This is simply what you get when you have an extremely narcissistic person who is uneducated, lacks intelligence and common sense and has been enabled most of his life and becomes rich. He is not a very bright individual yet has lots of money. With that comes all the Yes men and fringe people that will feed you stupid idea after stupid idea and lacking the intelligence to know that the way you are living is unsustainable. At some point the money will not be bigger than the problems he creates for himself. AB does not have generational wealth. He has enough to buy him out of his issues but again it will not be sustainable forever. And more than anything the narcissist in him craves attention more than anything. It also creates the ego and self perception that you are bigger and more important than everything else, hence why they think the rules do not apply to them. Might be tomorrow or might be in 10 years or 30 years but this will end very bad for him. When the money and or the fame run out he will completely lose it.