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Spend your holiday weekend preaching to your family about Obamacare...


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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No, this isn't an Onion story...


Tips for Talking to Your Family about the Affordable Care Act this Fourth of July

July 2, 2015By: Kevin Griffis, HHS Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
This Fourth of July, families across the nation will gather around hot dogs (or their favorite vegetarian alternative) and potato salad to spend some quality time together, watch fireworks and reflect on the holiday’s meaning. But as much as we love our families – and we do, seriously –we don’t always agree when it comes to current events, like last week’s Supreme Court decision upholding tax credits that help make insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) more affordable for millions of people.

Misinformation about the ACA is everywhere, and there’s been a lot of money spent to spread that misinformation – as much as half a billion dollars in ads, according to one 2014 estimate. Not surprisingly, many Americans still don’t know how changes the law made to insurance and the health care system can help improve their lives.

You should be prepared when Aunt Janine says something like, “Obamacare hasn’t helped anyone!” So here are a few points to remember during this long holiday weekend:

Situation: Uncle Ted claims Obamacare is a train wreck and has cost jobs.

You say: Uncle Ted, you’ve gotten ahold of some old talking points. With greater access to affordable, quality health insurance, the Affordable Care Act is helping individuals and strengthening our economy!

Since the main components of the law went into effect, we’ve reduced the number of uninsured by 16.4 million, the largest increase in the insured in decades. Before the ACA, the U.S. economy faced rapidly growing health costs that put enormous pressure on businesses and consumers. We paid more than any country without better health results, and millions of Americans were one illness away from bankruptcy. Today, we’ve seen the slowest growth in health costs in half a century, improved patient safety has saved an estimated 50,000 lives and $12 billion, and employer premiums for family coverage grew just 3 percent in 2014, tied with 2010 for the lowest on record back to 1999.

Meanwhile, since the ACA was signed, the private sector has added 12.8 million jobs over 64 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record. The increase in employment over that period is due almost entirely to higher full-time employment. The number of people working part-time who would prefer to be full-time has fallen by 2.6 million from March 2010 through May 2015, including a decline of 1.1 million since December 2013.

Now, would you like more corn?

Situation: Your brother has a great idea for a start-up, but he’s afraid to lose benefits when he leaves his current job.

You say: The Affordable Care Act can help! (Note: The exclamation point denotes enthusiasm about the ACA, not an instruction to scream at your family.)

Today, all Americans can go online to a Health Insurance Marketplace and shop for quality health coverage. If you decide to start your own business, change jobs or you get laid off, that doesn’t mean you have to lose health coverage.

And thanks to the Affordable Care Act, many people qualify for tax credits to help pay for their coverage, no matter which state they live in – a benefit solidified by last week’s Supreme Court decision. For 2015 coverage, about 80 percent of Marketplace shoppers on Healthcare.gov had the option of buying coverage for $100 or less per month after tax credits. Affordable health insurance is within reach for more people than in any time in recent history.

Situation: Before reaching for another burger, your uncle mentions he’s been meaning to get a blood pressure screening he’s been putting off.

You say: Thanks to the ACA, most health plans must now cover recommended preventive services like annual checkups, flu shots and screenings at no out-of-pocket cost.

Today, about 137 million Americans have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing. And with efforts like the “Healthy Self” campaign and “Coverage to Care,” we’re educating Americans about the new preventive services that are available to them.

Situation: Your younger cousin is about to graduate from college. She’s found a great internship that could really help her career, but it doesn’t offer any benefits.

You say: Thanks to the ACA, she can stay on her parents’ health insurance plan until she turns 26, getting the job experience she needs in today’s competitive economy.

That’s just one of the many consumer protections the ACA provides. Health insurance companies are no longer able to deny you health coverage if you’ve gotten sick before, and if you’re a woman, they can’t charge you a higher premium just because of your gender. The ACA helps the health system work better for individuals.
This ranks lower than the LAST thing I would talk to anyone about on the Fourth of July.
It all really quite simple to explain..........


Damn. I thought I knew how to Bullshit. I need to meet this Mr. Griffis and get some pointers on selling propaganda.

-Baghdad Bob

Personally, the ACA forced my company's hand to drop my wife off of their plan otherwise they would have had to pay some sort of Cadillac tax/fee. So she was resigned to use her company's health care benefits which raised our out of pocket expenses about $2500/yr and she has a 1000K deductible. That plan is slightly better than what she would have had from the ACA. If her company had no health benefits, she could have stayed on my plan. She could have also stayed on my plan if her company's health care plan was not "affordable" which is a percentage of income and the US Govt determined that threshold. Go figure. Yeah I think the ACA is great, Mr. Griffis, now pass me a burger with some gov't cheese.

Not sure how taking more money out of the pockets of many more millions of people than its helping is a good thing for our economy. I'm sure its working out great for those getting that money....

Happy Dependence Day everyone!
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BBQing should be outlawed for causing global warming
Bah! Uncle Ted is 60+ and no longer "useful" to this society. Let him have his corn before he gets some pills from his doctor and goes gently into that good night.

As for the buttinsky at this hypothetical reunion my response would have been "try eating some corn without your teeth dick head."
Why does it have to be so long? I thought all you had to do was tell someone they are racist if they don't like BommaCare?
Don't laugh this stuff off. The libs are masters of propaganda and this article is not that far off from what kids are being taught.

Liberals talking points have been transformed into nightly news broadcasts, movies, TV shows, and lesson plans. The truth is way behind to the point that young people will laugh at you if you give them some facts.
Don't laugh this stuff off. The libs are masters of propaganda and this article is not that far off from what kids are being taught.

Liberals talking points have been transformed into nightly news broadcasts, movies, TV shows, and lesson plans. The truth is way behind to the point that young people will laugh at you if you give them some facts.

Amen to that, I had to recite the pledge of allegiance in order to convince my daughter that the US was not a Democracy.

Then I get an " oh yeh, that."

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