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Philadelphia to further limit cooperation with ICE


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Certainly this will enhance the law abiding, friendly reputation of the City of Brotherly ****.
Philadelphia will stop giving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to a real-time arrest database, saying the agency is misusing the information to conduct sweeps in which otherwise law-abiding immigrants are also being caught up. Federal officials said the decision puts U.S. citizens in danger.

“We’re not going to provide them with information so they can go out and round people up,” Democratic Mayor Jim Kenney said Friday as he announced his decision to let a decade-old contract with ICE expire at the end of next month.

Hey you idiot, illegal aliens are not law-abiding, and they are not immigrants. Here is another liberal bastion determined to become unlivable by appeasing criminals.

A DHS official stating the obvious -
U.S. Homeland Security spokeswoman Katie Waldman called the decision irresponsible and said the city will end up “harboring criminal aliens.”

“Sanctuary-city policies make American communities like Philadelphia less safe by putting the rights of criminal aliens over the safety and security of American citizens,” Waldman said. “Despite the misguided action taken by Philadelphia today, DHS will continue to work to remove illegal aliens and uphold public safety.”
I wonder if anybody would be concerned should cities and states pick-and-choose other Federal laws that they uphold or ignore. Laws regarding equal protection or voting rights, for example.

Hey, if a city can ignore one Federal law - despite the supremacy clause - then it can ignore all Federal laws. And yes, it really is that simple.
I wonder if anybody would be concerned should cities and states pick-and-choose other Federal laws that they uphold or ignore. Laws regarding equal protection or voting rights, for example.

Hey, if a city can ignore one Federal law - despite the supremacy clause - then it can ignore all Federal laws. And yes, it really is that simple.

Why don't we ask that thieving POS Cliven Bundy?
This doesn't even make any sense. These people were arrested and jails are already crowded. Why would any city reject moving illegal criminals out of country.
From their mayor Jim Kenny, yesterday -

Now Kenney, who has been a outspoken defender of Philadelphia's status as a sanctuary city, is saying no more.

"If I could abolish ICE, I would," the mayor said. "But we can abolish this contract, and we are."

Some details -

The announcement, which came Friday, means the city will not renew the decade-old deal with ICE once it expires this fall.

Through the system, where police log all the interactions they have with city residents, ICE can access a person's full name, birth country and detention status. Not listed is whether someone is in the country legally or not. Kenney, however, accuses federal agents of doing guesswork to racially profile city residents.

The idiocy that comes out of these libs' mouths -

"Just because the person's name is Lopez, or some other Hispanic name, you're going to go to their house and take people out of their home? I mean, It just makes no sense," Kenney said. "And I never want to be part of this."
Yes, that makes no sense. ICE takes people out of their house because of their last name? Really?

Congratulations, Philadelphia. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/28/633460392/philadelphia-is-ending-a-major-contract-with-ice
Yes, that makes no sense. ICE takes people out of their house because of their last name? Really?

Well yeah, because only a Republican government would stereotype people by their last name.


Newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as part of a “racial justice” campaign that’s looking more like a massive government extortion and shakedown operation.

So far, Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has reached more than $220 million in settlements with several auto lenders since the agency launched its anti-discrimination crusade against the industry in 2013. Several other banks are under active investigation.

That’s despite the fact that the CFPB had no actual complaints of racial discrimination — it was all just based on half-baked statistics.

So CFPB applied the screws to Ally, saying it had “statistical evidence” showing its participating dealers were “marking up” loan prices for blacks and Hispanics vs. whites (by an average of $3 a month). Ally fought back, insisting non-discriminatory factors, such as credit history, down payments, trade-ins, promotions and rate-shopping, explained differences in loan pricing. After conducting a preliminary regression analysis, the bank found these factors alone accounted for at least 70 percent of the “racial disparities” the government was claiming.

CFPB admits in the memo that it never considered these or other legitimate business aspects of the car deals it investigated: “Such factors were excluded as controls from the markup analysis.”

Also in its initial rebuttal, Ally complained CFPB’s entire case was based on “disparate impact” statistics, not actual complaints by consumers, and that those estimates relied on guesswork about the race of the borrowers. (The auto industry does not report borrower race, so CFPB tried to ID race by last name and ZIP code, a so-called “proxy” method that is wildly inaccurate.)

“He had no idea how many actual victims there were because their whole case rested entirely on statistical estimations they admitted internally were inaccurate,” said a senior staffer for the House Financial Services Committee, which recently obtained the internal documents from CFPB.

In fact, CFPB still has not been able to definitively ID the race of any borrower it claims Ally victimized — which is why it has taken more than two years to send remuneration checks to alleged victims. Desperate to find them, the bureau recently had to mail 420,000 letters to Ally borrowers to coax at least 235,000 into taking the money, and to allow Cordray to save face.

In other words, the Obama administration, under the guise of the newly crated Consumer Financial Protection Board, went after a bank for racial discrimination in auto loans when in fact it is illegal to ask for someone's race on the loan application.
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The Violent Totalitarians

We are constantly subjected to preaching from the self-righteous left – the Democrats, the “mainstream” media, the “education” system and the mindless Marxbots it produces – about ending violence in America. They mount their moral high horses and look down on us, the deplorable, bitter clingers, and demand an end to the right-wing inspired violence that they claim white America commits on our minorities and oh-so-innocent leftists on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the facts don’t even come close to this leftist-generated narrative.

The truth is that the attacks have been unprovoked, and many clearly have been planned in advance, with the attackers armed with clubs and other weapons, and in the case of Antifa, wearing masks to hide their identity. Antifa, by the way, illustrates perfectly how the left accuses us of being what they are. Antifa is short for anti-fascist. Yet these violent thugs are modern day clones of Hitler’s Nazi Brown Shirts, using violence to silence any opposition. The only difference is that the Antifa cowards cover their faces, like the criminals they are.

The aimed for result of this violence is the silencing of opposing viewpoints and the suppression of open support for anything other than strict fascist, collectivist dogma. The left claims to demand tolerance, but it will only accept tolerance of its ideas. Disagreement is punishable by verbal and physical violence. Destroying the lives and livelihoods of dissenters is part and parcel of their modus operandi. And so far, they have counted on the fact that We, the People are law abiding and behave peacefully and nonviolently. It’s time, perhaps, for that to stop.

In far too many of the violent attacks on us, the police, apparently under orders from the leftist Democrats who run most urban areas, do almost nothing. Few, if any, of the attackers are arrested. Thus, it appears that if we don’t want to end up maimed or killed for exercising our God-given, constitutional rights of free speech and assembly, we need to start protecting ourselves.

There is no reasoning with these fanatics and zealots. They have created a divide on our fundamental beliefs so wide that there is no longer an achievable middle ground. While fighting back this way will be hysterically condemned by the fascists, eventually we must do so or see the Constitution and the America that we love and have worked so hard these past two-and-a-half centuries to create, be destroyed


Antifa Communists Says Violence Is Necessary For Their Insurgency Against America #Antifa #Communist #Resist






Is Cliven Bundy a city or state you stupid ****? Learn to read.

A little late, just stumbled onto this.

Let me help you learn how to think moron.

Are cities and states made of people who make decisions, or buildings and highways that make decisions?

Take your time.
The Violent Totalitarians

We are constantly subjected to preaching from the self-righteous left – the Democrats, the “mainstream” media, the “education” system and the mindless Marxbots it produces – about ending violence in America. They mount their moral high horses and look down on us, the deplorable, bitter clingers, and demand an end to the right-wing inspired violence that they claim white America commits on our minorities and oh-so-innocent leftists on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the facts don’t even come close to this leftist-generated narrative.

The truth is that the attacks have been unprovoked, and many clearly have been planned in advance, with the attackers armed with clubs and other weapons, and in the case of Antifa, wearing masks to hide their identity. Antifa, by the way, illustrates perfectly how the left accuses us of being what they are. Antifa is short for anti-fascist. Yet these violent thugs are modern day clones of Hitler’s Nazi Brown Shirts, using violence to silence any opposition. The only difference is that the Antifa cowards cover their faces, like the criminals they are.

The aimed for result of this violence is the silencing of opposing viewpoints and the suppression of open support for anything other than strict fascist, collectivist dogma. The left claims to demand tolerance, but it will only accept tolerance of its ideas. Disagreement is punishable by verbal and physical violence. Destroying the lives and livelihoods of dissenters is part and parcel of their modus operandi. And so far, they have counted on the fact that We, the People are law abiding and behave peacefully and nonviolently. It’s time, perhaps, for that to stop.

In far too many of the violent attacks on us, the police, apparently under orders from the leftist Democrats who run most urban areas, do almost nothing. Few, if any, of the attackers are arrested. Thus, it appears that if we don’t want to end up maimed or killed for exercising our God-given, constitutional rights of free speech and assembly, we need to start protecting ourselves.

There is no reasoning with these fanatics and zealots. They have created a divide on our fundamental beliefs so wide that there is no longer an achievable middle ground. While fighting back this way will be hysterically condemned by the fascists, eventually we must do so or see the Constitution and the America that we love and have worked so hard these past two-and-a-half centuries to create, be destroyed


Antifa Communists Says Violence Is Necessary For Their Insurgency Against America #Antifa #Communist #Resist







Those ******* assclowns are really begging to get ****** up. They're going to show up to the wrong rodeo soon. I'm sure it will be a political rally of some sort. I almost feel bad for them,but I hate marxist wannabe commie shitfucks.
I wonder if anybody would be concerned should cities and states pick-and-choose other Federal laws that they uphold or ignore. Laws regarding equal protection or voting rights, for example.

Hey, if a city can ignore one Federal law - despite the supremacy clause - then it can ignore all Federal laws. And yes, it really is that simple.

A little late, just stumbled onto this.

Let me help you learn how to think moron.

Are cities and states made of people who make decisions, or buildings and highways that make decisions?

Take your time.

No, bmoritz is exactly correct. The decision by cities and states to disregard Constitutional and legitimately-enacted Federal immigration policies through "sanctuary cities" and for California "sanctuary state" stances justifiably led me to ask:

I wonder if anybody would be concerned should cities and states pick-and-choose other Federal laws that they uphold or ignore. Laws regarding equal protection or voting rights, for example.

Hey, if a city can ignore one Federal law - despite the supremacy clause - then it can ignore all Federal laws. And yes, it really is that simple.

The point being that under the Supremacy clause, elected state and local officials are simply not permitted to ignore Federal laws as they choose. The Supremacy, Article VI, Section 2, clause provides:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The "State" has obviously been interpreted to include local governments (city and county). Therefore, the Constitution mandates that Federal immigration law be the "supreme Law of the Land," no matter what any "Laws of any State" provide to the contrary - including "sanctuary" laws.

You then analogized criminal actions and the prosecution of one citizen - Bundy - under Federal law to my reference to the Supremacy clause. I presume you were inartfully trying to suggest that the President's grant of immunity was somehow a violation of the Supremacy clause as well.

You get an F in civics. Specifically, Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution specifically gives the President the "power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment." Therefore, the President's pardon of Bundy was done fully within the Constitutional powers granted to the Executive branch.

To sum up - sanctuary laws, unconstitutional. States and municipalities ignoring other Federal law, including equal protection and voting rights, also (thankfully) unconstitutional. Pardon, constitutional. I know it's confusing and difficult to keep up at times, but do your best.
A little late, just stumbled onto this.

Let me help you learn how to think moron.

Are cities and states made of people who make decisions, or buildings and highways that make decisions?

Take your time.

Different situation entirely. The federal government is forbidden to "manage" open land inside the borders of a sovereign state. Needful buildings clause settles this as well as the 9th and 10th amendments.
I believe it was 2010 when the renowned Iowa State Fair was treated to "beat whitey night" on the first Friday of the fair. The first Friday of the fair is always east sider night because the fair is located on the east side of Des Moines. It is a white working class population. One of my daughters' classmates was a 6'5" Center on the BB team. He held a man so he could be easily stabbed by his homey. A young woman jumped on the back of a police officer and assaulted him. The DMPD spokeswoman made the mistake of naming the "beat whitey" theme. Collin Flaherty (sp.) used footage in his youtube videos etc. That punks locker was 2 lockers down from my sweet, smart, daughter who was a freshman. Within a week it was as if nothing had happened. I was livid. **** you Obama.
Philly will be in worse shape if the trucking companies win their lawsuit against the PA Turnpike.


OOIDA v Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
In a lawsuit filed on March 15, OOIDA challenged the constitutionality of the imposition of excessive tolls by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. OOIDA claims that tolls, or “user fees,” become an undue burden on commerce once the amount is greater than a fair approximation of the value of the use of the toll road.

The lawsuit also claims that PTC toll rates are used to pay for state projects that have nothing to do with the turnpike, including operations, maintenance or improvements. OOIDA is evoking the Commerce Clause in its case.

OOIDA points to a 2016 audit that reveals PTC payments have been dedicated solely to nonhighway purposes, including transit. In 2008, PTC announced a large toll rate increase because revenue was going elsewhere. According to a 2008 PTC news release, the 2009 increase “will largely be used by PennDOT to help finance off-Turnpike road and bridge projects and the state’s 74 mass-transit operations.” PTC said more than 90 percent of the increase will go to projects that don’t involve the turnpike.

“If those programs have value, however, they should be paid for by taxpayers,” the lawsuit states. “Funding these projects with toll receipts violates constitutional protections guaranteed to users of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.”

OOIDA says that since 2011, revenues generated by PTC tolls have totaled more than 200 percent of the operation and maintenance costs of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System. With toll revenues twice as much as needed, OOIDA contends that the tolls are being used as a revenue-generating machine for PennDOT to use for unrelated projects.

“Truckers and motorists are not ATMs to fund everything under the sun,” said OOIDA President and CEO Todd Spencer. “The ongoing, economic drain on unsuspecting turnpike users is the epitome of highway robbery.”

A 2016 performance audit of the commission by Pennsylvania’s auditor general found that “annual costly toll increases place an undue burden on Pennsylvanians.” The audit called toll increases “unsustainable” and said eventually “the average turnpike traveler will be deterred by the increased cost and seek alternative toll-free routes.”
Some of them are rapists. And phuck Philly.

A previously deported illegal immigrant from Honduras -- who raped a child after Philadelphia authorities ignored an ICE detainer and released him -- pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegal reentry.

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania announced Juan Ramon Vasquez, 45, faces up to two years in federal prison.

Vasquez was deported from the U.S. in 2009, but was found to be back in the country in March 2014 and taken into custody. After local criminal charges against him were dropped, Philadelphia officials did not comply with a detainer by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Vasquez was released, according to the U.S Attorney's Office.

After his release in 2015, Vasquez was rearrested and convicted for the rape of a child and unlawful sexual contact with a minor. He's now serving 8 to 20 years in state prison.

“The facts of this case highlight the danger posed by the City of Philadelphia’s decision to disregard ICE detainers and release previously deported aliens from local custody,” U.S. Attorney William McSwain said in a statement.

“Those of us in the law enforcement business should be doing everything in our power to protect vulnerable children from predators like Vasquez," McSwain continued. "Instead, this defendant received a free pass from the City of Philadelphia and its Department of Prisons, headed straight back into our community, and committed a heinous crime he never would have had the chance to commit had the City of Philadelphia complied with the ICE detainer.”
Some of them are rapists.

An illegal alien smuggled a woman’s daughter into the U.S. and sexually abused her after promising her mother a job, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said Tuesday.
Ramon Pedro arrived at a land border crossing at the Ysleta Port of Entry in Texas with his alleged daughter in April when U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials took him and his daughter into custody.

Both were released under the condition that they would show up for their immigration court hearings.

Pedro and his alleged daughter were admitted to Fresno Community Regional Hospital in Fresno, California, on July 26 to undergo screening for Tuberculosis when doctors determined the girl had been raped.

Once hospital staff notified the police, they determined that Pedro was not related to the girl, according to a DHS official.

The DHS official said the victim had been told by her mother “to accompany Pedro to the United States” so he could find the mother a job.

The Huron Police Department in California arrested Pedro the following day and charged him with rape, forcible sexual penetration, oral copulation, and endangering/causing injury to a child. The illegal alien is currently being held in Fresno County Jail on $310,000 bond.
She was five! Kill this ******* illegal alien.

Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) chastised Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-PA) support for sanctuary cities on Monday, contending that a five-year-old rape victim was not provided “sanctuary” from criminal illegal aliens.
Last week, Juan Ramon Vasquez, a 45-year old Honduran national, was sentenced to two years in jail for illegally entering the country. Vasquez raped a five-year-old child after Philadelphia authorities ignored an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer and released him. Vasquez was deported from the country in 2009 but was later re-entered the United States illegally. Rep. Barletta slammed Sen. Casey for supporting the city of brotherly love’s sanctuary city policy.

Barletta asked rhetorically, “How would Bob Casey justify his support for sanctuary cities to the family of the little girl who was raped? Does Bob Casey believe it was a sanctuary city for them?”

I believe it was 2010 when the renowned Iowa State Fair was treated to "beat whitey night" on the first Friday of the fair. The first Friday of the fair is always east sider night because the fair is located on the east side of Des Moines. It is a white working class population. One of my daughters' classmates was a 6'5" Center on the BB team. He held a man so he could be easily stabbed by his homey. A young woman jumped on the back of a police officer and assaulted him. The DMPD spokeswoman made the mistake of naming the "beat whitey" theme. Collin Flaherty (sp.) used footage in his youtube videos etc. That punks locker was 2 lockers down from my sweet, smart, daughter who was a freshman. Within a week it was as if nothing had happened. I was livid. **** you Obama.


As much as I complain how thuggish my city can be, I've never seen a beat (insert race here) night.
My city's state fair has a knack for ensuing gang violence too. They mainly beat up on each other though
She was five! Kill this ******* illegal alien.

Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) chastised Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-PA) support for sanctuary cities on Monday, contending that a five-year-old rape victim was not provided “sanctuary” from criminal illegal aliens.
Last week, Juan Ramon Vasquez, a 45-year old Honduran national, was sentenced to two years in jail for illegally entering the country. Vasquez raped a five-year-old child after Philadelphia authorities ignored an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer and released him. Vasquez was deported from the country in 2009 but was later re-entered the United States illegally. Rep. Barletta slammed Sen. Casey for supporting the city of brotherly love’s sanctuary city policy.

Barletta asked rhetorically, “How would Bob Casey justify his support for sanctuary cities to the family of the little girl who was raped? Does Bob Casey believe it was a sanctuary city for them?”

It seems the ones from the honduras, brazil, chile etc are the worst.