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Trump will sign exec orders to renegotiate NAFTA, gut EPA, restore pro-life policy


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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President Trump will sign more executive orders this morning, as he sends his predecessor's agenda through the paper shredder

First up: Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership and the North American Free Trade Agreement


The president is also expected to take action on a five-year lobbying ban for senior officials and prohibit NGOs from receiving aid if they perform abortions

Also said to be looking at a hiring freeze for the executive branch and dozens of orders rolling back regulations issued by the EPA



Down with Liberalism!

Go get em!
he is going to make the name Obama disappear
he is going to make the name Obama disappear

If we're lucky there won't be a fingerprint of Bomma left in D.C. in two years.
No need for any Dems now!

President Trump Wins The Unions

Labor Chiefs Describe "Incredible" Meeting With Trump

Shortly after Donald Trump made good on one of his core campaign promises on Monday morning by signing an executive order formally withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, Trump told labor union leaders that he would renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement "at the appropriate time."

The remarks came at the start of a meeting at the White House with leaders of construction, carpenters, plumbers and sheet metal unions, during which Trump pledged to stop trade deals that harmed American workers.

According to the White House, participants included North America's Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey, Laborers' International Union of North America President Terry O'Sullivan, SMART sheet metal workers' union President Joseph Sellers, United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron and Mark McManus, president of the United Association that represents plumbers, pipefitters, welders and others. The union meeting also included several local union officials and follows a gathering of 12 chief executives of large companies at the White House to discuss revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing economy.

“This is a group that I know well,” Trump said referring to the union bosses, adding “we’re going to put a lot of people back to work” and “stop the ridiculous trade deals.”

When Trump said the administration “just officially terminated TPP,” it prompted applause from the labor chiefs who later described their meeting with Trump as "incredible."

If we're lucky there won't be a fingerprint of Bomma left in D.C. in two years.


CDC abruptly cancels long-planned conference on climate change

With little warning or explanation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently canceled a major climate change conference that had been scheduled for next month in Atlanta.

CDC officials abruptly canceled the conference before President Trump’s inauguration, sending a terse email on Jan. 9 to those who had been scheduled to speak at the event.

The message did not explain the reason behind the decision. “Unfortunately, we are unable to hold the Summit in February 2017,” CDC officials wrote, adding that the agency is “currently exploring” whether it could reschedule the event later in the year.

Trump reinstates ban on US funds promoting abortion overseas


President Trump on Monday morning signed an executive order blocking foreign aid or federal funding for international nongovernmental organizations that provide or "promote" abortions.

The so-called Mexico City policy, established by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1984, blocks federal funding for international family planning charities that provide abortions or "promote" the procedure by providing patients with information about it, including by offering referrals to abortion providers.



b b but he's not a "Conservative"
Democrat party is finished

AFL-CIO Praises President Trump’s Move to Withdraw from TPP, Renegotiate NAFTA

AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka praised GOP President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership once and for all on Monday with an executive order officially killing the Pacific Rim trade deal.

Trumka also praised the decision by President Trump to reopen negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) deal from the 1990s, a deal that saw millions of U.S. jobs leave the country for Mexico and Canada—and the labor union leader praised President Trump’s harsh words for Big Pharma, the pharmaceutical industry, when Trump said of that industry that “they’re politically protected, but not anymore” in an interview with the Washington Post.

Trumka said in his Monday statement:

"Today’s announcement that the US is withdrawing from TPP and seeking a reopening of NAFTA is an important first step toward a trade policy that works for working people. While these are necessary actions, they aren’t enough. They are just the first in a series of necessary policy changes required to build a fair and just global economy. We will continue our relentless campaign to create new trade and economic rules that end special privileges for foreign investors and Big Pharma, protect our planet’s precious natural resources and ensure fair pay, safe conditions and a voice in the workplace for all workers.”

You guys will be setting hypocrisy records, if your now supporting what Union leaders are saying.

The US only makes up 5% of world consumers and many US citizens already have their garages and
attics full of unused merchandise. We can't pay back our debts if we don't trade with the world.

If Trump didn't like TPP, he should negotiate it to his liking. The TPP countries are the largest growth area
in the world. NAFTA will be a waste of time to renegotiate. Canada already buys more than any other country
from 35 of the 50 states. And the two countries we most benefit from having successful economies are Canada
and Mexico. If Mexico could develop a strong middle class, they could buy a lot more from the US and start
supplying more tourists than illegal aliens. To be strong ourselves it helps if our neighbors are strong as well.
You guys will be setting hypocrisy records, if your now supporting what Union leaders are saying.

The US only makes up 5% of world consumers and many US citizens already have their garages and
attics full of unused merchandise. We can't pay back our debts if we don't trade with the world.

If Trump didn't like TPP, he should negotiate it to his liking. The TPP countries are the largest growth area
in the world. NAFTA will be a waste of time to renegotiate. Canada already buys more than any other country
from 35 of the 50 states. And the two countries we most benefit from having successful economies are Canada
and Mexico. If Mexico could develop a strong middle class, they could buy a lot more from the US and start
supplying more tourists than illegal aliens. To be strong ourselves it helps if our neighbors are strong as well.

You make some legit points, and your views on a few issues regarding trade and some economic policies have of late been well-founded. However, on the trade agreements and the effect on United States productivity and employment, here is what I think you are missing:

  • A significant part of NAFTA favors Mexico on trade due to the cost of labor in the country and the resulting lowered cost of manufacturing.
  • Trump says simply that he will not allow Mexico to export billions of dollars of manufactured goods into our country, while retaining ersatz trade barriers to a vast number of products grown or made in the United States, including food, meat, medical products and equipment, pharmaceuticals, diagnostic products, toiletries, processed food, certain chemicals, used goods, and refurbished equipment.
  • Mexico has played games with allowing import of these products, many of which are made to a higher quality and at an affordable price in the United States.
  • Mexico thereby plays the game of encouraging free trade for new, finished, large consumer goods like cars, and washers and dryers, and air conditioners, while infringing on free trade for items where their low labor cost does not give them an advantage.
  • Further, as to goods "remaining unused in garages and attics," the cure is to export those goods, and remove the trade barriers, or to keep out cheap products from nations that engage in trade barriers, and increase demand for American-made products.
  • Additionally, we most certainly can pay back our debt if me promote American manufacturing. Those are good-paying jobs, resulting in significant taxes paid by the manufacturers/employers and the employees alike. The idea that this nation is going to balance the budget by increasing taxes on the rich is lunacy. We have been doing exactly that, and have seen TEN TRILLION DOLLARS IN NEW DEBT IN 8 YEARS. We will reduce the deficit and eventually lower the debt by increasing our economic productivity, number of working Americans, and with higher earnings for our citizens.
  • Finally, you keep pretending that Trump wants no trade, and to cut the United States off from the rest of the world, but that is a falsehood. He wants the US to compete on a level playing field, get back a significant part of the middle-class producing manufacturing jobs, increase the government revenues in the process, and improve the lot for both the taxpayers and the tax spenders. Compare that to Obama's policies of increasing food stamp distributions, and encouraging those employed in manufacturing to go "back to school" to learn some low-paying job.
Trump signs five more orders on pipelines, steel and environment


President Trump signed five more executive actions Tuesday in a blitz of executive power meant to speed approvals of high-profile energy projects like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

In reversing the Obama administration policy to disapprove the Keystone pipeline, Trump emphasized that the construction isn't a done deal. "It's something that subject to a renegotiation of terms by us," he said. "We'll see if we can get the pipeline built. A lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs."

In reversing the Obama administration policy to disapprove the Keystone pipeline, Trump emphasized that the construction isn't a done deal. "It's something that subject to a renegotiation of terms by us," he said. "We'll see if we can get the pipeline built. A lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs."

Keystone XL is a proposed 1,179-mile cross-border pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska that became a lightning rod for Obama's energy policy, with the administration taking seven years to make a decision before ultimately killing it over environmental concerns.

The president also signed a similar order on the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois that has been the subject of heated protests. Trump once owned stock in Energy Transfer Partners, the company building the pipeline, although his campaign said he sold off all individual stock holdings last August. Trump has not yet filed a financial disclosure report to confirm the sale.

Then he signed a separate action requiring that the steel used in the pipelines be made in the United States. "Going to put a lot of workers, a lot of steelworkers, back to work," he said.

But potentially more sweeping are two directives changing the process of approving and regulating future pipeline and infrastructure projects.

"This is about streamlining the incredibly cumbersome, long, horrible, permitting process," Trump said in an Oval Office signing ceremony that has already become a trademark of his short presidency.

"If it’s a no, we'll give them a quick no, and if it’s a yes, it's like 'Let's start building,' " he said. "The regulatory process in this country has become a tangled up mess, and very unfair to people."

Trump Effect!

DOW hits 20,000 for the first time ever!

U.S. equities rose on Wednesday after a series of executive orders from President Donald Trump increased bullish sentiment on Wall Street.

"Traders have been waiting for more details on infrastructure spending and now they have it in a very clear format," said Naeem Aslam, chief market analyst at Think Markets. "There is nothing bigger than this."

More money for the wall and border security

White House: Trump executive order will 'defund' sanctuary cities

President Trump will direct his secretary of homeland security to examine ways the administration can suspend grants to so-called "sanctuary cities," or areas where law enforcement agents do not enforce immigration laws, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday.

"What the executive order does is, it directs the secretary to ... look at funding streams that are going to these cities ... and figure out how we can defund those streams," Spicer said of an executive action Trump was expected to sign later in the day.

It's working

Electrical Union Workers Display Big Pro-Trump Banner in Philadelphia

Union electrical workers at a Philadelphia job site hung a huge barrier welcoming President Donald Trump to the city, highlighting his high support among rank and file members of skilled unions.

The union members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers unfurled their banner, which said “Buy American” and “Welcome to Philly Mr. President.”


Not a big fan of executive orders.
Not a big fan of executive orders.

He is reversing B-Rocks **** so I am okay with it. So long as any new orders he signs and comport with the law and effect only executive departments I am cool with it.
He is reversing B-Rocks **** so I am okay with it. So long as any new orders he signs and comport with the law and effect only executive departments I am cool with it.

I think there should be a time limit on them. Then congress should be given a chance to do something with them. And if they don't act on them they would expire.

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I think there should be a time limit on them. Then congress should be given a chance to do something with them. And if they don't act on them they would expire.

i think there should be a 10 year sunset provision on every law and executive order and regulation period.
Trump Signs Two Executive Orders; Expands Power of Military, ‘Extreme Vetting’

President Donald Trump signed two executive orders on Friday that dramatically expand the nation's military and so-called "extreme vetting" of visa seekers from terror-plagued countries — moves aimed at strengthening the U.S. response to terrorism both home and abroad.

In signing the order, Trump pledged to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America."

Extreme vetting is an idea that evolved from Trump's controversial Muslim ban that he called for in Dec. 2015, which would address the refugees entering the country.
