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Update on the greatness of BLM


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
As a public service, and in deference to the imbecile known as Decaf, I present to you an update on that great philanthropic organization, BLM ("Buying Large Mansions"). First, as to the entity's name, one of its founders, a devout marxist who does not believe in private property or the bourgeois enriching itself off the backs of the workers, these tidbits:

As protests broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent.

The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report. The 2,370-square-foot property features “soaring ceilings, skylights and plenty of windows” with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter-acre, is just one of three homes Khan-Cullors owns in the Los Angeles area, public records show.

Some fellow activists were taken aback by the real estate revelations. Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Khan-Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how the global network spends its money.

Nothing says Marxism more than buying up expensive real estate on the backs of the proletariat who gave you the money to splurge.

Also, another high point for Buying Large Mansions a few days ago when a British BLM advocate was gunned down by five white supremacists disguised as black gangsters in yet another black-on-black murder spree:

Five people have been arrested in connection to the shooting of Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson, London's Metropolitan Police said on Wednesday. Johnson, 27, was shot in the head in London early on Sunday and is still in critical condition. Metropolitan police said that officers have arrested five males, aged 17, 18, 19, 25, and 28 on suspicion of attempted murder.

"While the investigation remains in its early stages, these arrests show that progress is being made," Detective Chief Inspector Richard Leonard said in a statement. "However, I would continue to appeal to those who may hold information about the events that led to Sasha receiving her horrific injuries, or about those responsible, to do the right thing and come forward and speak to police."

Police said in a previous statement that Johnson had been at a party with approximately 30 guests when she was shot in the early hours of Sunday.

"Shortly before 3am, four black males wearing dark clothing have gained entry into the garden through a side entrance and in the ensuing melee a firearm has been discharged injuring Sasha," Detective Chief Inspector Richard Leonard said in a statement, adding that the suspects then fled the garden and the investigation was ongoing.

"While the investigation is at an early stage, there is nothing to suggest that the woman who was shot was the subject of a targeted attack or that she had received any credible threats against her prior to this incident," the statement said.

The statement said Johnson is an active member of BLM and the party, which says on its site focuses on issues including "the benefits system, education, housing, the spate of knife crime, managed discrimination, and taxation."

"Sasha has always been actively fighting for black people and the injustices that surround the black community, as well as being both a member of BLM and a member of Taking the Initiative Party's Executive Leadership Committee," the group said in a statement after the shooting.

God those white supremacists have no respect at all. Does Ralph Northam have an alibi?

One parent has expressed her deep gratitude towards Buying Large Mansions by saying:

Tamika Palmer, the mother of Breonna Taylor, blasted the Louisville chapter of Black Lives Matter this week, describing the group as a "fraud."

What are the details?​

Palmer targeted the Black Lives Matter chapter in a Facebook post on Wednesday along with Kentucky state Rep. Attica Scott (D) for exploiting Taylor's death to raise money or advance policy initiatives.

Finally, another hardcore BLM supporter goes "full Biden" by molesting at least 60 underaged kids:

BLM activist steps down from school board after allegations he molested up to 62 children​

Denver School Board director-at-large Tay Anderson, a fervent Black Lives Matter activist, is accused of molesting over 60 undocumented students, using the residency status of the children to target kids as young as 14-years-old.

Buying Large Mansions ... because the biggest problem facing blacks in America are fictional white supremacists, not grifter liars making themselves rich, black-on-black crime with endless parade of blacks shooting other blacks, and child molestation by the dozens.
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Buying Large Mansions :ROFLMAO: :D :chuncky: :ROFLMAO: :D :chuncky:
It should be noted that Buying Large Mansions did absolutely nothing for the Taylor family, while the city and police force actually DID. The family is getting a 12 million dollar settlement from the city. The makes the current score "Police 12 million, B.L.M. 0"
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice is not equal to BLM fringe extremist/activist group.

Just for the really stupid ************* around here who can't seem to grasp this basic concept with their tiny, pea-sized brains.
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice is not equal to BLM fringe extremist/activist group.

Just for the really stupid ************* around here who can't seem to grasp this basic concept with their tiny, pea-sized brains.

Huh, that's weird. Seems the Black Lives Matter movement is fleecing their donors of millions and buying mansions, not helping black Americans. The Black Lives Matter that is NOT the fringe BLM violent mobs you speak of.
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice is not equal to BLM fringe extremist/activist group.

Just for the really stupid ************* around here who can't seem to grasp this basic concept with their tiny, pea-sized brains.
I get what you are trying to say but where do you think that "fringe" Marxist movement got all that cash? Fleecing the the not always so peaceful nationwide movement. Furthermore I doubt you would use the same type of analogy to describe the Jan 6th riots.
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice....

Fighting for Social Justice....by faking hate crimes trying to make white people look bad. They are children of God.
Huh, that's weird. Seems the Black Lives Matter movement is fleecing their donors of millions and buying mansions, not helping black Americans. The Black Lives Matter that is NOT the fringe BLM violent mobs you speak of.

Why should I care? Why do you care? Did you donate money to the BLM and got fleeced doing so? No? So what does it matter to you?
Why should I care? Why do you care? Did you donate money to the BLM and got fleeced doing so? No? So what does it matter to you?

Yeah, my oldest son did donate to BLM, you unknowing pompous tool. Right after George Floyd. A college student, short on funds.

I care because it's a lie. I care because it's a sham. I care because people donating are not having their money used for the causes they thought they were donating to.

That should outrage everyone.

The notion is cool. The reality is, like NFL athletes kneeling but doing nothing in the community, it's a show. A show that is stealing money from donators and being fraudulently spent.
When they start showing up in Chicago every weekend to protest the endless violence in the city, with young black men killing other young black men , then I will give a ****. Until that time it will be some black lives matter.
Can't argue with this. You're absolutely correct.
When they start showing up in Chicago every weekend to protest the endless violence in the city, with young black men killing other young black men , then I will give a ****. Until that time it will be some black lives matter.


If BLM was truly about Black Lives Matter....ALL Black Lives, they'd have universal support. As it is, they only work to protect/protest about certain black lives. Thus, they are a sham.
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice is not equal to BLM fringe extremist/activist group.

Just for the really stupid ************* around here who can't seem to grasp this basic concept with their tiny, pea-sized brains.
Tibs you ignorant slut,

Burn Loot Murder had nothing to do with justice social or otherwise. It’s just a front for Marxist reactionaries who are attempting to destroy the fabric of our society so they can create a power vacuum to fill straight out of the KGB handbook.
Tibs you ignorant slut,

Burn Loot Murder had nothing to do with justice social or otherwise. It’s just a front for Marxist reactionaries who are attempting to destroy the fabric of our society so they can create a power vacuum to fill straight out of the KGB handbook.

You speak truth.

Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza invoked the words of former Chinese Communist Chairman Mao Zedong during a speech outlining her organization’s effort to “transform democracy” and “take power” in the U.S., The National Pulse can reveal.

Speaking at the Personal Democracy Forum in 2016, Garza asserts early in her speech that “Black Lives Matter (BLM) is about transforming our economy and transforming our democracy” before alluding to BLM’s success in generating a “new political order.”

Her talk, entitled “How Black Power Aims to Transform Democracy,” outlined how BLM would bring about these drastic changes at the Facebook-sponsored event.

While doing so, Garza appeared to invoke a famous phrase from former Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao. Describing the “internal struggle” experienced by the BLM movement, Garza asserts:

“We, too, are navigating the tension between allowing 1,000 flowers to bloom while at the same time distinguish between what are flowers and what are in fact weeds that threaten to consume the entire ecosystem.”

The reference dates back to Mao’s Hundred Flowers Campaign, which he infamously announced with the following rationale:

“The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science.”

The 1950’s campaign invited criticism of the Chinese Communist Party from citizens and intellectuals, only to see Mao quickly reverse the policy and persecute, imprison, or execute those who voiced their opposition to the regime.

This revolutionary sentiment, however, appears throughout Garza’s overtly pro-Communist speech where she describes carrying out her activism “for the sake of collective liberation.”

“We are not scared of what it means to take power,” she emphasizes while adding that BLM pledges to “transform the way that power is distributed” and bring about “a new kind of power that is in collaboration rather than in competition.”

“We’re not satisfied with the crumbs that may fall from the table of power, and we are not satisfied with merely sitting at the tables of power. In fact, we aim to up overturn those tables in favor of a new system overall,” Garza adds. “You can’t be for social change and against disruption,” Garza reiterates before emphasizing that “disruption is the new world order; it is the way that those denied power assert power.”

In the speech, Garza also praises a month-long “occupation” of the Florida State Capitol:

“Were it not for the courage and tenacity of young people who occupied the state Capitol in Florida for 31 days and 30 nights demanding an end to stand your ground laws after George Zimmerman was acquitted, many of us would not have known that the laws that are designed to uproot structural racism would have been under continuous assault by the types of laws that give vigilantes the power to be judge, jury, and executioner.”

The unearthed remarks from the “trained Marxist” follow The National Pulse revealing fellow BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors relishing people comparing her work to Mao’s “Little Red Book” in a 2010 speech.

Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice is not equal to BLM fringe extremist/activist group.

Uhh, no, the title "Buying Large Mansions," sorry, I mean to say the title "Burn, Loot, Murder." DAMN IT, I meant to refer to "Black Lives Matter" is a copyrighted name belonging to the extremist fringe group whose ******* you licked like an ice cream cone until others on this forum posted information proving it is a grifter organization run by greedy liars who don't do a goddamn thing for blacks or minority neighborhoods. This is the fringe/extremist group's official web site, denouncing fake boogeymen "white supremacy." I think their next version may castigate Voldemort or killer bees, which pose as much actual danger to blacks as the mythical "white supremacist."

The Marxist idiot liars edited their mission statement, which I posted about three years ago, removing their admission that race is the most important thing to them, they oppose the nuclear family, and are pro-commie. Now, they pretend to be "anti-racist" by doing not one thing for black communities - literally, not a thing, prove me wrong - and raising a ****-ton of money for their grifter leaders to buy large mansions and pay their "baby daddies" a bunch of money for nothing.

Just for the really stupid ************* around here who can't seem to grasp this basic concept with their tiny, pea-sized brains.


Need a little more of this, little guy? Sounds like your last tube ran dry.
Yeah, my oldest son did donate to BLM, you unknowing pompous tool. Right after George Floyd. A college student, short on funds.

I care because it's a lie. I care because it's a sham. I care because people donating are not having their money used for the causes they thought they were donating to.

That should outrage everyone.

The notion is cool. The reality is, like NFL athletes kneeling but doing nothing in the community, it's a show. A show that is stealing money from donators and being fraudulently spent.

Yeah, the HH aka Decaf aka Fibs sounds like he's never donated to a single charity or a cause he actually believes in in his life. Probably why he 'doesn't care'.
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide peaceful protest movement fighting for social justice....

Fighting for Social Justice....by faking hate crimes trying to make white people look bad. They are children of God.

I submit I can find more instances of fake hate crimes against blacks than actual hate crimes by whites against blacks. Some examples?
  • Tawana Brawley fraud, perpetrated by the known liar, Al Sharpton.
  • Duke lacrosse case. White lacrosse players had their lives ruined based on bogus claims.
  • SUNY bus attack hoax. Three women fraudulently claim to be assaulted by gang of white passengers, but cell phone video shows the only racist comment came from the black women and a black woman threw the first punch, started the incident, called 911 to report it was "funny" that she "beat up a guy."
  • Yasmin Sewaud - Muslim student who said she was harassed on the subway by drunken, hate-spewing white men shouting "Donald Trump!" lied to police because she broke her curfew and made up an excuse. Video proved her to be a lying liar, i..e, a (D)imbo.
  • Khawlah Noman hijab cutting hoax.
  • Amari Allen dreadlock cutting hoax.
  • Sherita Dixon-Cole rape hoax. Arrested for DUI, lied to try and get out of it. Driving while black? No, driving while loaded and video proved it.
  • Oumou Kanoute Smith College "eating while black" lie and hoax. Pampered, privileged liar bravely takes on white food server, but proven to be a lying liar.
  • Jussie Smollett. Need I say more?
  • Azalea Cooley hoax. Not only did she fake the hate crime, she faked her disability. Gotta give her credit. Go big or go home.
  • Two black guys in North Carolina painted a swastika on the hood of a car to fake a hate crime.
  • The one TSF referenced, black student starts fire in building full of her sleeping peers in apparent hate crime hoax
  • Anti-black graffiti in Albion, Michigan college was made by a black student.
  • Police believe that black student at Texas A&M who a hate crime placed racist notes himself.
How prevalent is the issue of fake hate crimes? So common that a web site dedicates itself to these reports.

America ... so racist minorities have to fake hate crimes to prove their are victims of hate crimes.
Yeah, my oldest son did donate to BLM, you unknowing pompous tool. Right after George Floyd. A college student, short on funds.

I care because it's a lie. I care because it's a sham. I care because people donating are not having their money used for the causes they thought they were donating to.

That should outrage everyone.

The notion is cool. The reality is, like NFL athletes kneeling but doing nothing in the community, it's a show. A show that is stealing money from donators and being fraudulently spent.
I was a regular contributor to wounded warriors until that recent (**** could be years now I don’t recall) heads of was doing similar bs. ****** that I thought I was trying to help a positive cause only for the leaders to be *****.

how folks that still support this just amazes me when not one ******* dime goes to helping.
I was a regular contributor to wounded warriors

Dav.org is legit, out of the big ones IMO. I'm sure there are many others out there but they seem as transparent about disclosing where your money goes etc. that I've found.