same story about three weeks ago with “updates.” There weren’t any updates. They just reran the story. They claimed to have a little bit more sourcing. But even in the story three weeks ago experts have yet to find any concrete evidence. There is no evidence! Now at the same time the New York Times story three weeks ago ran, the Wall Street Journal came out on a Wednesday night with a news alert alleging the same thing, that Trump operatives were in contact with Putin and Russian government operatives during the campaign for the express purpose of sabotaging.

It turned out that the Wall Street Journal the next day also contained basically the same stuff. No evidence to support this. It’s just nameless sources saying so. So in the CNN headline, “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories,” those are the stories that this CNN exclusive is about. That headline is very misleading, because it’s not what happened.

RUSH: I want to get back to this and wrap this up, because this is another example. Headline: “FBI refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” What does somebody who reads that headline think? What they think is that somebody in the Trump White House got so ticked off at all of these stories filled with lies about the Russians that they called the FBI, and they asked the FBI to tell the media to stop.

I checked with my little tech blogs today. Every damn one of these foolish kids thinks that’s what happened here. They think it’s the greatest assault on the rule of law they have ever seen — and, of course, they never thought anything Obama did was an assault on the rule of law. The Drive-Bys, CNN, Millennials everywhere think, “This is the greatest outrage we’ve ever seen. Why Trump actually had somebody call the FBI and tell them to tell reporters to tell them to stop reporting lies?” That’s not what happened.

There’s a name involved in this story by the name of, a man by the name of Andrew McCabe. McCabe is the deputy director or senior deputy director or the third or fourth secretary or deputy whatever at the FBI. Does the name Andrew McCabe ring a bell to any of you? (interruption) Oh, come on! Let me take you back to October 24th, Sunday night. “[T]he Wall Street Journal reported,” on October 24th, a couple of weeks before the election, “McAuliffe’s political action committee…”

Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, “gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe in her failed effort to win a seat in the Virginia state senate in 2015. Dr. McCabe was reportedly recruited by Gov. McAuliffe and other state Democratic Party officials to run for the seat. Her husband, Andrew McCabe, was serving as an associate director of the FBI during the state senate campaign. He was later promoted to deputy director of the FBI and assumed an oversight role in the Clinton email investigation.”

Well, that happens to be the guy who told Reince Priebus that the FBI knows that these stories in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are not right. What really happened here — and the CNN story even says it. It’s the headline that’s filled with lies: “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories.” What’s anybody to think reading that? Okay, here are the first ‘graphs of the CNN story: “The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple U.S. officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

“But a White House official said late Thursday that the request was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House it did not believe the reporting to be accurate.” The CNN story never says that the Trump administration lied! The CNN story doesn’t allege anything other than the opposite of what happened......

Then you get a headline: “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down…” The way this happened, it was initiated by McCabe and the CNN story makes that clear. “A White House official said late Thursday,” last night, “that the request was only made,” meaning the request to the FBI to tell the media to fix it. That request “was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House,” i.e., told the White House “it didn’t believe the reporting to be accurate.” So I’m thinking, “Is there a setup here? Why would McCabe even tell Priebus this?”

It could be any number of… Folks, the possibilities here are limitless. Maybe Comey is getting tired. Maybe McCabe wants to run the place. Maybe McCabe is trying to get close to Priebus. Who knows? If I wanted to speculate on it, I could spend the rest of the hour coming up with credible-sounding reasons for this to happen. “The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual,” CNN reported, “because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI…”

Well, the FBI originated this — and, by the way, the AP backs this up. “White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents…. The official said that Priebus’ request came after the FBI told the White House it believed a New York Times report last week describing those contacts was not accurate.” So AP and even CNN, both say that all of this was started by the FBI.

And it ends up in a headline, “FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down…” as though the stories are true and the White House wanted the FBI to lie. Not so! CNN doesn’t even say Priebus lied. They don’t allege anything. They’re just playing a game here with the timeline in their headline, and trying to make like we’ve got a bunch of authoritarian Russian associates bending on the FBI, leaning on the FBI, to hammer the media. This is… Folks, this is a classic demonstration of collusion, because CNN knows exactly what happened here.


Nothing to see here folks except the MSM working their ***** off, day after day, to do anything at all to undermine this President and attack our Democracy. Nothing at all surprising, the media's been doing this since Vietnam. Its just getting worse.

It all ties in.

The O'keefe distraction is just that. CNN is being fed the information necessary to keep certain people safe, insurance.

Shades of Watergate. The White House asking the FBI to stop the investigation.

This whole thing is going to break soon.
It all ties in.

The O'keefe distraction is just that. CNN is being fed the information necessary to keep certain people safe, insurance.

Shades of Watergate. The White House asking the FBI to stop the investigation.

This whole thing is going to break soon.


As reported by CNN and the AP, McCabe told Priebus the articles were all bullshit, no sources and no evidence. He's 2nd in command at the FBI. The White House is asking for the bullshit to stop. That's your story.

As reported by CNN and the AP, McCabe told Priebus the articles were all bullshit, no sources and no evidence. He's 2nd in command at the FBI. The White House is asking for the bullshit to stop. That's your story.

If the tin hat fits...wear it.

Rush Limbaugh..............