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Pope Francis: War Is Satan's Work, "There Is No God Of War"


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Apr 20, 2014
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On the 30th annual World Day of Prayer, Pope Francis met with leaders of the world’s religions to pray for peace, insisting that “God is a God of Peace.” “There is no god of war,” Francis proclaimed during morning Mass, celebrated in the chapel of his residence in the Vatican. War is the work of the “Evil one, the devil, who wants to kill everyone,” the Pope said in preparation for a day dedicated to praying for peace.

“There is no god of war,” Francis proclaimed during morning Mass, celebrated in the chapel of his residence in the Vatican. War is the work of the “Evil one, the devil, who wants to kill everyone,” the Pope said in preparation for a day dedicated to praying for peace.



He obviously skipped the Old Testament, Yahweh is a vengeful God
Pope better read his own book......1 Samuel 15:18 - “Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; make war on them until you have wiped them out.”
I agree that there is no "god of war," mainly because I don't believe in some super-intelligent, all-knowing being keeping track of every action and thought by every person on earth.

As to the idea that "war is always bad" and "never solves anything" ... wrong. War is not the best way to achieve an end, given the incredible loss of life and waste of resources. However, war has also brought us:

  • The United States
  • The end of slavery in the United States
  • The end of a genocidal regime in Germany
  • The end of communist hegemony
Tell it to the Muslims, don't preach to the choir.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”—Matthew 10:34
“There is no god of war,” Francis proclaimed during morning Mass,

He obviously skipped the Old Testament, Yahweh is a vengeful God

Yeh that and my grandsons playstation.

I don't think he is saying that war is not needed, but that evil is embedded in the cause for the war. If Hitler=Satan, he was right on
I don't think he is saying that war is not needed, but that evil is embedded in the cause for the war. If Hitler=Satan, he was right on
So being mad at another county is evil. Killing them is needed. Yeah, that's what he meant.
Because no blood was ever spilled under his beloved hammer & sickle

The pope must have passed on the Old Testament from Moses who had many battles. to Samson who killed 10,000 philistine with the jawbone of an ***.
The old testament is bullshit. If you want to hook your wagon to the bible, it better be the new testament. Now there is a great story, an all loving god, and the golden rule, which is the only rule you need.
I don't think he is saying that war is not needed, but that evil is embedded in the cause for the war.

If he meant that, then he should have said that. Instead, he said, "“There is no god of war. Evil one, the devil, who wants to kill everyone."

He should have continued on with that proclamation by saying, "We must therefore oppose the evil one - the devil - in every manner possible, including thought, and action, in prayers, in the church, and if needed, on the battlefield."

He didn't.

He might also, oh, I don't know, mention at some goddamn point, "Hey, that Muslim religion is ****** up and seems to be at the very heart of most terrorist killings and the war raging in the Middle East. So **** Islam, in the ***, with a randy priest."
The ancient past is full of stories told and retold thousands of years before the bible

Some Bible stories were stolen from the Assyrians 2000 years earlier

Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia. Dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur (circa 2100 BC), it is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature

The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is contained on twelve large tablets, and since the original discovery, it has been found on others, as well as having been translated into other early languages. The actual tablets date back to around 650 B.C. and are obviously not originals since fragments of the flood story have been found on tablets dated around 2,000 B.C. Linguistic experts believe that the story was composed well before 2,000 B.C. compiled from material that was much older than that date.9The Sumerian cuneiform writing has been estimated to go as far back as 3,300 B.C.

In brief, Utnapishtim (Noah) had become immortal after building a ship to weather the Great Deluge that destroyed mankind. He brought all of his relatives and all species of creatures aboard the vessel. Utnapishtim released birds to find land, and the ship landed upon a mountain after the flood.

• God (or several gods in the Gilgamesh account) decided to destroy humankind because of its wickedness and sinfulness (Genesis 6:5–7).

• A righteous man (Genesis 6:9) was directed to build an ark to save a limited and select group of people and all species of animals (Noah received his orders directly from God, Utnapishtim from a dream).

• Both arks were huge, although their shapes differed. Noah’s was rectangular; Utnapishtim’s was square.

• Both arks had a single door and at least one window.

• A great rain covered the land and mountains with water, although some water emerged from beneath the earth in the biblical account (Genesis 7:11).

• Biblical flooding was 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:12), while the Gilgamesh flood was much shorter (six days and nights).

• Birds were released to find land (a raven and three doves in the biblical account, Genesis 8:6–12; a dove, swallow, and raven in the other).

• After the rains ceased, both arks came to rest on a mountain, Noah’s on Ararat (Genesis 8:4); Utnapishtim’s on Nisir. These mountains are about 300 miles apart.

• Sacrifices were offered after the flood (Genesis 8:20).

• God was (or gods were) pleased by the sacrifices (Genesis 8:21), and Noah and Utnapishtim received blessings. Noah’s blessing was to populate the earth and have dominion over all animals (Genesis 9:1–3); Utnapishtim’s was eternal life.

• God (or the many gods) promised not to destroy humankind again (Genesis 8:21–22).

10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions

The story of the Garden of Eden

In the Persian scriptures of the Zoroastrians, the Avesta tells the story of how Ormuzd created the world and the first two humans in six days and then rested on the seventh. The names of these two human beings were Adama and Evah. These texts date back as far as the 10th century B.C. There is also a lot of evidence that the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest recorded texts in human history, had an influence on the biblical creation story.

The Epic of Gilgamesh tells the story of a man, Enkidu, who was created from the earth by a god. He lives amongst the animals in a natural paradise until he is tempted by a woman, Shamhat. He accepts food from this woman and is forced to leave the place where he lives after becoming aware of his own nakedness. Later in the epic, he encounters a snake which steals a plant of immortality from him.


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