We disagreed with a company's values, so we stopped buying their beer. The left disagrees with a company's values, so they decide to set cars on fire.
We are not the same!
We are not the same!
its for the environment, as5hole!We disagreed with a company's values, so we stopped buying their beer. The left disagrees with a company's values, so they decide to set cars on fire.
We are not the same!
They starve when the local Starbucks goes on strike.These people think they are hard enough to defeat anyone because they have played Call of Duty in their Momma's basements. These clowns have absolutely no idea what a shytestorm they would have to endure. They also have no skills to even survive if they were to hide during the initial slaughter and pop up 30 days later.
You want them to grow gay crops? I like my corn to be straight.What!!!
We need dem trans farmers
Well corn pop always told a good yarn. And did I tell ya he had the best ice cream.You want them to grow gay crops? I like my corn to be straight.