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Trump to Undo Vehicle Rules That Curb Global Warming


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Garbage reporting

Headline should read:

Trump to Undo Vehicle Rules That Curb CO2 Emissions

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected to begin rolling back stringent federal regulations on vehicle pollution that contributes to global warming, according to people familiar with the matter, essentially marking a U-turn to efforts to force the American auto industry to produce more electric cars.

The announcement — which is expected as soon as Tuesday and will be made jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt, and the transportation secretary, Elaine L. Chao — will immediately start to undo one of former President Barack Obama’s most significant environmental legacies.

During the same week, and possibly on the same day, Mr. Trump is expected to direct Mr. Pruitt to begin the more lengthy and legally complex process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan, Mr. Obama’s rules to cut planet-warming pollution from coal-fired power plants.

The regulatory rollback on vehicle pollution will relax restrictions on tailpipe emissions of carbon dioxide and will not require action by Congress.

The EPA will also begin legal proceedings to revoke a waiver for California that was allowing the state to enforce the tougher tailpipe standards for its drivers.



oh yeah

Elections have consequences
Trump apparently read the email I sent him.
****.This is going to cause more terrorism. Just ask Bernie.
Theyve driven up the prices on vehicles with all of these regulations. I may even be able to get better options for pulling stuff.
I'll be happy if they'll just scrap requirements for heavy trucks.
Maybe that's the reason auto makers have done an about face in producing cars in this country.
And **** you Ford, for caving to wussy Obama and using aluminum in the F-150. Go back to steel, you *******.
Theyve driven up the prices on vehicles with all of these regulations. I may even be able to get better options for pulling stuff.

I think the government should be multicultural and adopt European auto regulations. We'd give up some emissions and crash protection but cars would be available that get better mpg if people want them.

I'll be happy if they'll just scrap requirements for heavy trucks.

What, you don't want an exhaust catalyst filled with cow piss?
I'll be happy if they'll just scrap requirements for heavy trucks.

What happened to the big push to convert all big trucks to natural gas ?

Why Dual Fuel?
Primary advantage is low cost

payback in 1 year
High reliability and easy maintenance
A Dual Fuel diesel engine is fitted to utilize natural
gas as a supplemental fuel. The engine is basically
unchanged and continues to use compression
ignition of diesel for ignition of the NG fuel.
Class 6/7/8 heavy trucks burn nearly 25% of all the
fuel used in US transportation.
No Range Anxiety

automatically runs on 100%
diesel if natural gas runs out
Ban Priuses, and other stuff that ***** up the electric grid.

Shelve the Teslas, bring back the big block gas hogs - we gots Canadian oil now



Dakota Access pipeline to begin moving oil

A federal judge has denied a last-minute plea to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, allowing the $3.8 billion oil pipeline to begin operating as early as next week.

U.S. District Court Judge James A. Boasberg ruled Tuesday that the Cheyenne River Sioux and Standing Rock Sioux are unlikely to prevail on the merits of their challenge to his March 7 decision, saying that the court “believes that Plaintiff does not have a strong case on appeal.”

A status report filed Monday by Dakota Access LLC said oil is expected to start flowing through the North Dakota section of the 1,172-mile, four-state pipeline between March 20 and March 22, “depending upon the success of the testing.”

And **** you Ford, for caving to wussy Obama and using aluminum in the F-150. Go back to steel, you *******.

I have an aluminum F-150. I like worlds better than my previous F-150.
Big win for automakers as Trump orders fuel economy standards review


DETROIT/WASHINGTON: U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered a review of tough U.S. vehicle fuel-efficiency standards put in place by the Obama administration, handing a victory to auto industry executives and provoking criticism from Democrats and environmental groups.

In a move that is widely seen as a preamble to loosening fuel standards, Trump told an audience of cheering union workers, he would "ensure that any regulations we have protect and defend your jobs, your factories," and promised he would encourage growth in the U.S. auto sector.

"The assault on the American auto industry is over," Trump said, standing in front of a banner that read "Buy American-Hire American."


Automotive industry executives and lobbying groups were quick to praise the administration's announcement.

"The Trump administration has created an opportunity for decision-makers to reach a thoughtful and coordinated outcome predicated on the best and most current data," said Mitch Bainwol, chief executive of the AutoAlliance, an industry lobby group.

Garbage reporting

Headline should read:

Trump to Undo Vehicle Rules That Curb CO2 Emissions

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected to begin rolling back stringent federal regulations on vehicle pollution that contributes to global warming, according to people familiar with the matter, essentially marking a U-turn to efforts to force the American auto industry to produce more electric cars.

The announcement — which is expected as soon as Tuesday and will be made jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt, and the transportation secretary, Elaine L. Chao — will immediately start to undo one of former President Barack Obama’s most significant environmental legacies.

During the same week, and possibly on the same day, Mr. Trump is expected to direct Mr. Pruitt to begin the more lengthy and legally complex process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan, Mr. Obama’s rules to cut planet-warming pollution from coal-fired power plants.

The regulatory rollback on vehicle pollution will relax restrictions on tailpipe emissions of carbon dioxide and will not require action by Congress.

The EPA will also begin legal proceedings to revoke a waiver for California that was allowing the state to enforce the tougher tailpipe standards for its drivers.



oh yeah

Elections have consequences

Same thing idiot.
b b b but RUSSIA!