If you don'r post them here I will read them on the home page, either way.
I like them here but it does seem overwhelming at times. I am glad for the ease of them and the up to the minute (like you say). I definately enjoy each article for what it is and would read them still if not here. Also it's easy to post thoughts related to the story right in the post. One doesn't have to read all around to get to that topic so a sort of double as an index.
Flip Side of the COIN
If the football only page was a little less crowded you would probably get a few more thread titles started by members. I do think 3/4 of the threads would still mimick the articles or close to them because, well............ there is only so much news available so doubling up would be the case. There would be more material to read just to find the topic you're looking for as (I'm guilty of sensationaliazation thread title) some thread titles take a little deciphering.
To summerize either way is fine and maybe you could do a trial periode (1-month) and see what it looks like.
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