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Something to think about....


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2014
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I was at the hospital the other day visiting the father of a friend who is dying from cancer and the television happened to be on one of the seemingly thousands of political talk shows and it got me thinking.... does anyone else find it curious that you never seem to hear about any of the aged politicians that run this country ever succumbing to cancer? You would think that they would be dropping like flies when you consider the ages of so many of these guys... Supreme Court justices and First Ladies too. I don't mean to sound like Jesse Ventura, but it certainly makes me wonder. Ex presidents and their wives all seem to live well into their 90's as do most SC justices. Then you have all these Congressmen and senators that just keep plugging away, never seeming to be even slowed down by any major health issues, let alone dying from one. It was reported that Jimmy Carter had metastatic cancer of the brain and liver. Not only is he still alive but he seems to be doing just fine. How many folks do any of you know that had cancer that had spread to the liver and brain and lived more than 6 months? Not only did he seem to survive metastatic brain and liver cancer, but he was in his 90's when he did it. Must be all them peanuts.... either that or there's something in the water down there in D.C. Or they actually have effective treatments, dare I say cures, for many cancers but are unwilling to release them to the peasantry because the last thing they want is people collecting SS checks until they're 95.... not to mention the billions doctors and hospitals would lose out on if they actually cured your cancer instead of treating it for years with expensive medicines and surgeries.....Nah they wouldn't do something like that...
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Probably because most of them drink a lot and alcohol kills germs.
I always thought it was amazing how Magic Johnson basically made a complete recovery from AIDS at a time when it was practically a death sentence.
As much as cancer touches everyone, I don't see any way a conspiracy about a cure could hold together.
Brings back memories of a co-worker of mine back in the 80's who believed there was a conspiracy to thwart any research done with oxygen and cancer.
Said a research lab experimenting with oxygen and cancer was busted up by the feds.

Don't know if thats true, but he told be a little about oxygens effect on cancer.
If you do some reading you will learn that cancer cells cannot live in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

Oxygen kills cancer cells. Imagine the billions lost if something as simple as oxygen could cure cancer.

There is also a relationship between hydrogen peroxide and how it affects oxygen in the treatment of cancer. Never looked deep enough into it to understand it though

It just so happened about the same time I ran across a story about a guy who claimed he cured his cancer by running. He claimed to have never exercised before.
He never mentions oxygen or how running cured him... but its a fact that your intake of oxygen increases during exercise.

Found this:
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I always thought it was amazing how Magic Johnson basically made a complete recovery from AIDS at a time when it was practically a death sentence.

He's a carrier. Very rare but fortunate for him. Not so fortunate for people he might have infected.
I remember back when I had my heart attack 4 years ago. My family has a history of cardiac issues so I knew what was happening and headed straight to the hospital and caught it before any damage was done to my heart. Anyhow....my blood pressure was 210 over 130 and my numbers were climbing so they rolled me right to the cath lab. Now this is where I got thinking....I was completely awake during the procedure and wasn't in any sort of pain at all. They ran the dye thru my groin and I watched live on the screen as they identified the blockage, it was as clear as day on the screen as I watched it. You could really see the artery close up like an hourglass. The doctor ran the stent and opened up the artery....all done within a half an hour. From rolling in to rolling out to recovery.....I got thinking, that was so easy to identify and I could clearly see the blockage myself right on the screen. Why don't they bring in high risk potential heart attack victims and just do a simple dye test inside the cath lab to save these people from falling over a couple months down the road? My doctor told me they would apply a stent if the blockage was over 70 percent....mine was 99 percent so I would have been in the meat wagon if I didn't know what was happening. Those EKG tests and nuclear tests can't really tell if there is a severe blockage but in that cath lab they absolutely can. The number of lives that could be saved.
I always thought it was amazing how Magic Johnson basically made a complete recovery from AIDS at a time when it was practically a death sentence.
He's a carrier. Very rare but fortunate for him. Not so fortunate for people he might have infected.

The Magic Johnson is also a multimillionaire and can afford a lot of expensive drugs and treatment that most people don't have access to.
The Magic Johnson is also a multimillionaire and can afford a lot of expensive drugs and treatment that most people don't have access to.

Yeah, same with the politicians, they don't get their healthcare at the VA or the neighborhood clinics and they definitely aren't covered by Obamacare.

President Obama signaled the media Sunday to stop the GOP from ending Obamacare. Now here comes the hysteria. If bacteriologists had named a stomach virus after Obama, Democrats would form a human chain around Chipotle's to block the food inspectors from entering the kitchen.
I agree with the OP... jimmy Carter just beat a type of cancer that is like 99% deadly... as soon as they announced it I saw a follow up report explaining how the procedures were highly experimental and expensive so us average Joe's couldn't ask for them without millions to pay... sounded fishy to me then and now... my guess is tgey are sitting on the cure for profit or population control or something

Zuby Malik is an unlikely candidate to violate international law. A 78-year-old mother of four with a crown of silver hair, she is a retired obstetrician-gynecologist with a penchant for order.

But Ms. Malik is fighting for her life. After receiving a Stage 4 non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis a year ago, she exhausted many of the treatments available to her and grappled with torturous side effects that left her itching and gasping for breath. During the summer, she decided to go to Cuba and bring back a cancer vaccine that is not approved in the United States. That she comes from a family steeped in medical training made the decision all the more difficult.

“At first, I was a little nervous,” said Ms. Malik, sitting in her Northern California living room flanked by an oxygen tank and a table of medicines. “But American treatments were not helping me, and I decided I should go to Cuba. What other choice did I have?”

Soon after she began the medication, she said, her breathing became easier and her energy returned. In her refrigerator was a box of blue- and orange-capped vials of the vaccine.
Continue reading the main story

Other cancer patients are following the same unlikely trail. Since beginning to normalize relations with the United States in 2014, Cuba has become a hot tourist draw with its unspoiled beaches and vibrant night life. But the country also has a robust biotechnology industry that has generated an innovative vaccine called Cimavax. It is part of a new chapter of cancer treatment known as immunotherapy, which prompts the body’s immune system to attack the disease.

Cimavax is a therapeutic vaccine developed not to prevent cancer, but to halt its growth and keep it from recurring in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Developed in Cuba and available to patients there since 2011, it works by targeting a protein called epidermal growth factor, or E.G.F., that enables lung cancer cells to grow. The vaccine stimulates the body’s immune system to make antibodies that bind to E.G.F., preventing it from fueling the cancer’s growth. It is also available in Peru, Paraguay, Colombia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Last month, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York announced that the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, a nonprofit cancer center designated by the National Cancer Institute in Buffalo, had received authorization from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct a clinical trial of Cimavax. It marks the first time since the Cuban revolution that Cuban and American institutions have been permitted to engage in such a joint venture, said Roswell Park’s chief executive, Candace S. Johnson.

The trial could take years, but American cancer patients are not waiting. Over the past couple of years, dozens have slipped into Havana and smuggled vials of the vaccine in refrigerated lunchboxes back to the United States, sometimes not even telling their doctors. Talk about Cimavax on cancer patient networks online has been escalating steadily as relations between the two countries have warmed and more patients are making preparations to go.

“There’s no doubt that without this medicine, I would be dead,” said Mick Phillips, 69, of Appleton, Wis., who first went to Cuba in 2012 and has been returning annually ever since. “When we were children, we were taught that Cubans didn’t know what they were doing. Turns out they do.”

Despite experiences like Mr. Phillips’s, trials in Cuba have shown only a modest benefit over all. In the most recent trial, patients receiving the vaccine after chemotherapy lived about three to five months longer than patients who did not receive it. The study, published earlier this year in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Cancer Research, also found that vaccinated patients with high concentrations of E.G.F. in their blood lived even longer.

The United States’ embargo against Cuba prohibits the importation of most goods from Cuba, including medication, without a license. American citizens are now permitted to travel to Cuba if their purpose falls into one of a dozen categories approved by the Treasury Department, but seeking medical care is not one of them.

Most patients going to Cuba fly through a third country such as Canada or travel under a general education category called “people to people.” None have declared with customs officials the dozens of vials of Cimavax they bring back tucked in their backpacks or suitcases. Stephen Sapp, a public affairs officer for United States Customs and Border Protection, says there is no record of Cimavax being intercepted at the United States’ border. If it were, it is unclear what might happen.

Under the F.D.A.’s “personal importation policy, some unapproved medications may be brought into the country if there is not an adequate alternative available in the United States, or if treatment began in a foreign country and the amount is limited to a three-month supply. In addition, the Treasury Department recently established a new general license enabling American citizens to import Cuban pharmaceuticals under certain circumstances. But in the case of Cimavax, the regulation has apparently never been put to the test.

Ms. Malik’s son, Nauman, carried 80 vials of the vaccine and a set of syringes in his backpack when he and his mother flew into Los Angeles from Cuba in June. Patients generally receive an initial round of four injections at La Pradera, an international health center that caters mostly to foreign medical tourists in Havana — two to the arms and two to the buttocks — and then continue to give themselves periodic injections at home for up to several months. At the airport, Mr. Malik wrote on his declaration form that he was carrying medication, but he said that authorities did not ask what it was.

“I was ready for the discussion, but it just never happened,” he said.

Cuban researchers began working on Cimavax in the 1990s, prompted in part by the high rate of lung cancer in the country. A noncontrolled study in 1995 produced the earliest published evidence of the feasibility of inducing an immune response against epidermal growth factor in patients with advanced tumors, according to a 2010 article published in Medicc Review, an international journal of Cuban medicine.

Dr. Kelvin Lee, the chairman of immunology at Roswell Park, has been collaborating with scientists at Cuba’s Center of Molecular Immunology since 2011. He said he hoped the vaccine could be used on other head and neck cancers and ultimately “to prevent cancer.”

Patients in Cuba began receiving the vaccine free in 2011, and it has been administered to more than 4,000 patients worldwide, according to Roswell Park. Lung cancer and immunotherapy researchers are intrigued by Roswell Park’s proposed trial, which would combine the vaccine with a form of immunotherapy called a checkpoint inhibitor that keeps the cancer from turning off a patient’s immune system. The Roswell trial intends to use the drug Opdivo, one of four checkpoint inhibitors approved by the F.D.A.

But the scientists are also reserved in their appraisal of Cimavax, in part because the Cuban trials were done on a relatively small number of patients. There is concern that the vaccine has received disproportionate attention in the flush of warming relations between the two countries.

“The data is intriguing, but we need to do more definitive studies to evaluate the benefits,” said Justin F. Gainor, a thoracic oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who works on the design of clinical trials for novel therapeutics. “Right now, the body of evidence does not support using it outside the clinical trial process.”

The Cuban health care system has long been recognized for providing high-quality health care. A 2015 report on the Cuban health system by the World Health Organization noted, “In Cuba, products were developed to solve pressing health problems, unlike in other countries, where commercial interests prevailed.”

With Cimavax migrating into the United States, those commercial interests are already coming into play. In Cuba, a four-shot dose of Cimavax costs up to $100 to manufacture, Dr. Lee said. Mr. Phillips, of Appleton, Wis., estimates that he pays about $9,000 for his annual supply of Cimavax, or about $1,500 a dose, which a visiting nurse administers every two months. Although some patients say the price recently dropped to about $850 a dose, the total cost of the trip can easily run more than $15,000, including airfare, lodging at La Pradera for several nights, and several months worth of the vaccine.

Mr. Phillips, a lifelong smoker who was given a lung cancer diagnosis in 2009, said it was worth every penny. After chemotherapy and radiation, his cancer returned in 2010.

“Since I have been taking Cimavax, it hasn’t come back,” said Mr. Phillips, who travels to Cuba via Toronto.