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Politics, Cancel Culture, and Why I'm Rooting for the Chiefs to Win

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
This bullshit, this cancel culture stuff, has got to stop. Patrick Mahomes tweets from way back on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Mahomes defends law enforcement, the Twitter mob is out to get him.

Go Chiefs! Go Chiefs!!!!!

Patrick Mahomes takes heat on social media after George Zimmerman tweets resurface

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes came under fire on social media over his old tweets about the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case and his apparent support for law enforcement.

The 2011 tweets surfaced prior to the AFC Championship game between the Chiefs and the Tennessee Titans and appeared to show Mahomes and his former high school football teammate talking back-and-forth about the case and the trial.

The quarterback was initially being hit on Twitter for his alleged support of Zimmerman, who was cleared of all charges in the 2013 shooting of the unarmed black teenager.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Patrick Mahomes defending George Zimmerman in a series of tweets from 2011. Black twitter do ya thing. Cancel Patrick Mahomes. <a href="https://t.co/YI5BHiLW9x">pic.twitter.com/YI5BHiLW9x</a></p>— great white hope (@white_jesus_) <a href="https://twitter.com/white_jesus_/status/1217898513075462148?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

However, a separate thread further showed that Mahomes and the former teammate were engaging in a discussion about the case in which he did not appear to take a side. The teammate’s replies to Mahomes were still live as of Thursday, but Mahomes’ tweets were deleted.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For all the people that think Mahomes defended Zimmerman: <a href="https://t.co/5nfOEMJzGW">pic.twitter.com/5nfOEMJzGW</a></p>— B-Magic&#55357;&#56613;⚡️ (@iambxlly) <a href="https://twitter.com/iambxlly/status/1219268777231167490?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Nonetheless, the NFL MVP was slammed over the tweets: (see the rest of the tweets in the link of the article)

Outside the resurfaced tweets that Mahomes sent before he snapped the ball at Texas Tech, the quarterback has never spoken out publicly about the Zimmerman trial or Martin’s death.

Last May, Mahomes and two other quarterbacks spent time at the Kansas City Regional Police Academy as part of National Police Week. They were seen handling sniper rifles, putting on bullet-proof vests, controlling a police robot and going through other police-related sessions.

Mahomes also gave officers a game ball.

“The things the police do for our community on a day-to-day basis and don’t get recognized for it, it’s good to come out and support them because they support us in every single way,” he said, according to the Kansas City Star.

Mahomes said he would consider joining the police, just not any time in the foreseeable future.

“I know [Chiefs GM Brett Veach] probably isn’t happy with me doing it any time soon. At the same time, it would be cool to see what they did on a day-to-day basis, but I know it’d be hard and grinding to put on that 80-pound vest and run around,” he said.

Mahomes and the Chiefs are getting set to play the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LIV.
I got no skin in the game so this is as good a reason as any to back the Chiefs. Nice to see the young man has game and brains to boot.
If I'm him,I'd tell them to **** off. For fucksake heaven forbid anyone have an opinion that's different from their own messed up views.

I honestly hope KC blows them out by 30.
The problem as far as I am concerned is that the meltiest snowflakes in the bunch control content on Fakebook, Twitter, Google, etc. Those entities are dominated by lefty politics to the point that basically all political action by those groups favors the left.

Roughly 90 percent of political donations made by Alphabet employees — those who work for Google, YouTube, Verily, and the handful of other companies owned by the tech giant — have gone, between the years 2004 and 2018, to Democratic pockets.


Yeah, but Google, YouTube, Twitter are generally non-partisan and just out to make a buck, right? Not so much:

An email obtained exclusively by this show reveals that a senior Google employee deployed the company's resources to increase voter turnout in ways she believed would help the Clinton campaign win in the last election. The email we obtained came from a woman named Eliana Murillo, the former Head of Google's Multi-cultural Marketing department. She sent the email on November 9th, 2016. That was one day after the presidential election. That email was subsequently forwarded by two Google Vice Presidents to more staff members throughout the company.

In her email Murillo - Murillo touts Google's multi-faceted efforts to boost Hispanic turnout in the election. She knows that Latinos voted in record-breaking numbers especially in states like Florida, Nevada and Arizona, the last of which she describes as "A key state for us." She brags that the company used its power to ensure that millions of people saw certain hashtags and social media impressions with the goal of influencing their behavior during the election.

Elsewhere in the email Murillo says "Google supported partners like Voto Latino to pay for rides to the polls in key states." She describes this assistance as "A silent donation." Murillo then says that Google helped Voto Latino create ad campaigns to promote those rides. Now officially, Voto Latino is a non-partisan entity but that is a sham. Voto Latino is vocally partisan.

Recently, the group declared that Hispanics, all Hispanics, are in President Trump's "Crosshairs." They said they plan to respond to this by registering another million additional Hispanic voters in the next presidential cycle. Voto Latino is a group with clear political goals, goals that Google supported in 2016. We asked both Google and Voto Latino for clarification. What exactly did Murillo mean by a silent donation?

This is a potentially significant legal question. Neither company responded to us. At the end of her email, Murillo makes it clear that Google was working to get Hillary Clinton elected. This wasn't a Get Out The Vote effort, whatever they say. It was not aimed at all potential voters. It wasn't even aimed at a balanced cross-section of subgroups. Google didn't try to get out the vote among say Christian Arabs in Michigan or Persian Jews in Los Angeles. They sometimes vote Republican.

It was aimed only at one group, a group that Google cynically assumed would vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. Furthermore, this mobilization effort targeted not the entire country but swing states vital to the Hillary campaign. This was not an exercise in civics. This was political consulting. It was in effect an in-kind contribution to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.

In the end, Google was disappointed as Murillo herself conceded "Ultimately after all was said and done, the Latino community did come out to vote and completely surprised us. We never anticipated that 29 percent of Latinos would vote for Trump. No one did. If you see a Latino Googler in the office please give them a smile. They are probably hurting right now. You can rest assured that the Latinos of these blue states need your thoughts and prayers for them and their families. I had planned a vacation and thought I would be taking the time to celebrate. Now, it will be time to reflect on how to continue to support my community through these difficult times."

It had to be done...

I'm rooting for KC. Screw San Fran.
Respecting police is racist.

You have to wear pig socks,t-shirts with murderous commie thugs on it and **** on the American Anthem.

You're then celebrated as some ******* hero who's really a big zero.