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The corruption of Hillary Clinton


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
I believe that the discussion about Clinton's e-mail scandal is, in large part, missing the point. Specifically, why would "the smartest woman in the world" use a private e-mail server for official government business, much of it involving classified information??

The answer is this: Clinton was using her office as Secretary of State to ***** out the United States government and sell her services to those willing to pay the necessary price to the Clinton Foundation. This is not speculation, or supposition - it is a proven fact. Clinton knew that if her e-mail communications were kept on the government server, then those communications would be subject to the FOIA, and would be available when the next administration takes over.

That could not happen, because Clinton was flouting the law and the order from the Obama administration that she report every foreign donation to the Clinton foundation. She failed to do so, and in fact this article in the National Review explains the scope of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of State corruption:

In 2009, the incoming Obama administration had been deeply concerned about the potential for corruption were Hillary to run the State Department while Bill and their family foundation were hauling in huge payments from foreign governments, businesses, and entrepreneurs. For precisely this reason, the White House required Mrs. Clinton to agree in writing that the Clinton Foundation would annually disclose its major donors and seek pre-approval from the White House before the foundation accepted foreign contributions. This agreement was repeated flouted — for example, by concealing the contributions from Telfer. Indeed, the foundation was recently forced to refile its tax returns for the years that Secretary Clinton ran the State Department after media reports that it failed to disclose foreign donations — approximately $20 million worth.


The reference to the Telfer donation involves money - tens of millions of dollars - invested by a corrupt dictator, leading to the sale of Canadian mining interests and uranium deposits to the dictator, and the subsequent take-over of those mining interests by Russia and Putin - with Clinton's knowledge and approval.

If you have not read about these transactions, please refer to this NY Times article:


Here is one small tidbit from that article:

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

That is why Clinton so desperately wanted to control (i.e., hide) her government e-mails. Those e-mails depict regular communications with world leaders, very often corrupt despots, who gained access to the Secretary of State while not coincidentally "donating" tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton foundation.

Further, no sentient being believes that the Clinton Foundation is a legitimate charitable endeavor. The "charity" spends 10% of its contributions on actual charitable contributions, or as much as it spends on travel. The charity also spends 33% of revenue on salaries, and 47% on "other" expenses, such as rent, entertainment, etc.

So the "charity" spends three times as much on salaries as it does on actual charity. That is embarrassing.

And it's run by a woman who used the charity to sell access to her position as Secretary of State. Pathetic.

For the love of all that is holy, can Democrats admit that Clinton is a scam artist and thief? That she is no better - no, she is worse - than some low-life who invents a fake charity after the death of a police officer and raises money in the dead cop's name "for his family," while actually just stealing the goddamn money?

Jesus, who would vote for some disgusting douche who tries to capitalize on somebody else's misfortune to raise tens of millions of dollars for their own benefit??

The Haitian protesters noticed an interesting pattern involving the Clintons and the designation of how aid funds were used. They observed that a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Haitian contracts appeared less tailored to the needs of Haiti than to the needs of the companies that were performing the services. In sum, Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons.


So please, for the love of all that is holy, don't claim that voting for Clinton is a vote for somebody "qualified" to be anything other than a lying, scheming, self-serving low-life.
IMHO, if you call yourself a conservative or a republican, you must vote for Donald Trump. I get voting for someone like Johnson based on principle. But we don't have the luxury of principles right now. If you don't like Trump, I can understand because I don't care much for him myself. But the thought of Hillary Clinton and her corrupt minions in charge of this country for any length of time keeps me awake at night. This election truly is about electing the lesser of two evils.
Yep the Hildebeast used a private server so there would be no paper trail of evidence in her on going criminal enterprise at the Clinton Foundation.
Yep the Hildebeast used a private server so there would be no paper trail of evidence in her on going criminal enterprise at the Clinton Foundation.

Well that was the plan anyway, at this point it doesn't really matter. Nobody is going to prosecute her now that she is a Queen Bee and has the DOJ bought and paid for.



Yep the Hildebeast used a private server so there would be no paper trail of evidence in her on going criminal enterprise at the Clinton Foundation.

There is no other credible explanation for her actions. That also explains why she would have her lawyers delete more than 40,000 e-mails.

Why the **** would anybody delete subpoenaed e-mails about Chelsea's wedding and yoga?? Nobody would do that.

Who would delete tens of thousands of subpoenaed e-mails about a corrupt "charitable" organization that in fact operated as a front for a multi-million dollar sale of government access and government business?

Why, Hillary would.
There are for-profit businesses that give more to charity than the Clinton Foundation.
sexist twatwaffles, y'all just don't like the idea of a female as President....
There are for-profit businesses that give more to charity than the Clinton Foundation.

Excellent point. I don't think the Clinton Foundation gives enough to qualify for the Mormon church.
Excellent point. I don't think the Clinton Foundation gives enough to qualify for the Mormon church.

I'm sure not. Mormons tithe to the church and also give to charity and volunteer. Progressives know next to nothing about true charity.
I'm sure not. Mormons tithe to the church and also give to charity and volunteer. Progressives know next to nothing about true charity.

They are very generous with other people's money
They are. I've seen them do things with their own that surprised me. They are certainly not perfect but they are often generous.
The whole Clinton family is corrupt as sin.

It's a unity of Bill and Hillary who are together for no other reason than power and greed. They have appointed their daughter to now run and head (at a HUGE salary I bet with under the table money everyone) the Clinton Foundation (which just launders money).

This is a generational attempt by the Clintons to become the Kennedys, except much worse and more corrupt.

The "inside circle" of this family is scary and knows no bounds. I'm convinced they've committed murder. I'm convinced they've crushed peoples lives in opposition to them. Every decision they make is to protect themselves and make themselves more powerful politically and financially.

They are literally a mafioso with their own concierges and enforcers and lawyers.

It's truly scary what they are. And the media has somehow made Trump to be the "scary" one to millions of Americans (and Tibs)....
This is a generational attempt by the Clintons to become the Kennedys, except much worse and more corrupt.

At least the Kennedys had the decency to get out of bed(Mostly) with organized crime once Prohibition was over.
At least the Kennedys had the decency to get out of bed(Mostly) with organized crime once Prohibition was over.

If 43-year old JFK ran today with the same concepts, principles, views of the economy and taxation, and views on foreign policy as he did in 1960, he would be vilified by the Democrats. Absolutely vilified as a racist, elitist, warmonger.
If 43-year old JFK ran today with the same concepts, principles, views of the economy and taxation, and views on foreign policy as he did in 1960, he would be vilified by the Democrats. Absolutely vilified as a racist, elitist, warmonger.
yet they quote LBJ as some kind of savior.
truly puzzling