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The Plot Against the President


Absolutely Worthless
Jul 27, 2015
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Barn in the Back
Based on journalist Lee Smith's bestselling book of the same name, an all-around well-done documentary that showed all of the deep-state swamp creatures at their absolute slimiest. Highly recommend if you want to see (or if you followed it closely, see further) our once trusted/beloved intelligence agencies being weaponized against our own constitutional republic. Devin Nunes and Kash Patel (the real Silver Bullet IMO) are brave patriots who didn't stop in the face of the wrath of the ugliest swamp dwellers modern U.S. government has ever seen.

They don't shed a ton of new light, but key players like Kash Patel helping to uncover the coup make this a must-watch IMO. I won't go into any personal criticisms I have, just highly recommend watching the timeline in all they tried to do to take down a duly elected President and his transition team. General Michael Flynn is an American Patriot they especially attempted to destroy, obviously.

Vimeo has it streaming online for $5.99 now and it's been said Amazon & other services will be carrying it soon. They even said select theaters will carry it. Look for our corrupt, Pravda media to bury it to the best of their ability.
There was a coup against this president. Period.

We've all known it. It's just nice to see it on a movie screen, with great editing, witnesses on record giving a nice timeline (and surprisingly good sound production). Apparently this was directed by John Milius's daughter. John was famous for his writing on Apocalypse Now, directing Conan the Barbarian and the epicness that is "Red Dawn".

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I never thought I'd see this stuff in my lifetime occurring in the United States. It just goes to show you how quickly it can happen. The absolute worst enemy any country can have is one within its own halls. This is why no citizen in their right mind should ever allow a centralized government almost unlimited power.

You saw it first-hand with the prior administration weaponizing government agencies against citizens.

So many roaches in places of power and influence clandestinely working in the darkness. You turn the light on and they scatter,only to come out again when the darkness returns.

The treasonous crimes they've committed against the country and office of the president are unprecedented. This is some pretty old school tactics the communists and nazi party used to come into power. Just the constant and unrelenting misinformation and lies repeated over and over again are enough. The general population is oblivious and will take much of what they see and hear through media as the gospel.

The bottom line is we will absolutely lose if we can't find a way to counter the indoctrination that's deeply rooted in our entire educational system.

We used to hang people for treason,now they operate with impunity from persecution.

It is certainly a war without bullets. Good vs an evil that lusts for power above all else. It's the only logical explanation I can come up with since they already have riches accrued through many years in office.
The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.
The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.

You never fail to lower the quality of discourse with your posts.

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The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.
well, from this post we can tell that 21 is king of neither observation nor logic.

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The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.

I swear to God, after reading that gem (this may be your best post ever), I am placing a pre-order today for your best-selling book!

The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.

Seriously, what happened in your life to make you somehow believe that you are a victim and that the world owes you something?
The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.

Just because you don't understand basic economics doesn't mean the big bad corporations are out to get you.
How am I a victim? I'm a 401K millionaire. It's just rather clear that the tax cuts didn't do much for jobs, they pretty much went to making investors wealthier.
Instead of building factories, Corps bought back their stock.
How am I a victim? I'm a 401K millionaire. It's just rather clear that the tax cuts didn't do much for jobs, they pretty much went to making investors wealthier.
Instead of building factories, Corps bought back their stock.

So the tax cuts helped your investments, which only would occur under capitalism, and you still want to turn the reigns over to the likes of Biden/Harris?

You may want to move that million dollar 401K to cash if your wish comes true.
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How am I a victim? I'm a 401K millionaire. It's just rather clear that the tax cuts didn't do much for jobs, they pretty much went to making investors wealthier.
Instead of building factories, Corps bought back their stock.

So where are you moving your money to if Biden wins?
Assuming you will move heavily out of equities?
This is why no citizen in their right mind should ever allow a centralized government almost unlimited power.

This is why our Founding Fathers wanted more power to go to the states and have a weak central government. As those roaches you mentioned knew it would be easier to gain wealth when serving in a model where there was a strong Federal Government with weaker states. This was one of the first things that started to change and led to the Civil War. (yeah I know they say it was primarily because of that other thing, but follow the money)
The Swamp in this country are the rich people who control the government by buying influence with their political donations. Trump is one of these swamp creatures.
And the swampiest thing he could do was Corporate tax cuts, that lined all the swamp creatures pockets. Trump is King of the Swamp.

The Swamp creatures are the ones who scurry to the dark corners when the status quo has been knocked to the chin and then try everything to destroy a guy like Trump. And the media have been their mouthpiece. When a guy like Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols (you know, of Anarchy in the UK fame) says that he loves that Trump scares the **** out of politicians and that it gives him the warm and fuzzies, you know you're doing something right as a non-politician.

Trump is a lot of things, but he most certainly is not the Swamp.
The Swamp creatures are the ones who scurry to the dark corners when the status quo has been knocked to the chin and then try everything to destroy a guy like Trump. And the media have been their mouthpiece. When a guy like Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols (you know, of Anarchy in the UK fame) says that he loves that Trump scares the **** out of politicians and that it gives him the warm and fuzzies, you know you're doing something right as a non-politician.

Trump is a lot of things, but he most certainly is not the Swamp.

He's the anti swamp and doesn't conform to what your typical politician is, because he really isn't one at all.

They absolutely hate him for it. He's outside of their little circle of sludge and plays his own game. It's fun to watch.

You have to respect a guy who's been fighting a relentless onslaught that's been going on since before he was sworn in . A lot of people would buckle under that stress, but he shrugs it off and keeps pushing forward
Great interview with the filmmaker:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Important Film: Amanda Milius explains how <a href="https://twitter.com/PATPmovie?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@PATPmovie</a> exposes the greatest political scandal in our country’s history and why it is important for all Americans. Watch it at <a href="https://t.co/p6JifeK4SD">https://t.co/p6JifeK4SD</a>. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MAGA?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MAGA</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AmericaFirst?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AmericaFirst</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Dobbs?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Dobbs</a> <a href="https://t.co/GZoz2DN8gv">pic.twitter.com/GZoz2DN8gv</a></p>— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) <a href="https://twitter.com/LouDobbs/status/1319767868049969153?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Great interview with the filmmaker:

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Just downloaded it. Gonna watch it with Mrs. 43 tomorrow.

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Just downloaded it. Gonna watch it with Mrs. 43 tomorrow.

Nice. It'll make your blood boil, but it's extremely well done, has a timeline that isn't difficult to follow and traces back to every little thing these criminals concocted that really highlights/emphasizes how big and scandalous this was.

It leaves you scratching your head that our elected officials didn't do more and just straight prosecute these scumbags, but it's still must-watch TV in my opinion.