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Ronald Reagan, did you know. And history can repeat itself.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I heard that Ronald Reagan was in a virtual dead heat, then took off in the last 5 days or so to score a big win.

While Trump isn't Reagan, he certainly has the momentum. State polls lag behind national polls. If Trump is up +2 nationally on average by Monday I think he'll win.
Hey, I also declared numerous times that the electoral map looks basically impossible for Trump to overcome. And my prognostications are infallible, since in July of 2015, I correctly pointed out that Donald Trump would never be the Republican nominee.

Wait ...
Trump's head is too big. :popcorn1:
I think Trump is a shoo-in at this point. The next four years will be mildy interesting, to say the least. He's done a great job - against all odds - to get to where he's at, five days before the election. Having a seriously debilitated candidate in Hillary iced it for him. From this point forward, I am curious to see how he implements all that he's promised to his constituents. He's made everything sound so simple and easy, as far as fixing everything he thinks is wrong with the country, as if he had a magic wand. He may find the realities of the White House slightly different than how he - and his supporters - have imagined it.
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I think that's the tragedy and victory of this entire election Tibs.

At this point, it doesn't matter how it goes. The American People have learned everything they need to know about our sick and blighted political process. Hillary and the Democrats have taken a ton of blame here and certainly they deserve it. Hillary Clinton is far and away the most horrific Presidential Candidate this country has seen in decades, possibly ever. (Lyndon Johnson was pretty horrible too.)

Even if Clinton were to somehow win this election, the country can never look at her with respect and dignity again. Her scandals are too great and numerous. Fully 1/2 the country utterly loathes her and more than that distrusts her. There are people who will vote for her who don't even trust her. They'll do it because she's the Democratic candidate and they're compelled to vote along party lines. But regardless, the party is broken. It's that simple.

Now, can Trump accomplish many of the things he wants to do? Not very likely. Congress and Senate are filled with back-stabbing, lying sleaze-balls who would sell their own mothers in order to pad their retirement accounts. They fear change and they like the big payoffs that come from corporate and lobbyist interests. The only way to fix our political system is to get rid of the long term senators and congressional members across the board and replace them with new blood determined to actually serve the people. Sadly, there will be some good flesh cut out with the cancerous blighted stuff. But that can't be avoided.

At this point though, this country needs an enema. We need a complete and aggressive overhaul of our entire house and senate and American citizens need to hold their representative accountable for the **** they do an don't do. And if we aren't willing to do that. Then **** us. We deserve what we get.
The Best Election Evar!..keeps on giving....

Impeachment Already on The Table If Hillary is Elected


As a number of FBI investigations into Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's private email server and the Clinton Foundation continue, with indictments likely looming due to overwhelming evidence, the Republican controlled House is already putting impeachment on the table should Clinton win the White House next Tuesday.

"If the investigation goes forward and it looks like an indictment is pending, at that point in time under the Constitution, the House of Representatives would engage in an impeachment trial. It would go to the Senate and impeachment proceedings and removal would take place"

Now, can Trump accomplish many of the things he wants to do? Not very likely.

I agree wig. I don't think Trump - or anyone else for that matter - understands his biggest battle as president will be to get House & Senate Republicans on his side as he plans to magically transform - well, basically everything - including international trade deals, commitments on global warming, NATO obligations, tax reform, immigration laws, deporting illegals, barring people of a certain religion from entering the country, overriding Roe vs. Wade, etc. If you listen to him, you'd think America was ruled by a King, where one man can enter the White House and simply change how the country operates, from one day to the next, both at home and abroad. We saw precisely how limited the president's powers can be with Obama and the obstructionist GOP for years on end. With Trump, it's not even the Democrats he's up against, but even moreso establishment Republicans, not to mention the Supreme Court. But I'm sure all of his supporters will be more than understanding as he fails to deliver on his campaign promises.
An ineffectual president is really the best we can hope for out of these two. God forbid one of them gets in and is actually allowed to carry out their ridiculous massive government expansion plans.

I for one still don't think Trump will win...despite all the fuss and muss and bluster it still comes down to demographics. They just aren't there for him, barring historic turnout among certain segments of the population.
I think Trump is a shoo-in at this point. The next four years will be mildy interesting, to say the least. He's done a great job - against all odds - to get to where he's at, five days before the election. Having a seriously debilitated candidate in Hillary iced it for him. From this point forward, I am curious to see how he implements all that he's promised to his constituents. He's made everything sound so simple and easy, as far as fixing everything he thinks is wrong with the country, as if he had a magic wand. He may find the realities of the White House slightly different than how he - and his supporters - have imagined it.

Not disparaging your comment, merely pointing out that from my POV, every politician ever sounds this way in the 2 years leading up to a Presidential election. Every...single...one. They all promise 100 times more than they can deliver and most of us know it.
I agree wig. I don't think Trump - or anyone else for that matter - understands his biggest battle as president will be to get House & Senate Republicans on his side as he plans to magically transform - well, basically everything - including international trade deals, commitments on global warming, NATO obligations, tax reform, immigration laws, deporting illegals, barring people of a certain religion from entering the country, overriding Roe vs. Wade, etc. If you listen to him, you'd think America was ruled by a King, where one man can enter the White House and simply change how the country operates, from one day to the next, both at home and abroad. We saw precisely how limited the president's powers can be with Obama and the obstructionist GOP for years on end. With Trump, it's not even the Democrats he's up against, but even moreso establishment Republicans, not to mention the Supreme Court. But I'm sure all of his supporters will be more than understanding as he fails to deliver on his campaign promises.

Should he win, we will be not one damned bit different than every Libtard has been for 8 years defending Obama's Trail of Tears and missed promises. I will promise that. We will make excuses about how the media thwarted him every step of the way, how Congress wouldn't work with him, how the Liberal Left worked to undermine every facet of his administration.

It will be exactly the same way the last 8 years have been - we're just flipping sides of the coin.
I agree wig. I don't think Trump - or anyone else for that matter - understands his biggest battle as president will be to get House & Senate Republicans on his side as he plans to magically transform - well, basically everything - including international trade deals.

I think those can be re-worked by Trump alone as the executive branch negotiates treaties. Getting Congress to approve may be a bit more difficult.

... commitments on global warming.

Again, these "commitments" are not even binding, Tibs. The President can direct the EPA to stop classifying CO2 as pollution, and implement a different energy policy, but there are basically no "commitments" to be re-done with respect to global warming.

... NATO obligations.

This will take some doing. Trump is saying that European nations need to contribute more financially, but them letting us have military bases on their soil has significant value in and of itself. Further, the European nations are not, I presume, going to say, "Gee, can we pay more?" This one will be tough.

... tax reform.

Another tall task. Getting any bill through the Senate is going to be damn near impossible, since I don't see 60 Senators agreeing to give quorum.

... immigration laws.

Well, we've heard that the "system is broken and needs to be fixed," right? So let's get the legislation on his desk.

... deporting illegals.

Not even an issue. Just let ICE and the Border Patrol do their jobs, and stop the Obama-ignores-the-law concept. Easy, peasy.

... barring people of a certain religion from entering the country.

Trump has changed his tune on this, as precluding a certain religion is unconstitutional. He said that immigrants from certain terrorist areas will be vetted. Nothing illegal about that.

... overriding Roe vs. Wade.

Trump has not campaigned on overriding Roe v. Wade. I don't think it is even an issue for him.

If you listen to him, you'd think America was ruled by a King, where one man can enter the White House and simply change how the country operates, from one day to the next, both at home and abroad.

Well, I hear he has 2 cell phones and 3 pens, so there's that.
It will be exactly the same way the last 8 years have been - we're just flipping sides of the coin.
That seems to be your mantra, when it comes to this election cycle. Based on what I've read from you over the years, you seem to have a higher standard than that. Just saying.
I think Trump is a shoo-in at this point. The next four years will be mildy interesting, to say the least. He's done a great job - against all odds - to get to where he's at, five days before the election. Having a seriously debilitated candidate in Hillary iced it for him. From this point forward, I am curious to see how he implements all that he's promised to his constituents. He's made everything sound so simple and easy, as far as fixing everything he thinks is wrong with the country, as if he had a magic wand. He may find the realities of the White House slightly different than how he - and his supporters - have imagined it.

I'll give you props for being honest.
Trump will be the best President since Reagan. Gonna be yuge. Everything will be unbelievable.
Although I think it's still entirely possible that Hildebeast will win. Remember, she gets 47% no matter what.
Trump will be the best President since Reagan. Gonna be yuge. Everything will be unbelievable.
Although I think it's still entirely possible that Hildebeast will win. Remember, she gets 47% no matter what.


I KNEW I should have copyrighted that damn phrase!
Coach I am shocked you would let an attention ***** like Tibs take over your thread!

what you gonna do about it?

I KNEW I should have copyrighted that damn phrase!

What he should have done was have the stones to stand up for what he said instead of apologizing and walking it back.
That's what most of us like about Trump. We finally have a Republican who hits back. For example he said after the election he's going to sue all the women who accused him of sexual harassment. I hope he does and he wins.
I think Trump is a shoo-in at this point. The next four years will be mildy interesting, to say the least. He's done a great job - against all odds - to get to where he's at, five days before the election. Having a seriously debilitated candidate in Hillary iced it for him. From this point forward, I am curious to see how he implements all that he's promised to his constituents. He's made everything sound so simple and easy, as far as fixing everything he thinks is wrong with the country, as if he had a magic wand. He may find the realities of the White House slightly different than how he - and his supporters - have imagined it.

A shoe in? 50/50 at best for Trump. He needs to win too many battle ground states. If he wins Pennsylvania, then he's a shoe in as as long as Ohio and Florida are also his.
A shoe in? 50/50 at best for Trump. He needs to win too many battle ground states. If he wins Pennsylvania, then he's a shoe in as as long as Ohio and Florida are also his.

PA is looking better but I'd still be shocked if he wins it. I'd like it if the state government sold Philadelphia to New Jersey since they have more in common.
A shoe in? 50/50 at best for Trump. He needs to win too many battle ground states. If he wins Pennsylvania, then he's a shoe in as as long as Ohio and Florida are also his.
Yup, Trump has this locked up, he's gonna win by a huge margin, will breeze into the White House. The American people across this great nation have spoken loud and clear. They have hopped on the Trump train and consequently have chosen self-immolation.
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The war will never be over....Wolverines!

High school student is threatened with suspension because she wore a pro-Trump T-shirt to class

Maxine Yeakle, who is voting for Donald Trump, said she was pulled out of class at Boca Raton High School in Florida because of what she was wearing.

The 18-year-old posted a video on Facebook on Tuesday saying the school's assistant principal had admitted there were no rules against clothes with political slogans on them but said she faced in-school suspension (ISS) because of the disruption it was causing.


Yup, Trump has this locked up, he's gonna win by a huge margin, will breeze into the White House. The Anerican people across this great nation have spoken loud and clear. They have hopped on the Trump train and consequently have chosen self-immolation.

Is this the same guy? I'd like to see Trump win, and if he does it will be close.
In fairness, that is not a "Pro Trump" shirt.

That is a "Hillary for Prison" shirt which is inherently disrespectful and incendiary.

She puts the administrators of her school in a tough position. I get their decision. I do.