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stop me if you've heard this before. Terrorist attack in Paris. again.


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL

Driver dies after ramming car into police vehicle on Champs-Elysees in probable terrorist attack

By James McAuley June 19 at 1:26 PM

PARIS — A car exploded as it crashed into a police vehicle on Paris’s famed Champs-Elysees on Monday in what authorities called a probable terrorist attack.

Police were treating the incident as a deliberate act, and the Paris prosecutor opened a terrorism investigation.

The driver, whose identity was not immediately released, was killed in the crash, Gerard Collomb, France’s interior minister, told reporters at the scene. No one else was injured, Paris police sources said.

Police said the attacker — who was 31 and from the northwestern Paris suburb of Argenteuil — was known to French authorities, the Associated Press reported. He was reportedly listed on the government’s “Fiche S,” a dossier of people suspected of posing a threat to national security.

“Once again, French security forces were targeted with this attempted attack on the Champs-Elysees,” Collomb said. He added that “a number of weapons, explosives to blow up this car” were discovered at the scene.
France has a Moslem problem
ISIS continues to run rampant, unabated. If only there was a plan to reel them in.
you left out the most important fact

He was reportedly listed on the government’s “Fiche S,” a dossier of people suspected of posing a threat to national security.

same as "Known Terrorist" to be

oh. don't want to be arrested for being Islamophobic

Round up everyone on that list and deport them and every known relative with them, then build a higher wall, like Hungary
France has a Moslem problem

Obama certainly didn't have one.
That was then, this is now. I thought the whole attraction to Trump was the new approach he would bring. Besides dropping the MOAB on the Afghan caves, nothing seems to have changed. In fact, you could easily argue things are worse, the attacks more frequent. Trump ran on a platform - relentlessly - how he has the answer to ISIS and will eradicate extremist terrorism. Anyone with half a brain saw right through that, just typical campaign bluster. But it seems a whole lot of you bought into it, how much 'tougher' he will be on terrorism, because, well Trump said it forcefully and repeatedly. All for not, just a big smoke & mirrors act. Sadly enough.
Hint to France: if you have moslems on a terror watch list you have two options: deport them and their families, or shoot them and pike their heads outside the palace gates.

Either or.

It's the only thing the 7th century Islamic mind understands
Interesting, I don't see this on any major network. But endless accounts of Muslims being ran over.
They understand ruthlessness very well. They've practiced it so long that it must be in the DNA. Group hugs and campfire sing alongs won't do the trick.
They understand ruthlessness very well. They've practiced it so long that it must be in the DNA. Group hugs and campfire sing alongs won't do the trick.

There is no such thing as a "moderate" Moslem when it comes to killing infidels
That was then, this is now. I thought the whole attraction to Trump was the new approach he would bring.

Trump stated that Europe was going to pay a price - in the number of citizens murdered and the very fabric of society - due to the massive immigration of Muslims from very dubious regions. I don't know how any sentient being can disagree with that conclusion based on what we see in Germany with sexual assaults, Sweden with sexual assaults, France and England with murders, and on and on.

Trump also suggested intervening to prevent the same outcome in the United States by preventing immigration from the 7 areas Obama deemed as high-risk. Americans agreed with that approach. The courts have prevented implementation of this policy.

So Trump took action to prevent hundreds - thousands - of Americans from suffering the same fate as their European brethren. The fact that he has been prevented from doing so on a very questionable legal theory - what he said in the campaign - is not his failing.

Finally, Tibs, I love you, man, but you simply ignore the fact that your current home country (1) has built a ****-ton of fences to prevent illegal immigration, (2) does not take immigrants from the ******* of the world (Syria, Iran, etc.), and (3) the simple, undeniable, ugly fact that Western Europe is suffering horribly from the massive influx of Muslim immigrants. A couple of videos you may want to view to see how bad the situation is:





Western Europe is suffering with a group of immigrants who play the system, live off the government, set up tribal regions where police no longer even patrol, intimidate, attack, molest and murder people they consider no better than dogs - the infidels.

Those are the facts. ****-whistling and pretending that the problem does not exist is not a viable response.
Jus like I perdicted - the whole family was in on it

Paris Champs-Elysees attack: Four relatives arrested

French authorities have detained four relatives of an Islamic extremist who deliberately drove an explosive-laden car into a Gendarmerie van on Paris' Champs-Elysees. The assailant died in the attack.

French police detained the ex-wife, father, brother and sister-in-law of the man behind Monday's attack on a Gendarmerie van on Paris' Champs-Elysees. The family members were taken into custody after being questioned by police at the family home, according to judicial sources.
