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Senior Obama administration official calls Bibi chickensheite


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.
from - http://www.theatlantic.com/internat...s-israel-relations-is-officially-here/382031/

How perfect is that? Some anonymous acolyte of the community organizer in chief calling the Israeli PM - former front line captain of the Israeli Special Forces - a chickenshit. Everyone in this administration needs to be slapped and sent to their rooms.
The article states Bibi is done with this administration and going straight to the American people if we enter a BS Nuke agreement with Iran. That's not chickenshit....that's a big FU to Obama.

"Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. "
And yet a majority of the American Jewish population supports Obama and his admin. Boggles the mind.
Our president leads from behind and AFTER the fact. In fact i can't think of a single decent leadership quality he has. If I'm in a foxhole Benjamin Netanyahu is a guy i'd want with me over some community organizer in mom jeans.
I've never understood American Jews' leftist political leanings either. You are right, it doesn't make sense.

They are referred to as "self hating" Jews. There are lots of non-orthodox secular Jews that hate Israel or at least don't care for it. Hollywood is eat up with them. So is NY and Florida. So to them BHO is doing great because they don't care about Israel or religious Jews.
When I think tough, I think Obama:


Bibi could learn a thing or three from that guy.
When Egypt Has More Guts Than America

Egypt responded strongly to a Hamas jihadi terror attack that killed 30 Egyptians soldiers, with helicopter strikes, a curfew of 100,000 people, and the announcement they are going build a security wall. to control the border with Gaza.

Unlike President Obama, Egyptian President Al-Sisi has no trouble identifying the enemy and didn’t feel the need to assure people that Islamic terrorists are lone wolves, representing nothing and no one. Instead he asserted the attack was supported by foreign forces. He vowed to protect the lives of Egyptian military at home and to pursue an “extensive war” against the jihadists, warning that the war with jihadis would not be ended anytime soon.

The contrast with American weakness is stark. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are well known for their pro-Muslim Brotherhood policies. Democrat leadership has brought Brotherhood operatives into the Whitehouse, the State Department, and dangerously, in positions to dictate training and policy to the FBI and Homeland Security in the name of cultural sensitivity. Democrats will not let us secure our border.

I've never understood American Jews' leftist political leanings either. You are right, it doesn't make sense.

methinks they have economic sensibilities and connections that are more important.
Bibi was a team leader with Sayeret Martial, the Israeli Army equivalent to our Delta Force. Netanyahu was part of the operation to seize the Suez Canal while Barry was hanging in the van with the Choom Gang.
Bibi was a team leader with Sayeret Martial, the Israeli Army equivalent to our Delta Force. Netanyahu was part of the operation to seize the Suez Canal while Barry was hanging in the van with the Choom Gang.
Yeah but if we start a rumor that they are calling him chickenshit in homeroom, then he'll go bomb Iran for us and take care of the nuclear thing. Don't you know anything about serious foreign policy?