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The House Dims treatment of AG Barr


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Our democratic form of government is the oldest on the planet, the oldest ever seen in human history. A fundamental tenet to our government is that elected officials work for their voters, and also for the American people in general. Until maybe 25 years ago, I would never believe a member of the House of Representatives would deliberately harm America, harm our form of government, damage our institutions for generations - maybe forever - simply as a political ploy, and "gotcha, lookit me!" moment.

For three years, I have heard over and over and over and over that Trump will destroy America, ignore our history, ruin our future. How? By appointing judges that know the limits on their power? By enforcing our border? Ending China's raping of our manufacturing industry? Making the welfare-mom NATO nations pay their way for a change? HOW?

The hearing yesterday showed me that it is the current Dim members of the House are intent on destroying this nation. How? By doing this:

  • Making patently, absurdly false accusations and then refusing to give the other side a chance to answer the claim.
  • Using a hearing on the rank abuse of executive power by Obama as a purely political tool.
  • By corrupting the system in the hopes of permanently destroying it, for their selfish benefit and at the cost to America.
  • By further lowering the public perception of the disgusting chamber, filled with some of the stupidest human beings ever to walk the planet.
  • By abandoning their jobs for the most embarrassing, vile, contemptible political theater since the Soviet Union disbanded.

The hearings yesterday were to investigate why the FBI and DOJ and NSA spied on a campaign official where the supposed "basis" for the spying was KNOWN to be unreliable (Washington-speak for a lie), i.e., third-hand garbage that Christopher Steele got from a known Russian agent peddling disinformation.

The FISA warrants are known to be false, incomplete, unreliable, etc. The spying involved a candidate for President. The FBI and DOJ, contrary to all prior such events, did not inform Trump of the allegations or the purported spying and instead spied on him. Did Obama and his DOJ abuse their powers? Certainly seems possible, if not likely.

But no matter how you feel about the actions of the FBI and the DOJ, their misuse of the FISA process, their spying on a political campaign during the election, I challenge anyone to justify ignoring these issues. That is what the idiot moron (D)ims did yesterday.

If the (D)ims felt that the FBI and DOJ acted within policy and the law, despite the more than 15 abuses of the FISA process, then argue the case. Challenge Barr and let him answer. Let the information be made available to all. Don't FIGHT the declassification of clearly non-secret information about who paid Steele for the damn information, don't make the hearing the disgusting clown show it became. DO YOUR JOB.

I am just old enough to recall the Watergate hearings in 1973. Just barely. I recall very clearly that Republicans asked pointed questions of Haldemann, Erlichman, Dean, Hunt, Colson, etc. They sometimes tried to defuse claims that Nixon knew of the break-in, tried to determine what the witnesses actually knew, who was giving the orders, etc.

Not one time did they treat the hearings like political theater, or turn it into a clown show.

Also recall the recent impeachment fiasco. (D)ims once again turned it into a clown show, but Republicans did not attack, mock, interrupt, accuse (D)ims of being lying traitors (no slander there). They asked questions of the witnesses and made their arguments. If you are a liberal or (D)im leaning, would you be comforted if the Republicans behaved during the impeachment hearings like the (D)ims did yesterday? Be honest.

The (D)ims who engaged in such behavior yesterday need to be remembered, and scorned. They apparently needed to attack Barr because they seemingly realize they have no facts to answer the significant questions about the spying on Trump in 2016-2017, the endless "leaks" that turned out to be lies, the smearing of Americans for nothing whatsoever to do with Russia, or the election, or anything of the sort.

The problem is that today's media is filled with political partisan hack dolts who won't do their job. They are fine with ruining the House and its oversight responsibilities.

But not everything is about today, or this second, or even this decade. Those who stand by silently and don't e-mail the embarrassing morons who made America a worse place yesterday cannot claim immunity any more. It's time to do something. Remember these idiots and let them know that they are personally responsible for harming America:

Jerrold Nadler (D) New York
Zoe Lofgren (D) California
Sheila Jackson Lee (D) Texas
Hank Johnson (D) Georgia
Jamie Raskin (D) Maryland
David Cicilline (D) Rhode Island
Steve Cohen (D) Tennessee
Pramila Jayapal (D) Washington
Sylvia Garcia (D) Texas
Debbie Mucarsal-Powell (D) Florida
Veronica Escobar (D) Texas
If Trump ever testifies before congress it should be a PPV event
Problem with that is that those that live in their districts mostly agree with them.

Tibs linked some blurb about police seeking a search warrant for an unidentified guy, umbrella man, who is a white supremacist and who individually, all by himself, turned the entirely peaceful Minneapolis riots, uhh, protests, into burning, looting and rioting.

No actual news to support the claim since. So I ask, why would anybody claim that one guy turned these thousands of soulful, loving rioters, ehh, protesters into a hate-filled mob? The answer seems clear to me: the lying lefties burning and looting know they are scum, and try to throw blame on somebody else.

The voters in these districts in fact know they are lying scum. They lie about America, lie about the reason for their unhappiness (themselves), lie about the reasons for their personal economic limits (themselves), lie about why they lack adequate medical care (themselves), lie about who is the only person on earth who can improve their lives (themselves).

They know it's all a lie. They pretend not to know and continue supporting the trash stinking up Congress solely to avoid acknowledging that they are responsible for their lives, their failures, their own unhappiness.

What a miserable existence.
I love Bill Barr. He is the voice of reason, and law, that this broken country needs right now.

The reason that Dems would not let him answer yesterday, is because he would make them look like idiots. And despite that, he still did!!!!!!

<video style="width: 480px; height: 395.789px; left: 0px; top: 0px;" alt="Spit Take Lol GIF" src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/U0L0whTE3lzMc/giphy.mp4" poster="https://media0.giphy.com/media/U0L0whTE3lzMc/giphy_s.gif" autoplay="autoplay" loop="" controls=""></video>

I've never seen anything like it in my life. They called him to testify and then never let him answer one ******* question. Because they don't care about any of these issues they claim to care about. Police brutality, racial strife, etc....they do not give a **** about any of it They used those proceedings to preach at him and grandstand on national TV then cut him off every time he attempted to answer. These Democrat politicians do not want answers, they do not want solutions, they do not want people's life to get better. They openly rely on people living in abject misery and being enraged all the time to stay in power. How anyone could in good conscience vote for this party at this point, I cannot fathom.
I've never seen anything like it in my life. They called him to testify and then never let him answer one ******* question. Because they don't care about any of these issues they claim to care about. Police brutality, racial strife, etc....they do not give a **** about any of it They used those proceedings to preach at him and grandstand on national TV then cut him off every time he attempted to answer. These Democrat politicians do not want answers, they do not want solutions, they do not want people's life to get better. They openly rely on people living in abject misery and being enraged all the time to stay in power. How anyone could in good conscience vote for this party at this point, I cannot fathom.
What do you mean "good conscience"?

What does that have to do with CNN, MediaMatters, Facebook jamming content to the feebs like Tibsy and Trog? These "thinkers" are then able to regurgitate the themes, with examples spoon fed by their media masters AND they get the soma/like highs from their "followers". The circular dopamine reset cycle has nothing to do with conscience, or independent thought.

Even Spike, before he went kerfluey, was ramping his need for self-reinforcement/entertainment based on his inputs.

The medium is the message

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You wouldn't pay for that either. Just watch through your neighbor's window for free. It's the libtard way.

I guess you need to sit in your room so you can jack off watching trump
I thought Barr's testimony was compelling and true. I am growing to have more respect for him daily.

I really do think he believes in the rule of law, applied justly and fairly to all people. Granted, he might be "lenient" on some things but at least I believe he would be lenient for all equally.
Problem with that is that those that live in their districts mostly agree with them.



I've never seen anything like it in my life. They called him to testify and then never let him answer one ******* question. Because they don't care about any of these issues they claim to care about.

Brett Kavanaugh. But that circus was also despicable. Those vultures are beyond redemption (like they completely lost their souls somewhere in the process). How long was Barr there for without even a break?
Big no skill tree fall hard. Ouch. That head off the asphalt. That's how you can die in street fights.
I didn’t watch a lot until recently. He slayed them. Slayed them. “No you can’t piss, but imma fall asleep”. Lol. Remove all of these geriatrics
Just remember, those congressmen (and women) spend HOURS preparing for their 5 minutes on camera to "ask" Barr his question. It is NEVER about the finding out information you don't already know to these fools. It is how to present a "question" in a form of testimony and get that testimony on TV.

I heard one congresswoman from Washington state has already turned her "question" into a campaign add.
I didn’t watch a lot until recently. He slayed them. Slayed them.

Same here. I only watched snippets, but I see now that if Barr was actually allowed to talk, he would have completely annihilated them. They knew it, obviously, as they wouldn't allow him to answer and kept 'reclaiming their time'. Against the witness they're asking questions of! :lol:

Saw hamster post a video of his already, but Tim Pool made some excellent observations/points on his podcast about this. Barr was already AG for H.W. Bush 3 decades ago, eventually went into private corporate life and did very well for himself there. So this whole notion that he's just a "stooge" for Trump is ridiculous:

I love the fact that a guy like Tim Pool is out there because he's considered a classical liberal who doesn't recognize these lunatics on the left nowadays. Been paying attention to this guy for the last several months and he's mentioned that his podcast is getting 100,000 new subscribers a month right now (at least the last 2 months he said). That's a lot of independent and centrist minds he's making his points to.

And now this:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This guy is trying to make me vote for him <a href="https://t.co/0WcLqZkDom">https://t.co/0WcLqZkDom</a></p>— Tim Pool (@Timcast) <a href="https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1289722570413969409?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You know you were voting for him a while ago Tim, you're just getting more and more comfortable actually saying it. I'd be careful though because the mob is powerful and they take no ******* prisoners.
I love the fact that a guy like Tim Pool is out there because he's considered a classical liberal who doesn't recognize these lunatics on the left nowadays. Been paying attention to this guy for the last several months and he's mentioned that his podcast is getting 100,000 new subscribers a month right now (at least the last 2 months he said). That's a lot of independent and centrist minds he's making his points to.

And now this:

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1289722570413969409&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com%2Fshowthread.php%3F35119-The-House-Dims-treatment-of-AG-Barr&theme=light&widgetsVersion=223fc1c4%3A1596143124634&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1289722570413969409" frameborder="0"></iframe>
This guy is trying to make me vote for him https://t.co/0WcLqZkDom
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) August 2, 2020
<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You know you were voting for him a while ago Tim, you're just getting more and more comfortable actually saying it. I'd be careful though because the mob is powerful and they take no ******* prisoners.

Tim Pool cut his teeth doing street level coverage of the Occupy movement, until he became recognizable to the woketard crazies. He was never a right winger, and always tried to maintain objectivity. I am glad to see moderates like Pool, and hope that his message resonates with more and more young people.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.3c5aa8e2a38bbbee4b6d88e6846fc657.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>