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Supreme Court Ruling on DACA


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2014
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While about 90% of the stuff we've been talking about is (in my opinion) short-term issues (in 12 months I doubt anyone cares or is talking about Covid or Black Lives Matter again), the recent ruling on DACA by the Supreme Court is very disappointing to me.

Roberts flipped the court and at least temporarily (and maybe permanently), Trump's attempt to overturn the broad reach of Obama's executive order is stymied.

The long term implications are pretty bad. I see no way any immigration reform happens at all. Democrats now have no reason to come to the table. They like the system broken. They like the fact the laws as written are non-executable. They like that courts have pretty much only allowed catch-and-release as viable enforcement of those caught crossing the border illegally. They don't mind that millions are abusing and creating backlog in the asylum system.

I was really hoping if DACA was revoked the Democrats would have a reason to come to the table and the Republicans in congress could negotiate meaningful reform, throw the Democrats the one-time DACA amnesty, and once a NEW law was passed, things at the border could start to be enforced.

It's such a bad ruling. I'm just shocked that's the way Roberts ruled. I know his opinion leaves it open that a 2nd term Trump administration MIGHT be able to "try again" with a better, more bullshit reason but the reality is ANY reason should be good enough for one President to repeal a previous executive order. Executive orders are not laws. The overreach on this is absolutely crazy.

Can't tell you how disappointed I am. Almost more than anything that's happened in the last 6 months, this one is the most mind-boggling and illogical to me.
I'm trying to figure out how immigration law can be skirted via executive order in the first place. Seems something like that would be unconstitutional, but what do I know?
SCOTUS got this way wrong.
I was really hoping if DACA was revoked the Democrats would have a reason to come to the table and the Republicans in congress could negotiate meaningful reform, throw the Democrats the one-time DACA amnesty, and once a NEW law was passed, things at the border could start to be enforced.

It's such a bad ruling. I'm just shocked that's the way Roberts ruled. I know his opinion leaves it open that a 2nd term Trump administration MIGHT be able to "try again" with a better, more bullshit reason but the reality is ANY reason should be good enough for one President to repeal a previous executive order.

1. Immigration reform was never going to happen anyway. The dems will never come to the table with Trump sitting there. They'd rather have the issue and just wait for another Dem President so he can let them just flood more into the country. They have no reason to bargain for anything. The Dems always get what they want. Just like when they gave Reagan his border wall... oh wait... no Reagan gave them amnesty and they gave him the finger.

2. Roberts is a closet leftist. His opinions border on insanity and make absolutely no judicial sense at all. His reasoning is that of an 8 year old. I wouldn't put another judge on the SC if I were Trump. I'd put a senator (who are lawyers anyway) like Cruz on there before I'd put another judge.

3. Trump's team has already started re-writing the argument. I've heard it could be finished before the end of July. Maybe it can be expedited to the SC before August. Roberts made a mistake in his ruling. He gave Trump a framework to re-write the objection. As long as Trump's team can stay within the framework Roberts has no reason to reject it again.

2. Roberts is a closet leftist. His opinions border on insanity and make absolutely no judicial sense at all. His reasoning is that of an 8 year old. I wouldn't put another judge on the SC if I were Trump. I'd put a senator (who are lawyers anyway) like Cruz on there before I'd put another judge.


Yep. W really F'd up with that pick.
1. Immigration reform was never going to happen anyway. The dems will never come to the table with Trump sitting there. They'd rather have the issue and just wait for another Dem President so he can let them just flood more into the country. They have no reason to bargain for anything. The Dems always get what they want. Just like when they gave Reagan his border wall... oh wait... no Reagan gave them amnesty and they gave him the finger.

2. Roberts is a closet leftist. His opinions border on insanity and make absolutely no judicial sense at all. His reasoning is that of an 8 year old. I wouldn't put another judge on the SC if I were Trump. I'd put a senator (who are lawyers anyway) like Cruz on there before I'd put another judge.

3. Trump's team has already started re-writing the argument. I've heard it could be finished before the end of July. Maybe it can be expedited to the SC before August. Roberts made a mistake in his ruling. He gave Trump a framework to re-write the objection. As long as Trump's team can stay within the framework Roberts has no reason to reject it again.

See, I disagree with #1.

I think if Trump and ICE started deporting DREAMERS, the Democrats would cave like the weaklings they are. They would do anything to save face and make it look like they saved something of Obama's. It was the perfect win-win. Republicans would get actual reform and a long-lasting new law (and really, how often to these laws CHANGE? every 25-30 years?). Democrats would get the meaningless headline and save 750,000 Dreamers and give them a path to citizenship (on a ONE TIME basis). That seems like a perfect trade to me.

I personally think this was all ready to go back in 2017 (in fact, I bet some of the big wigs in the Senate already had a framework in place). You could tell by the way Pelosi and Schumer were talking they were going to fight for Dreamers and make HUGE concessions in the process. It's just a shame the courts got involved at all.

I just can't stand the way we are governed now. It's basically executive order, interpretations and priorities of non-elected/appointed administrative heads (mostly under the executive branch) and then defend/delay those decisions in the court system waiting for rulings that often are overly specific and don't set very good precedent.

Congress pretty much does nothing. If they pass one meaningful piece of legislation (filled to the rim with Pork) once every 4 years, we're lucky. Everything else they pass is just spending bills or stimulus crap or "fixes" for emergencies where they STILL fill it with Pork and pat themselves on the back in the process.

I think the whole process is completely broken. I wish the States would just take over. Get rid of the whole swamp and start over.
1. Immigration reform was never going to happen anyway. The dems will never come to the table with Trump sitting there. They'd rather have the issue and just wait for another Dem President so he can let them just flood more into the country. They have no reason to bargain for anything. The Dems always get what they want. Just like when they gave Reagan his border wall... oh wait... no Reagan gave them amnesty and they gave him the finger.

2. Roberts is a closet leftist. His opinions border on insanity and make absolutely no judicial sense at all. His reasoning is that of an 8 year old. I wouldn't put another judge on the SC if I were Trump. I'd put a senator (who are lawyers anyway) like Cruz on there before I'd put another judge.

3. Trump's team has already started re-writing the argument. I've heard it could be finished before the end of July. Maybe it can be expedited to the SC before August. Roberts made a mistake in his ruling. He gave Trump a framework to re-write the objection. As long as Trump's team can stay within the framework Roberts has no reason to reject it again.

On Roberts, he wasn't appointed by Trump. He was picked by George Bush. Roberts is also the judge who sided in favor of Obama care too. On the tough 5-4 votes, he's gone left. Curz would make a great judge for the supreme court to replace Ginsberg ( age 87 ) or Breyer ( Age 81 )
See, I disagree with #1.

I think if Trump and ICE started deporting DREAMERS, the Democrats would cave like the weaklings they are. They would do anything to save face and make it look like they saved something of Obama's. It was the perfect win-win. Republicans would get actual reform and a long-lasting new law (and really, how often to these laws CHANGE? every 25-30 years?). Democrats would get the meaningless headline and save 750,000 Dreamers and give them a path to citizenship (on a ONE TIME basis). That seems like a perfect trade to me.

I personally think this was all ready to go back in 2017 (in fact, I bet some of the big wigs in the Senate already had a framework in place). You could tell by the way Pelosi and Schumer were talking they were going to fight for Dreamers and make HUGE concessions in the process. It's just a shame the courts got involved at all.

I just can't stand the way we are governed now. It's basically executive order, interpretations and priorities of non-elected/appointed administrative heads (mostly under the executive branch) and then defend/delay those decisions in the court system waiting for rulings that often are overly specific and don't set very good precedent.

Congress pretty much does nothing. If they pass one meaningful piece of legislation (filled to the rim with Pork) once every 4 years, we're lucky. Everything else they pass is just spending bills or stimulus crap or "fixes" for emergencies where they STILL fill it with Pork and pat themselves on the back in the process.

I think the whole process is completely broken. I wish the States would just take over. Get rid of the whole swamp and start over.

I can't think of one time the dems caved on immigration.. not once. Giving them almost 800,000 voters is going to make it better? Seriously? Even in your response you didn't even outline what the president would get... a new law? Hell they are breaking the laws NOW. Why would they care if they broke another one? I hate the way the system works now because it's lawless. There is nothing for conservatives to gain by allowing almost a million new democratic voters. There is no law or anything the dems could give worth that. Even if they promised something they'd never deliver it. Just like under Reagan. If I'm Trump I shut down all immigration, Visas, H1B visas ETC... You want a new life? Good fix your own country.

On Roberts, he wasn't appointed by Trump. He was picked by George Bush. Roberts is also the judge who sided in favor of Obama care too. On the tough 5-4 votes, he's gone left. Curz would make a great judge for the supreme court to replace Ginsberg ( age 87 ) or Breyer ( Age 81 )

I never said he was. I said Trump shouldn't put another judge on the SC. Even Gorsuch, who was appointed by Trump, is a moderate.
They need term limits as well. This lifetime job security thing is a no go. Much like congress and the senate. They need purged every so often so they don't corrupt the whole system. So much sludge needs flushed out of the tank.