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Rocket Attacks on Israel


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Under your bed
The media won't report this but I will. There's a cool app called "Red Alert: Israel" that was developed (by an Israeli teenager, believe it or not) to warn citizens when terrorists launch rockets, mortars, or missiles into Israel. It detects the launch, sends an alert, and citizens have approximately 30-60 seconds to take cover from the warning, depending which area is being attacked.

I've had the app for awhile and its been especially active today, as one would expect after the Jerusalem recognition. So here's the number of rocket attacks lately that the media won't report:

12/8/17--16 rocket attacks so far today (as of 3:00 Eastern time)

Point being that no more than a few days go by without a terrorist firing rockets into Israel. Its been that way for awhile but we never hear about it. The only decent month lately was September when there were hardly any alerts, maybe 1 or 2 all that month.

Its difficult to tell how many rockets are intercepted or just allowed to land in a deserted area, but there are Youtube videos of these rocket attacks being intercepted by the Iron Dome system.

The app is free and very interesting if you want to check it out. Each alert has its own message board where folks can post words of support (or the occasional terrorist sympathizer who posts stupid ****). There is also a chat feature within the app.
That nonsense has been going on for year and years. That's why they have the iron dome. I'm shocked Israel hasn't steamrolled the Palestinians. We would never put up with that bs here in the United States. Yet they get so much **** when they do something
Bulldoze all the Palestinians into the sea

Send the Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah all to Syria. Lebanon will open their borders for the massive convoys, or they can keep them.
I should be Sec State!

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
yes - send them all to Syria - we can blow them all up there!

Trump, Mattis turn military loose on ISIS, leaving terror caliphate in tatters

“I will…quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS,” Trump, who would name legendary Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as secretary of defense, promised. “We will not have to listen to the politicians who are losing the war on terrorism."

Just over a year later, ISIS has been routed from Iraq and Syria with an ease and speed that's surprised even the men and women who carried out the mission. Experts say it's a prime example of a campaign promise kept. President Trump scrapped his predecessor’s rules of engagement, which critics say hamstrung the military, and let battlefield decisions be made by the generals in the theater, and not bureaucrats in Washington.

ISIS held land in Iraq and Syria that equaled the size of West Virginia, ruled over as many as 8 million people, controlled oilfields and refineries, agriculture, smuggling routes and vast arsenals. It ran a brutal, oppressive government, even printing its own currency.

The terror organization now controls just 3 percent of Iraq and less than 5 percent of Syria. Its self-styled "caliph," Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is believed to be injured and holed up somewhere along the lawless border of Syria and Iraq.

But the military’s job -- to take back the land ISIS claimed as its caliphate and liberate cities like Mosul, in Iraq, and Raqqa, in Syria, as well as countless smaller cities and villages, is largely done. And it has taken less than a year.

That nonsense has been going on for year and years. That's why they have the iron dome. I'm shocked Israel hasn't steamrolled the Palestinians. We would never put up with that bs here in the United States. Yet they get so much **** when they do something

Me too. Could you imagine what would happen to a nation who did that to the USA?

The Palestinians, who voted for a war elected party ( HAMAS ) better watch their aim. If they hit the USA building....
hold up. this is the most insane bullshit ever. I don't believe you *******, since I was told repeatedly that Islam is the religion of peace and it's followers are mere doves of light, love and joy.
Hamas terrorists better find a new country - we're coming for you next!

Iraq declares war with Islamic State is over

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told a conference in Baghdad that Iraqi troops were now in complete control of the Iraqi-Syrian border.

The border zone contained the last few areas IS held, following its loss of the town of Rawa in November.

The Iraqi announcement comes two days after the Russian military declared it had accomplished its mission of defeating IS in neighbouring Syria

Update to my original post:

12/13/17--6 so far (as of 2:00pm Eastern)

Seems like they're slowing down, but even 1 is too many. I'd hate to live in range of these things. And the media remains silent on this problem.
So far today (5/29/18) there have been at least 24 separate rocket attacks. Each attack has targeted multiple areas at once. The largest attack targeted 10 areas at once.

Previously there had been just a random smattering of rocket attacks, but today seems to be a coordinated effort. Credit: Red Alert app

I doubt the U.S. media will report it. Here's the live feed from the Times of Israel newspaper:

What I find Amazing is Israel's restraint. Could you imagine what would happen to a nation if they were firing missiles at the USA, Russia, China or the UK?

The Palestinians voted for war. There was never a nation called Palestine. They own nothing. Under their religious beliefs, there is a zero chance for a Martin Luther King or Gandi like a person to protest nonviolently.
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What I find Amazing is Israel's restraint. Could you imagine what would happen to a nation if they were firing missiles at the USA, Russia, China or the UK?

The Palestinians voted for war. There was never a nation called Palestine. They own nothing. Under their religious beliefs, there is a zero chance for a Martin Luther King or Gandi like a person to protest nonviolently.

The military also tends to under-report things to the public, in my opinion. The civilian Red Alert app is lighting up my device all day and night, yet the IDF's facebook page (highly recommended, btw) tells me that only "X" amount (a low number) of mortars and rockets were launched. Maybe that is the face they want to present to the public. Who knows.
p.s.--there is an interesting video on the IDF fb page about a kindergarten being mortared yesterday, and how it was built to withstand shelling.
If the Nation of Israel was around in the 1930's, I think World War II would have been shorter. Israel is about the size of New Jersey, but wow can they fight when they need to.
If the Nation of Israel was around in the 1930's, I think World War II would have been shorter. Israel is about the size of New Jersey, but wow can they fight when they need to.

It's really easy to find motivation to fight when it's for the very existence of everyone you know and love.
If the Nation of Israel was around in the 1930's, I think World War II would have been shorter. Israel is about the size of New Jersey, but wow can they fight when they need to.

Well, considering they didn't get their country until after spoils of WW2 were divided up, that would have been hard to do...
Well, considering they didn't get their country until after spoils of WW2 were divided up, that would have been hard to do...

I think you mean, they didn't get returned to their country....

In any event, he did say, "if they had existed"....
I think you mean, they didn't get returned to their country....

In any event, he did say, "if they had existed"....

Right*if they existed as a nation back then. France and Poland gave up so quickly. But the Nazi's goal was to occupy and conquer them.**

The Nazi's goal with the Jews, Gypsies, Dwarfs, and other minorities was extermination.

When faced with a genocide, those targeted if they have access to weapons ( You have to assume Israel would based on their neighbors ) are going fight back with a special type of fury and focus.