You cant sue when you are in the act of committing a crime… he ran towards the players, he is fair game… tons of precedent thereI find it interesting that when Harrison did this, the Stain fan apologized for doing it, was charged for doing it, and was banned from the stadium for doing it.
This guy is thinking of suing.
If you can find one of the interviews that they did with the guy Harrison wrecked you should watch them… honestly they should play them as public service announcements in the stadium as to why you don’t do that…
Guy got body slammed on his neck, got really messed up, got arrested, fined, banned for life, couldn’t sue cause it was in the act of committing a crime… i think he lost his job… it was just pathetic
They should make a cop show with Harrison where he body slams a dirt bad every episode… has like a “karen“ Type partner telling him he can’t go around body slamming scum but says “watch me” lol I‘d watch it instead of “Chicago” it would be “Pittsburgh” or “steeltown blues” damn we miss that ”presence” Harrison gave us