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Tell me again that we should believe every accusation


Steeler fanatic trying to survive modern society
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Lebanon, OH (Near Kings Island)

After Selfie Photo Exposes False Assault Claim, Accuser to be Charged
By Zack Stieber December 4, 2018
A woman who made a demonstrably false assault claim will be arrested.

A selfie saved the Texas man who was facing a 99-year prison term for allegedly committing assault against the woman.


inRead invented by Teads
Cristopher Precopia, 21, was arrested last year after his ex-girlfriend said he broke into her home and attacked her.

But a selfie he had taken proved he was out of town the day she claimed the attack happened.

Precopia’s mother Erin Pinkston Precopia posted a selfie of the pair and wrote: “My son and countless others have been falsely detained and imprisoned on accusations alone. This is not constitutionally right. Laws must be changed! My son’s rights were violated. He was not given any information about why he was being arrested, not given the details of his arrest until AFTER bail was set at $150,000. Let that sink in…”

The picture showed them at an Austin hotel room some 65 miles away from the home of the accuser. The photo was timestamped 20 minutes before the accuser claimed Precopia broke into her house, vindicating him.

The family was grateful the false claim was about a day they could prove Cristopher was innocent.

“I’m thinking, ‘This is awesome. By the grace of God, she said it happened on the day when I can say totally, 100 percent, where he was at,” Erin Precopia told USA Today.

Sworn affidavits from several people who were there with him that evening were provided to the court. Other photos on Facebook posted at the same time as the alleged assault were also used.

“Most of the time, we deal with gray matters,” attorney Rick Flores told the paper. “It’s not normally black or white. But this is one of those cases where I could definitely prove he did not commit this offense.”

A man uses a smartphone in Tokyo.
A man uses a smartphone in a file photo. (Shizuo Kambayashi/AP)
Ex-Girlfriend to be Arrested
The woman who made the claim will be arrested, according to a new report.

Jim Nichols with the Bell County Attorney’s Office told the Temple Police Department to seek a warrant to arrest Faith Cox, the accuser, reported KVUE.

Nichols said Cox will likely turn herself into the authorities this week, and that she has an attorney.

The looming arrest was also reported by Fox 7, but no specific date was given in either report.

She will be charged with filing a false police report. She claimed that Precopia broke into her house, punched her in the face, and carved an “X” into her upper chest with a box cutter.

The crime carries a maximum prison sentence of 180 days in jail and a maximum fine of $2,000.

The Precopia family was slated to meet with Nichols this week or next week to discuss the misdemeanor charge against Cox.

Meanwhile, Precopia is fighting to get the arrest record expunged since he’s been cleared of the charge, his mother told the Crime Online blog. She also said he’s dealing with the psychological impact of the false accusation.

“The psychological toll it has taken on him for the past year has been devastating to witness,” she said. “He had to check in with a bail bonds company once a week for 9 months. He had (and still does) to look over his shoulder everywhere he went in fear of this happening again. He had to always make sure he was with someone, or somewhere where people could vouch for his whereabouts.”
The look at me generation of all things social media is making kids lives miserable, this girl a perfect example. And it's making it easier for law enforcement to know who's telling what truth.

Glad the kid had the evidence to prove himself innocent.
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They should give her 10 years in the clank for that ****. ......but she'll probably get 10 days and probation.
It’s way more common for **** like this to happen than you think. But as a society we infantalize females and don’t hold them to the same standards we hold men to. It’s a known thing that false rape/domestic abuse reports are commonplace in divorce and custody cases.
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It’s way more common for **** like this to happen than you think. But as a society we infantalize females and don’t hold them to the same standards we hold men to. It’s a known thing that false rape/domestic abuse reports are commonplace in divorce and custody cases.

Thats very likely the case with Najeh Davenport... bettis was absolutely falsely accused but they proved she was lying about it, and Bens second accusation absolutely was able to be proven false due to the stuff the girls posted and texted then tried to delete... which ultimately was why no charges were levied....
It’s way more common for **** like this to happen than you think. .

Yup. My crazy ex falsely accused me to the police. She even injured herself. Thankfully they believed me. She also accused me in court, under oath and lied to the shrink who did our custody evaluation. I’ve always had, thanks to my Dad, the mindset of never lie. You don’t have to remember whatever bullshit you said or keep it straight. Speak with confidence knowing that you’re telling the truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
I’ve always had, thanks to my Dad, the mindset of never lie. You don’t have to remember whatever bullshit you said or keep it straight. Speak with confidence knowing that you’re telling the truth.

Unless you are talking to Bob Mueller and his Dem vampire staff, and you forget one detail.
It’s way more common for **** like this to happen than you think. But as a society we infantalize females and don’t hold them to the same standards we hold men to. It’s a known thing that false rape/domestic abuse reports are commonplace in divorce and custody cases.

My neighbor is accusing me for supposedly recording her.
I know the feeling all to well.

Because she's clinically diagnosed bi-polar, she gets a lot of chances.
She has a lengthy criminal record and the local cops know her all too well.

Sadly I have to put up with her
My neighbor is accusing me for supposedly recording her.
I know the feeling all to well.

Because she's clinically diagnosed bi-polar, she gets a lot of chances.
She has a lengthy criminal record and the local cops know her all too well.

Sadly I have to put up with her

This post is useless without pictures. No, wait.......
My neighbor is accusing me for supposedly recording her.
I know the feeling all to well.

Because she's clinically diagnosed bi-polar, she gets a lot of chances.
She has a lengthy criminal record and the local cops know her all too well.

Sadly I have to put up with her

You know, there, MTC... PA is a two-party consent state.
You know, there, MTC... PA is a two-party consent state.

I don't even know what NM is to be honest.
She's called the cops on us over petty stuff like noise ordinance when working mid day.
And on my wife when my wife was about to whoop her *** for her coming out and literally threatening my son and my brothers when they were outside "making noise".

The cops have been lenient on her but have told us about her. She's off her meds again I assume cause she can be a ***** every now and then.

Maybe she'll falsely accuse us of something and the police/courts will have enough of her BS. Wishful thinking lol
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I catch a lot of heat from my family and friends when I say that I want to see ALL THE FACTS before taking a side in things like this. I don't automatically jump to the defense of the female. Why should I? Unless I was there witnessing what happened or unless it directly happened to me, I don't know what happened. I am glad this girl is being held accountable- it's a start. We need to hold ALL women accountable.
sweet. sounds like my ex-girlfriend lives in New Mexico. Keep the updates coming, MTC. I like to know how much buffer zone I have.
There's a local writer here who covers our high school, specifically the sport teams, for a local paper. He's got quite the FaceBook following and community following. Well respected. Super Liberal.

When the Kavanaugh hearings were going on and Trump says this happens (false accusations) to men in the USA at an alarming rate (or whatever he said), this gentleman wrote on Facebook about it. He poked fun at the President's message and said "If young men would just keep their hands to themselves and their dicks in their pants, there would be no false accusations." Yes he typed out dick on Facebook. Odd.

Anyway, I posted one of these articles recently with the tag line being "If they would just keep their junk in their pants and hands to themselves...whoops."

I'll use this article for my never-ending indirect assault on his stupid *** comment.

Carry on.
So he didn’t poop in the laundry basket in the closet? I think I’d rather be falsely accused of assault.

Oh no the phantom dumpster was definitely him, but later he was accused of beating his girlfriend in Ohio, only she had no marks on her when the police came and arrested him, but the next day she was all bruised and bloodied despite him being in jail all night... its aknown thing that during custody cases like he was in, ohio women often take advantage of a loophole that basically grants them custody in cases of abuse...
Get knocked up by a millionaire, claim abuse, get custody and sweet child support payments from them...

Yeah it was why the Steelers didn’t cut ties with him... it was pretty obvious what the scam was there
There's a local writer here who covers our high school, specifically the sport teams, for a local paper. He's got quite the FaceBook following and community following. Well respected. Super Liberal.

When the Kavanaugh hearings were going on and Trump says this happens (false accusations) to men in the USA at an alarming rate (or whatever he said), this gentleman wrote on Facebook about it. He poked fun at the President's message and said "If young men would just keep their hands to themselves and their dicks in their pants, there would be no false accusations." Yes he typed out dick on Facebook. Odd.

Anyway, I posted one of these articles recently with the tag line being "If they would just keep their junk in their pants and hands to themselves...whoops."

I'll use this article for my never-ending indirect assault on his stupid *** comment.

Carry on.

I don't know if you can post videos on The Facebook, but perhaps something like this for that idiotic statement from that writer -
sweet. sounds like my ex-girlfriend lives in New Mexico. Keep the updates coming, MTC. I like to know how much buffer zone I have.

Lol. For sure. She's the neighborhood storybook.
Since we've moved in 2013.

-she's ambushed/jumped the neighbor across the street.
- stabbed her ex hubby. Lost custody of her two youngest as a result
- she has been jumped by a gang of chicks. She came asking for our help. This was after her threatening my 4 year old son at the time.
-Has multiple bf's. Two of them I know spot her money. She has a cholo dude staying with her now. Constantly working on her yard.
- she's decreased my property line by putting up a new(shittier) fence. I don't mind her working on her yard, but at least say something like "hey, I'm putting up a new fence, I'm going to have to be in your yard". After all was done the fence looked like **** and my yard was a mess. Trashed and the dirt was all not leveled. That's when problems really started with her.

We don't get into confrontations much cause we're always at work. But we've had run in's with her recently where she's getting hostile. The cops won't do nothing though.

I sure as hell am not willing to spend $150 to file a restraining order.
buy a **** ton of cayenne pepper
at night, or when she's not there, sprinkle it liberally in her yard.

that should resolve any yard work being attempted.
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Oh no the phantom dumpster was definitely him, but later he was accused of beating his girlfriend in Ohio, only she had no marks on her when the police came and arrested him, but the next day she was all bruised and bloodied despite him being in jail all night... its aknown thing that during custody cases like he was in, ohio women often take advantage of a loophole that basically grants them custody in cases of abuse...
Get knocked up by a millionaire, claim abuse, get custody and sweet child support payments from them...

Yeah it was why the Steelers didn’t cut ties with him... it was pretty obvious what the scam was there

Some chicks are absolute bat **** crazy.
I wonder if women in general are more prone to mental breakdowns biologically speaking?

Just seems every time you read these stories. The lady is always the crazed psycho one. And living next door to a looney, makes me wonder.

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Saturday, November 3, 2018

One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee revealed the fraud in a letter to the FBI and Justice Department Friday, asking them to prosecute Judy Munro-Leighton for lying to and obstructing Congress.

Mr. Grassley said Ms. Munro-Leighton is a left-wing activist who hijacked another “Jane Doe” anonymous report about a backseat rape and claimed it as her own story, calling it a “vicious assault.”

“I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped me,” Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote in an Oct. 3 email claiming to have been a victim of the judge.

Mr. Grassley’s investigators tried to reach her for a month but were unsuccessful until this week, when they spoke to her by phone and she confessed that she was not the original Jane Doe, and “did that as a way to grab attention.”
Accusations got rid of the titty twister,

