did kenny turn to quick to Warren? were the wideouts supposed to block? it was obvious from the snap where kenny was going and all the defenders knew it
this play alone should get canada fired
I'll give my take on this play, relying on my memory of playing the position 38+ years ago. lol
First, I have to assume this was not intended as a version of a Bubble Screen. All 3 receivers to the top of the screen immediately began to run a pattern. Not one of them even attempted to block. It's always possible that a single receiver missed an assignment on any pass play but for all 3 to miss their assignments, and all 3 on the same side of a formation, well that is beyond unlikely. If they all missed it, then this team has bigger problems that we can even see.
It would appear that Warren was the check-down receiver, and should have been looked at after KP made his primary read or even a secondary read. Instead, it appears that KP predetermined where he was going with the ball and did so too quickly, meaning he didn't even sell the possibility of throwing to one of the receivers to the top of the formation (top of screen). Had he actually held the ball and read the defenders to that side of the formation, he would have seen how they all immediately broke toward the line of scrimmage in the direction of Warren. KP could/should have had his choice of throwing to one or any of those 3 receivers on that side of the formation.
But the original commentary seems accurate to me. The play looks to be designed to force one-on-one coverage to the bottom of the screen (Pickens) which one would think the Steelers want as often as possible. However, KP never looks to that side of the formation.
I see a QB who predetermines his target, is maybe reading the defense pre-snap but making no effort to read the defense at or after the snap, and just going with a one target mentality. This play gave KP multiple good, if not great, options immediately after the snap of the ball. Unfortunately, he isn't seeing them and isn't acting on what the defense is presenting him. I see a QB who is not mentally processing what is in front of him. I don't think it's a failure to recognize pre-snap coverage because no QB or coach would anticipate all 3 defensive backs (to top of screen) to leave their assigned receiver and break toward Warren. That is evidence that Cleveland knew where KP was going immediately based on KP's own body language. If a QB is processing in real time, that can and should be easily expoited.
KP looks lost to me. He looks to have no confidence in his ability, or the system, or the execution, or all of the above. He is not seeing the field and does not currently show the ability to react to what he is seeing. I hate it, but he is far from the QB we witnessed during the second half of last season. He's taken several steps backwards. The reason? Well, that's a whole different discussion.
I could be wrong. Maybe this was a Bubble Screen and all 3 receivers to the left of the formation did not understand the play call or their assignments. If that's the case at midseason, then this offense has failed all steps of the process from training camp through weekly practices.