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SVB Failure will rock California's economy


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Most of us heard that the 2nd largest bank failure in US history - Silicon Valley Bank, behind only the Washington Mutual failure in 2008 - occurred this past Friday. SVB had assets valued at $211 billion, but a very large portion of those assets was in the form US Treasury bonds paying 2.0% or less, while inflation is more than double that - meaning those bonds are not an asset, they are a liability.

As interest rates rose sharply and the bond market cratered in 2022 (bond prices move inversely to yields), SVB’s bond portfolio took a huge hit. At the end of 2022, SVB held $117 billion of securities, which accounted for the bulk of its $211 billion in assets.

These bonds were showing big losses at the end of 2022, with some $91 billion of the bond portfolio, classified as “held-to-maturity” securities for accounting purposes, worth just $76 billion.

The loss of $15 billion compared with a loss of just $1 billion at year-end 2021, before bond prices fell. The yield on that portfolio averaged just 1.6%, compared with current mortgage-securities yields of about 5%.

Right now, dozens - hundreds - of California startups will be unable to meet payroll in three days unless a buyer picks up SVB. Even if such a buyer comes forward, that is a process likely to take 3 months are more.

I previously wrote on this forum about the fact that California's tax base is teetering on the brink of collapse as the state relies on massive tax payments from a small number of tech industries and tech executives. California's gravy train has derailed.

The state projected an $8 billion (WITH A B!) deficit for 2022 but that figure is likely to be closer to $15 billion and much, much worse in 2023 with the SVB failure, resulting loss of tens of millions in business and income tax revenues, and the continued flight of the middle class and upper middle class (*cough* including someone you all know and love) out of the state.

"Who cares? California can @#$% itself" you say. Yeah, I get it - but when a massive part of the economy crashes, the rest of the nation suffers as well. So the brutal, undeniable truth is this: The United States economy has been propped up for the past three years by M-A-S-S-I-V-E, ludicrous unbacked government spending, the profligate spending has triggered exploding inflation which results in skyrocketing interest rates, which brings about much higher mortgage interest, killing a huge job source in home building, and ravaging bank assets since those 2% bonds are not worth the electronic "paper" they are printed on.

I said six months ago get your money out of the stock market. I hope you ladies paid attention.
We are all F-U-C-K-E-D no matter what we do. The currency is going to collapse. Buy land, seeds, guns and BLOAT.
It's kind of amazing banks are still permitted to take on that kind of interest rate risk in the post-2008 world.

As long as the bonds can be held to maturity, its no big deal, but when they have to be sold to raise cash amid heavy loan losses, the rapid collapse in bond prices can sink a bank.

This should prompt a re-evaluation of financial regulations, but it will probably have to trigger a broader crisis for Congress to act.
So sleepy won’t bail the bank out but will bail out stupid kids and school loans? 🤔
Let’s take a step back. He blamed the oil companies for raising the gas prices that really started the inflation,
along with government handouts.
I’d say it’s when he cut 12,000 pipeline jobs. And he was happy about it.

I’m just so tired of this. Yes I’m on a certain side but I never cared about that. It’s always been about “how we doing”……right now we all being ****** that’s how……and we ******* the rest of the globe too.
Pumping 6 trillion into the economy in 2 short years caused many problems.
Any 3rd grader understands this. They did, too. It was done, knowing it would crash things. Therefore, it was intentional.

These idiots are anti-USA.
Newsome to the rescue. He's inventing new taxes as we speak: Like taxes on guns and ammo. If you can't beat them, tax em.
Don’t forget reparations to all blacks who have lived in CA at least ten years.
Pumping 6 trillion into the economy in 2 short years caused many problems.

Correction: Creating $6 Trillion out of thin air caused many problems.