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Tutoring Eric Holder on American Greatness


@#$% the 'narrative'
Apr 9, 2014
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What pisses me off the most about communist rat ********, and everything about them pisses me off, is when they dump on these here United States of America. See, communism has done NOTHING for this planet but ruin lives. And end the lives of hundreds of millions. IMHO, identifying one's self as a communist cedes one's right to free speech. But I digress.

This is a so-so article that could/should be expanded into books/encyclopedias, but limits its focus to one Eric Holder, communist rat ******* extraordinaire. And noted racist. And noted for his mental lapse 'exactly when did you think America was great?'. Oh yeah, that's another thing that pisses me off about communist rat ******** - their smugness.

The ONLY thing that stands, and has stood for over a century in the way of the enslavement or outright destruction of human kind is these here United States of America. Take America out of the equation at any point in the last 120 years and where is humanity on this planet? Europe would be speaking German or Russian if it weren't for America bailing out their ****** ***** time and again. Who steps up in any disaster, without question, qualification, and with no expectation of returned 'good will'? America.

Any meaningful or commercially spectacular invention is American - the phone, PC, smartphone, DVD, CD, ICs, the Internet, medical research, fiber optics, the airplane, giant aircraft carriers that work, stealth aircraft, drones, nanobots, etc, etc, etc... And any industry that matters that we DIDN'T invent, we capitalized on to become the industry leader. Oh, and we build a heck of a bomb.

But again, I digress.

Tutoring Eric Holder on American Greatness
By J. Christian Adams | March 29, 2019

Former Attorney General Eric Holder asked an MSNBC audience, "I hear these things about 'let’s make America great again' and I think to myself, 'exactly when did you think America was great?'"

Holder went on to parrot progressive gripes about America: "It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women didn’t have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled."

When Holder served as Attorney General, he was found in criminal contempt of Congress.

While Holder's dismissal of American greatness might seem surprising to the vast majority of mainstream Americans, it is central to the progressive organizing philosophy of grievance with American norms, American success, and promotion of racial division.

The progressive left has converted American industrial might in the 20th century to an example of environmental degradation. The progressive left has converted American military superiority into tropes of imperialism. The progressive left has used America's now 154-year-old institution of slavery as an excuse for modern-day violence and criminality.

Holder really means it when he says that America was never great in the first place. He blesses us with his honesty, an honesty that exposes his rank radicalism. His honesty illustrates to mainstream Americans what the age of Obama, Holder, Tom Perez, and Valerie Jarrett was really all about: dismantling the totems of American greatness.

But Holder is wrong. He might visit a Cineplex this weekend to see a fabulous documentary about American greatness, Apollo 11.

And it wasn't just Apollo 11. It was Apollo 8, in 1968 when three astronauts sailed as far away from earth as any human in history. It was the entire Apollo program, where American greatness accomplished what humans gazing toward the stars had dreamed of for thousands of years.

Surviving moonwalkers gathered recently at the Explorer's Club in New York. Felix Kunze took an amazing photograph of the group. The photo speaks to American greatness. There are so many of them, still, who set foot on the moon. America just didn't do it once with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. We did it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. There are so few moonwalkers in the photo, but yet so many.


The photo is a gathering of the greatest explorers in the history of man, all Americans. They are elite beyond elite. Buzz Aldrin can do whatever he wants, including wear silvery tuxedos and flag socks -- he is a moonwalker from Apollo 11.

And there is Harrison Schmidt, the second to last moonwalker turned United States senator. One of the most memorable nights of my life was dining with this American treasure -- his grace and patience with my hours of questions about his mission on Apollo 17.

Perhaps I'll send the framed photo to Eric Holder.

Or maybe Eric Holder needs something more sobering to illustrate American greatness.

Maybe he needs photos from spring of 1945 when boys from Iowa, Texas, and Maine stumbled upon hell.

Perhaps Holder would understand American greatness better reading accounts from the First Division liberating the Falkenau concentration camp. Perhaps accounts of the 4th Infantry Division fighting their way to Dachau would enlighten him. Four thousand nine hundred and seven Americans were killed en route to Dachau. There are many more names, many more camps, many more Americans who died to purge the defining evil of the 20th century from the face of the world. America was great when it did these things, no matter what a disgraced attorney general thinks.


General Dwight Eisenhower and General Troy Middleton tour the newly liberated Ohrdruf concentration camp. General Troy Middleton is commanding general of the VIII Corps, Third U.S. Army. (Image courtesy of U.S. National Archives)

America helped defeat the other defining evil of the 20th Century -- Soviet-run communism. No doubt Eric Holder was on the other side of these fights in the 1970s and 1980s, when all the forces of the American left -- of which Holder was already a willing soldier -- opposed Ronald Reagan with everything they had. We already know Barack Obama was in that camp. When Reagan spoke of evil in the East, they scolding him for being provocative. When Reagan pressed to deploy Pershing II missiles in Europe -- the system that contributed to the bankruptcy of the USSR -- they scolded him for being dangerous.

But Reagan was right. America was right. And American greatness prevailed.


Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, center, uses a hammer and chisel on the defunct Berlin Wall to take symbolic swings at the old Cold War barrier. (AP Photo)

But American greatness isn't confined to space flight and military success. America is great because America is kind. When the world is hungry, America feeds it. When disasters strike, America is the first to arrive with help. In the middle of the Vietnam War, a terrible cyclone struck East Pakistan killing 300,000 people. Before George Harrison could organize the Concert for Bangladesh, American Army helicopters were dropping food on the scene.

But it doesn't stop with disasters. American greatness fostered American ingenuity, and this created the greatest explosion in the health and well being of the world. From Jonas Salk's polio vaccine to the internet to computers, America leads the way because America stands for the idea that individuals are free.

And so we arrive at what Eric Holder's real beef might be.

America is an idea, a great idea, that all are created in the image of God as free. That idea, not always perfectly executed, transformed the world. Along the way, it also limited government. The freedoms enshrined in the Constitution restrain the power of government. Government cannot act the way progressives want because the Constitution stands in the way. After decades of trying to redefine the notion of freedom in the courts, Holder and his gang have hit a Trump wall, where judicial nominees no longer subscribe to the utopian view of the Constitution.

Let's hope that Eric Holder changes his mind and decides to run for president. Do us a favor. Go to Iowa, Texas, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania and tell Americans there that America was really never great. Please.
What's the difference between Eric Holder and a sack of burning dogshit?

It's not a joke - seriously, I'm asking.
A sack of burning dogshit is more American.

What if the poop is from an English bulldog?

Yeah, still more American.

Also, one is a stinking, dangerous pile of disgusting exrement.

The other is a bag on fire.
I loved Rush's response to Holder.

America can never be fixed.

Why are they so eager to deny American greatness? Because, folks, that’s honestly what they think. This belief is what justifies them ripping this country apart and rebuilding it. There is no possible way to fix what they claim are America’s original sins. There is no way to fix slavery. No matter what we do to fix it, stop it, correct it, account for it, accommodate it, no way. Can’t be fixed. America sucks! America’s unjust and needs to be ripped down and rebuilt.

Women and the vote? Same way. We can’t give women the vote. We can’t appoint ’em to office. We can’t make any amends for any of these great travesties. No fix is sufficient. No correction is worthy. Even though gay people now can get married — even though marriage involves a man and a woman and we’ve bastardized that law — no matter what we’ve done, it’s not enough. America was never great, can’t be great. America’s forever founded in sin.

This is what gives them and AOC and all these young new socialist Millennials and all the rest on the left… This is what, in their minds, justifies ripping this country to shreds and putting it back together as some socialist utopia, because its original sin cannot be fixed. “America isn’t great. It has never been great. It can’t be great,” and yet it is the simple, greatest place.

The fact that all of these problems have been fixed, they have been addressed, and the Constitution of this country remained a vehicle for these issues to be changed, to grow, to evolve? No credit is forthcoming, because they don’t want America to survive as founded. The Smollett crime has every liberal cliche that these lunatics run around and claim they believe every day. It’s got racism. It’s got anti-gay bigotry.

It’s got Trump voters are a bunch of brutes. It’s got fear. It’s got paranoia. Every cliche that these people believe about this country is encapsulated in the Smollett episode. So is it possible that some activist somewhere conceived of this entire Smollett episode, paid him or did something to convince him to do this and part of it was he’s gonna get away with it?

“We’ll take care you, Jussie, but you do this, ’cause we’re down to our wits’ end here. We gotta get Trump. We gotta get Trump. We gotta portray this country as going off the rails because of Trump. We gotta blame everything that goes wrong in this country on Trump and Trump’s voters. You can help us, Jussie.” Jussie arrives already hating Trump.
One question needed to be asked of Holder.

Name one famous, influential, wealthy, or popular black person who isn't an American.

I can think of one. Pele? Nelson Mandela was famous I guess.
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Just one question needed to be asked of Holder.

Name one famous, influential, wealthy, or popular black person who isn't an American.

I can think of one. Pele? Is he even alive?
Well 2...Nelson Mandela was famous I guess.

Idi Amin?
Dusty: “What does that mean? Infamous?”
Ned: “Ah, Dusty! Infamous is when you're more than famous! This guy El Guapo is not just famous, he's IN-famous!”
What's the difference between Eric Holder and a sack of burning dogshit?

It's not a joke - seriously, I'm asking.

you don't want to step on the bullshit?
I can't like your post enough Vincent. I know you're preaching to the choir, but I think this is important. Amercia should not be ashamed of its past, warts and all.... we have consistently, throughout out 200 year history been BETTER than the norm. The left wants to compare Brady to Montana without any context. It wants to hold our founding fathers to the same moral standards of today. That's ludicrous. It's like saying Le'veon Bell is a better running back than Jim Brown. Or Brady is better than Montana. Or Montana is better than Otto Graham without any context of what made them great in THEIR TIME.

The talk-show, click-bait news cycle has turned modern politics into sports commentary. We see the downfall of ESPN and main stream media is following those same footsteps. Constant top 10's. Constant what-ifs. Constant "expert" oppinions on the topic of the day. Who is going to learn first? Is sports broadcasting headed in the right direction now? Because that is the future of main stream media. Did the symbolic firing of Jamele Hill and Michael Smith and the recent promotion of "no-name" hosts to Sportscenter indicate a shift in tide which main stream media will eventually follow? Hopefully. Because there is no "talent" in reading a teleprompter.

I only hope the pendulum is swinging back away from the "celebrity" news anchor and back to the logic the "news" actually drives the story/ratings.
Del & Vincent, you guys set a high bar of intelligent, knowledgeable conversation. Just wanna say, I appreciate it.
One question needed to be asked of Holder.

Name one famous, influential, wealthy, or popular black person who isn't an American.

I can think of one. Pele? Nelson Mandela was famous I guess.

Your point is well taken. Yes, as a 'racist' nation we certainly have been accommodating of talented black people.

Pele will tell you he is gifted by God.

Nelson, not so much. The guy always at Nel's side was Joe Slovo, his sov handler. Anybody know why Nel found his nappy *** in prison? Race? He was captured receiving weapons and mines from the sovs. He was a terrorist. And so was his wife. Look up Winny Mandela and 'necklacing'. She personally necklaced more than 200 of their political opponents. They were common communist rat ******* thugs. Is it any wonder the useful idiots of the West welcomed them as heroes?
It's pretty funny when black millionaires tell us how America sucks and there's no way to make it.
One question needed to be asked of Holder.

Name one famous, influential, wealthy, or popular black person who isn't an American.

I can think of one. Pele? Nelson Mandela was famous I guess.

America is truly the greatest nation on earth. Our history is rife with some terrible things. But what truly makes this country great is that through it all, we have corrected those things, grown, learned and advanced beyond the terrible parts of our history. Compare that with say, the Middle East, Africa. Slavery still exists. Women have few or no rights, medicine is non existent, gays are thrown from the tops of buildings, religious freedom is nil and on and on. Those that claim America isn’t great even sometimes seemingly embrace the ideology of the places I mentioned. ******* don’t know what greatness is.
It's pretty funny when black millionaires tell us how America sucks and there's no way to make it.

Professional athletes are some of the most entitled humans on this planet, and have been for most of their lives. They have always been given special preferences along the way. When one then says that they feel like they are treated like slaves is such a ridiculous, and hollow, claim, and should be rejected as nonsense.
Professional athletes are some of the most entitled humans on this planet, and have been for most of their lives. They have always been given special preferences along the way. When one then says that they feel like they are treated like slaves is such a ridiculous, and hollow, claim, and should be rejected as nonsense.

That's because everyone for years have kissed their *** telling them how great and awesome they are.

You play a ******* game. Get over yourself. It's entertainment. Just like movies and TV. In the grand scope of life it doesn't mean all that much.