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The Liberal Hypocrisy Thread

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Like so many other threads, we could fill this one to the brim with examples of behavior Liberals are allowed to engage in that Conservatives are demonized, harassed, or fired for.

I'll start with this example, a beauty....

On Tuesday, after Gary O’Connor, the chair of the Lamar County Democratic Party in Texas, had offered his resignation in the wake of blowback for calling Senator Tim Scott an “oreo” on Facebook, the Lamar County Democratic Party declared it would not accept his resignation.

O’Connor had written after Scott’s rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union speech, “I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles.

According to Merriam-Webster, the term “oreo” is a disparaging word that means “a black person who adopts the characteristic mentality and behavior of white middle-class society.” The Urban Dictionary explains it as a derogatory term meaning “black on the outside, white on the inside.”

The Lamar County Democratic Party told The Texas Tribune that they had used the “last few days to reflect upon this incident,” adding, “Lamar County Democrats recommit ourselves to conduct our private conversations and our public social media discussions with anti-racist, pro-reconciling attitudes and language. We strongly condemn bigotry of any kind and will continue our historic efforts to work for justice and equality for all our fellow citizens.”


So the man said something horribly racist. Once again, a Black Conservative isn't really "black." And the Democratic party gives him a pass REFUSING TO ACCEPT HIS RESIGNATION.

I'm sorry, who's the racist party??
Again, see you are missing the key, critical point here.

If a BLACK man calls a BLACK man something disparaging, there's no problem there.
If a BLACK man shoots a BLACK man in the face, that isn't actually crime.
if a BLACK woman tries to stab another BLACK woman, that's just a run of the mill, mostly harmless knife fight.

On the other hand, if a WHITE person says or does pretty much anything at all, that's due to systemic racism.
I posted about this in another thread, but if there IS any degree of systemic racism implemented against minorities (specifically blacks) in this country it is the tearing apart of the family unit. The fact that most blacks in high density population urban cities are part of "Non traditional" families (IE, they don't have actual family units) is what creates generational poverty and the inability to break free of cultural stereotypes.

It's true that programs instituted in the 60's, 70's and 80's all essentially encouraged black people to NOT create and sustain traditional family units. It is fair to say that welfare programs that were promoted on the surface as "helping single mothers" really just encouraged more and more illegitimate children, particularly in low-income black families in those high population urban cities. It is also fair to say that aggressive laws and enforcement policies put a great number of black men in prison for long periods of time which further discouraged traditional family units.

Both parties had a hand in those types of programs. Both parties have, in some form or fashion, promoted an atmosphere where the family unit is discouraged almost to the point of being repugnant. But the truth is, the best and most sure way of moving those people in large urban areas into a future with generational wealth and long-term security is for them to start marrying and STAYING married for the sake of their children.
TSF once again showing his white supremacy by pointing out the blatant racism of a person of color and the fact that the (D)imbos think that the POC is fine stating racist things.

Because white = evil. How many times do we have to be told this? Apparently, more than the million times per day, every day, we currently see in every news story, television show, movie, editorial, article, and speech.
TSF once again showing his white supremacy by pointing out the blatant racism of a person of color and the fact that the (D)imbos think that the POC is fine stating racist things.

Because white = evil. How many times do we have to be told this? Apparently, more than the million times per day, every day, we currently see in every news story, television show, movie, editorial, article, and speech.
I started recording old episodes of Columbo, problem solved.
Again, see you are missing the key, critical point here.

If a BLACK man calls a BLACK man something disparaging, there's no problem there.
If a BLACK man shoots a BLACK man in the face, that isn't actually crime.
if a BLACK woman tries to stab another BLACK woman, that's just a run of the mill, mostly harmless knife fight.

On the other hand, if a WHITE person says or does pretty much anything at all, that's due to systemic racism.
Yeah at this point, just let the poor communities sort their own problems out. It’s a damned if you do don’t situation if you’re a cop.

Best just avoid the headline grabbing situation and respond to other areas.
I would be shocked if it isn't happening already to some degree.

When has a Conservative resigned for calling someone a name? I thought they got brownie points for acting like fifth graders.
When has a Conservative resigned for calling someone a name? I thought they got brownie points for acting like fifth graders.
Jackass! And no, I am not resigning my paid membership here. When will you be chipping in? Once again, Jackass!
When has a Conservative resigned for calling someone a name? I thought they got brownie points for acting like fifth graders.
When has the left ever not called for that resignation from a conservative. That is the hypocrisy.
Liberal hypocrisy:LOL:

Could become a novel the size of War and Peace.

You could equate it to "water is wet" or add it to the death & taxes adage.
When has a Conservative resigned for calling someone a name? I thought they got brownie points for acting like fifth graders.

******* douchebag liar freeloader cockholster dicklicker buttwipe ****-for-brains:

N.C. Republican ousted following 'Daily Show' interview​

GOP lawmaker steps down from leadership following ‘offensive’ comments to female colleagues​

GOP Lawmaker Resigned After Calling Gays “Fa*got”​

State GOP lawmaker steps down after offensive comments​

Do us all a favor and conduct the tiniest amount of research before posting your usual **** on this site, you freeloading *******.

Or do the world a favor and just shut the **** up forever.
Politics is hypocrisy. They're all hypocrites in one way or another.
Politics is hypocrisy. They're all hypocrites in one way or another.

Yep. Which is why the populace should limit the power of politicians at every opportunity, deny them what they want, investigate them constantly, prosecute the career politicians who have inexplicably become millionaires on a government salary.

I think one party is more in line with that thinking than the other.
Yep. Which is why the populace should limit the power of politicians at every opportunity, deny them food, water and if necessary oxygen, investigate them constantly, prosecute the career politicians who have inexplicably become millionaires on a government salary.

I think one party is more in line with that thinking than the other.

Sorry, I noticed you had a minor typo, just took a moment to fix it.
Liberal hypocrisy is like many redundant phrases in the English language:

Added bonus
Cease and desist
Each and every
Free gift
Null and void
Past history
Rough estimation
Sum total
Unexpected surprise

Once we learn that "liberal hypocrisy" is the same, we will be much more satisfied with life.....
TSF once again showing his white supremacy by pointing out the blatant racism of a person of color and the fact that the (D)imbos think that the POC is fine stating racist things.

Because white = evil. How many times do we have to be told this? Apparently, more than the million times per day, every day, we currently see in every news story, television show, movie, editorial, article, and speech.
Isn't Gary O'Connor white, not a person of colour, and therefore this was a racist remark by a white Democrat? He certainly looks white and the name Gary O'Connor is a white Irish name.