Some folks believe Art2 doesn’t care, or bends over constantly in regards to Goodell. Far from it, Art2 has been running the team since the mid 2000s. Dan was Emeritus, but Art2 ran the club and filled his league seat. There will be no other Dan, just like there won’t be another Chief. Both just great humans, however Dan understood the league and how to have a successful franchise. His son definitely doesn’t have the same kind of panache Dan did, but Art2 has his dad’s acumen for league affairs and running a successful franchise.
Art2 is on the executive board of the league. He was one of the those who stepped forward regarding Deflategate and pushed Goodell hard for action as retribution towards how he handled Spygate. Also, Rooney was one of the three owners who lit into Goodell with how he handled the Ray Rice debacle. There has been constant outcry about Art2 “not doing anything“ regarding the BAL postponement. Goodell caved when he heard from the NFLPA that a “Wildcat Strike“ from some of the BAL players was in play unless the game was moved to Wednesday. The league was in the middle of negotiating with the networks on the new TV deal, forfeiting a game would have been a huge negative and Rooney publicly did what was best for the league. But there are some writers who have inside sources, that they won’t name, that Art2 heavily criticized Goodell for his handling because of favoritism towards particular owners and not considering the players themselves. Tomlin and Colbert were privately livid with Harbaugh and Biscotti manipulating the league‘s original plan on postponing the game.
The Chief and Dan never aired dirty laundry publicly and Art2 won’t either. Especially Art2 since he’s an attorney and knows the politics involved. A united league is a brick wall, while leagues like MLB and NBA have weak foundations.