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The Chinese Social Credit Score


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Picksburgh, PA
We are living in Orwellian times. This software system scrubs social media, and other things, and assigns a score to you based on the results. How much you are being obedient to the regime. And they are subtracting rights based upon your score. Our friends, such as Google, are helping with this technology, even though they deny it. By the way, add me to a growing list of people who think that the big tech companies are a new enemy of the people.This should concern all of us. It can happen here, without our knowledge.


In most countries, the existence of a credit system isn't controversial. Past financial information is used to predict whether individuals will pay their mortgages or credit card bill in the future.

But China is taking the whole concept a few steps further. The Chinese government is building an omnipotent "social credit" system that is meant to rate each citizen's trustworthiness.

By 2020, everyone in China will be enrolled in a vast national database that compiles fiscal and government information, including minor traffic violations, and distils it into a single number ranking each citizen.

That system isn't in place yet. For now, the government is watching how eight Chinese companies issue their own "social credit" scores under state-approved pilot projects.

One of the most high-profile projects is by Sesame Credit, the financial wing of Alibaba. With 400 million users, Alibaba is the world's biggest online shopping platform. It's using its unique database of consumer information to compile individual "social credit" scores.

Users are encouraged to flaunt their good credit scores to friends, and even potential mates. China's biggest matchmaking service, Baihe, has teamed up with Sesame to promote clients with good credit scores, giving them prominent spots on the company's website.

"A person's appearance is very important," explains Baihe's vice-president, Zhuan Yirong. "But it's more important to be able make a living. Your partner's fortune guarantees a comfortable life."
Google,Facebook and Twitter all have way too much power over your information. They study you like bugs and do not approve of views that do not conform to their little lefto world. The permissions they have on your cell phone if you have one of those apps is scary. A lot of it is used to sell you **** ,but it's also used to suppress political dissent and gather intelligence which you granted them permission to access everything on your phone.

The **** google is doing for China they should be ******* ashamed of.
China is a controlling nation. Shades of the book 1984, people are not allowed to travel state to state in general. Red Brother is watching...

There is no such thing as a happy childhood there ( at least by our standards ) Children work and study from 8AM-10PM, focusing all their energy on this one test, which basically determines their future in their teenage years.

Their president has eliminated term limits, and you have to question if he can be beaten in their version of an election. The Government's eye is on business and the people.

I've met some people from China on business in the USA. When they are here its like they were freed from mental bondage. I've heard things like we wish we lived here in private. They can afford to breathe and be themselves in the United States.
China is a controlling nation. Shades of the book 1984, people are not allowed to travel state to state in general. Red Brother is watching...

There is no such thing as a happy childhood there ( at least by our standards ) Children work and study from 8AM-10PM, focusing all their energy on this one test, which basically determines their future in their teenage years.

Their president has eliminated term limits, and you have to question if he can be beaten in their version of an election. The Government's eye is on business and the people.

I've met some people from China on business in the USA. When they are here its like they were freed from mental bondage. I've heard things like we wish we lived here in private. They can afford to breathe and be themselves in the United States.

I've started doing business with a big chemical distributor in China. They want to come here for a visit in April. That requires a U.S. business visa. I had to write them a letter of invitation and also send a letter to the U.S. consulate at our embassy in Beijing explaining the purpose of the visit. I've never had to do that for customers from any other country. The people on the left in our country are communist, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I bet they're going to want to go to a strip club.
I've started doing business with a big chemical distributor in China. They want to come here for a visit in April. That requires a U.S. business visa. I had to write them a letter of invitation and also send a letter to the U.S. consulate at our embassy in Beijing explaining the purpose of the visit. I've never had to do that for customers from any other country. The people on the left in our country are communist, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I bet they're going to want to go to a strip club.

Take them out somewhere!

Free tip, call the waiter or club manager. Give him/her a $50.00 or $100.00 bill in advance and tell them you have special guests. They will love that.

Yes, they like or women. Just stay away from the infamous Albert Einstein quote and politics in general and focus on fun. Also they don't like Japan. Mention nothing Japanese, not even Godzilla.
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Google,Facebook and Twitter all have way too much power over your information. They study you like bugs and do not approve of views that do not conform to their little lefto world. The permissions they have on your cell phone if you have one of those apps is scary. A lot of it is used to sell you **** ,but it's also used to suppress political dissent and gather intelligence which you granted them permission to access everything on your phone.

The **** google is doing for China they should be ******* ashamed of.

Kinda scary to see ads pop up from websites I either previously shopped from or when doing online window shopping.
That's why I refuse to create a social media account like facebook, twitter etc.

My forum memberships should suffice enough lol
China is a controlling nation. Shades of the book 1984, people are not allowed to travel state to state in general. Red Brother is watching...

There is no such thing as a happy childhood there ( at least by our standards ) Children work and study from 8AM-10PM, focusing all their energy on this one test, which basically determines their future in their teenage years.

Their president has eliminated term limits, and you have to question if he can be beaten in their version of an election. The Government's eye is on business and the people.

I've met some people from China on business in the USA. When they are here its like they were freed from mental bondage. I've heard things like we wish we lived here in private. They can afford to breathe and be themselves in the United States.

Screw that
Kinda scary to see ads pop up from websites I either previously shopped from or when doing online window shopping.
That's why I refuse to create a social media account like facebook, twitter etc.

My forum memberships should suffice enough lol

They will pick up conversations you have even around your phone. They can turn on your microphone or camera at anytime. In fact A LOT of apps if you look at the permissions before installing can do the same thing.

Those ads you see is because you're online actions are tracked. Visit one page and **** pops up on another page unrelated. That's the new age of marketing &sales . It works too.
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Kinda scary to see ads pop up from websites I either previously shopped from or when doing online window shopping.
That's why I refuse to create a social media account like facebook, twitter etc.

My forum memberships should suffice enough lol

Yeah I don't blame you. It's the new age of marketing&sales. They can turn on your camera,microphone, access all of your contacts,texts..ect. This is many apps.
Yeah I don't blame you. It's the new age of marketing&sales. They can turn on your camera,microphone, access all of your contacts,texts..ect. This is many apps.

I can only imagine the amount of information and private at that they have on those with a big social media presence.
Kinda scary to see ads pop up from websites I either previously shopped from or when doing online window shopping.
That's why I refuse to create a social media account like facebook, twitter etc.

Anybody who asks Amazon Alexa to do something, doesn't realize that Alexa is hearing everything your family is saying. Where is that info going? Anybody that trusts Facebook, Google, or Amazon to do the right thing, has toys in the attic.
With my new job I put a couple of new people's numbers in my phone and now I get Friend suggestions from FB for them. I never searched for them or did anything about them on FB.