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Ward comments on Pickens

Greg Lloyd

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2023
Reaction score

I wasn't at all worried about Pickens and the AB comparisons, but now I'm starting to wonder. He erased all Steeler posts from his social media, no biggie but what's the guy's problem?

I could see him being frustrated by lack of targets, but he's lazy and runs sloppy routes. He really is starting to appear like a big, spoiled baby.

I wasn't at all worried about Pickens and the AB comparisons, but now I'm starting to wonder. He erased all Steeler posts from his social media, no biggie but what's the guy's problem?

I could see him being frustrated by lack of targets, but he's lazy and runs sloppy routes. He really is starting to appear like a big, spoiled baby.

The biggest tell so far has Ben when DJ caught his touchdown pass. He simple turned and walked toward the sideline as everyone else was celebrating.

I watched the video. That's certainly not a team player. It's a big red flag.
The biggest tell so far has Ben when DJ caught his touchdown pass. He simple turned and walked toward the sideline as everyone else was celebrating.

I watched the video. That's certainly not a team player. It's a big red flag.
WTF good does winning do if I don’t have my stats?
Ward was one of the best ever and a helluva team guy
The problem I see is no veteran leadership, or leadership period on the offensive side of the ball

Who does GP look to for leadership???

Tomlin? He already said "whoa" so not much more he can do, obviously
Canada? He's a bumbling moron too busy chewing on his crayons to lead
KP? He's too busy staring down DJ making sure he gets targeted enough to keep him from crying
DJ? Naw, he's just moments away from crying for the ball too...the competition (for touches)
The O line? sorry no leaders there Dirt, Faneca and the like are long gone
Najee? he may be the one guy that could take him under his wing, but he's likely more worried about his own lack of production

This team has next to no leadership on the offensive side of the ball and it shows
Couple that with not nearly enough touches/targets to go around cuz we suck at possessing the ball/getting first downs

there aren't too many dominant players that wouldn't get frustrated wearing those handcuffs, that being said winning is supposed to cure everything so maybe we just need to do more of that...or find about 11 Wards and go win some games that actually matter
Ward was one of the best ever and a helluva team guy
The problem I see is no veteran leadership, or leadership period on the offensive side of the ball

Who does GP look to for leadership???

Tomlin? He already said "whoa" so not much more he can do, obviously
Canada? He's a bumbling moron too busy chewing on his crayons to lead
KP? He's too busy staring down DJ making sure he gets targeted enough to keep him from crying
DJ? Naw, he's just moments away from crying for the ball too...the competition (for touches)
The O line? sorry no leaders there Dirt, Faneca and the like are long gone
Najee? he may be the one guy that could take him under his wing, but he's likely more worried about his own lack of production

This team has next to no leadership on the offensive side of the ball and it shows
Couple that with not nearly enough touches/targets to go around cuz we suck at possessing the ball/getting first downs

there aren't too many dominant players that wouldn't get frustrated wearing those handcuffs, that being said winning is supposed to cure everything so maybe we just need to do more of that...or find about 11 Wards and go win some games that actually matter
This team is in major need of leaders, something Tomlin had no worries about when taking this team over; he had all the veteran leadership a head coach could ever need and that part of team chemistry was all set, no worries.

Ward, Heath Miller, Hartwig, Ben (some question his leadership, up for debate in my opinion), Aaron Smith, Hampton, Keisel, Farrior, Harrison, Troy, Ryan Clark; there was no absence of veteran team leadership on that roster. Tomlin simply inherited all that leadership and that part of the team took care of itself. As those players went away, Tomlin bumbled and stumbled on the leadership end of things, still impacting the team today. Today, we have a near-retired DT and a relatively unproductive RB trying to fill the leadership void. That's hardly enough, especially when considering the relatively immature state 20-somethings are today. I mean, you have the #1-rated QB for the draft "crying" in his mom's bosom on national TV after a loss; that's where the youth of today are at!

This brings me to a story about my screen name, Greg Lloyd. Story goes that some rookies were complaining about practices, being too long and arduous, and Lloyd overheard the conversation and intervened and said "We don't talk like that around here, I don't want to ever hear you talking like that again." And just like that, those rookis never complained out loud again. We could use some Greg Lloyds on this team.
The biggest tell so far has Ben when DJ caught his touchdown pass. He simple turned and walked toward the sideline as everyone else was celebrating.

I watched the video. That's certainly not a team player. It's a big red flag.

And sat on the bench and pouted. If you recorded the game go back and watch when DJ is on the sideline and everyone is congratulating him. There is a second that you see Pickens on the bench with a towel over his head pouting like someone just shot his dog.

This isn't the first time for him acting like this. And I fear it won't be the last since it's just a pebble in Tomlin's shoe.

The offense needs to get better without all this drama BS. It will become a problem like AB was.
And sat on the bench and pouted. If you recorded the game go back and watch when DJ is on the sideline and everyone is congratulating him. There is a second that you see Pickens on the bench with a towel over his head pouting like someone just shot his dog.

This isn't the first time for him acting like this. And I fear it won't be the last since it's just a pebble in Tomlin's shoe.

The offense needs to get better without all this drama BS. It will become a problem like AB was.
I missed all that, but the dog comment made me laugh. I've tried to remain positive, but clearly............well, I'll just stop.
Pickens has talent, he may even have elite talent, Big Ben would have probably made him great. We'll never know with kenny and Canada.
That said he isn't close to an AB level talent. Not in the same universe. He isn't a take over a game type dominant player, he's just not, too docile, not fast enough or physical enough, he does do well seeing through traffic after the catch and his hands look incredible at times, but nothing about his play jumps off the screen when you watch him.
I give it 3 or 4 more bad performances by the Steelers and all hell breaks lose between him and the organization.
Pickens has talent, he may even have elite talent, Big Ben would have probably made him great. We'll never know with kenny and Canada.
That said he isn't close to an AB level talent. Not in the same universe. He isn't a take over a game type dominant player, he's just not, too docile, not fast enough or physical enough, he does do well seeing through traffic after the catch and his hands look incredible at times, but nothing about his play jumps off the screen when you watch him.
I give it 3 or 4 more bad performances by the Steelers and all hell breaks lose between him and the organization.

I hope not. I think he can do great things with the team. Losing your **** isn't going to produce anything productive.
I couldn’t have summed it up any better @Greg Lloyd

MT stated this issue is “a pebble in his shoe”. This laissez-faire approach let AB become a real problem and a cancer.
Thank you, Polythemus. I fear Shades thinks he's above reconsidering his actions at this point, he has read his press clippings too much and thinks he has nothing left to learn, unfortunately. Bummer for us.
Kenny Pickett isn't going to produce an elite stud receiver

You're right, elite stud receivers drag a toe in the endzone easily.

So far George has elite hands and body control. Running half *** routes when not getting the ball and generally acting like a 2 year old child throwing a fit and pouting isn't elite either.
You're right, elite stud receivers drag a toe in the endzone easily.

So far George has elite hands and body control. Running half *** routes when not getting the ball and generally acting like a 2 year old child throwing a fit and pouting isn't elite either.

The fans and the media have been pouting all year about Canada and Pickett being very subpar. Imagine how Pickens feels? His Livelihood and being successful in his career directly depend on Canada and Pickett. I don't see how you can reasonably blame the guy for getting upset. Any WR patience would be breaking down on this team.
The fans and the media have been pouting all year about Canada and Pickett being very subpar. Imagine how Pickens feels? His Livelihood and being successful in his career directly depend on Canada and Pickett. I don't see how you can reasonably blame the guy for getting upset. Any WR patience would be breaking down on this team.

Oh boo hoo. He'd really be crying if this team had a badass running game like they used to have.

The biggest detrimental thing he can do to his livelihood now and in the future is to NOT be a team player and be a ME player.

All that negative **** is just wasted energy. Be the positive and keep working your *** off. Stay the course and it will pay off.

I've seen this movie before with Chase Claypool after his rookie season. Got all swelled in the head thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread and look at him now?

I'm a big Pickens fan. I've watched him since he played at Georgia. I was damn happy when the Steelers drafted him. I hope he can start seeing the bigger picture and stay the course. The team needs him.

He also has to understand what kind of attention defenses are giving him now. Which is to take him away as a threat.
I missed all that, but the dog comment made me laugh. I've tried to remain positive, but clearly............well, I'll just stop.

I feel bad for the dog, he was an innocent party in all this !!!

Salute the nation
I'm a big Pickens fan. I've watched him since he played at Georgia. I was damn happy when the Steelers drafted him. I hope he can start seeing the bigger picture and stay the course. The team needs him.

He also has to understand what kind of attention defenses are giving him now. Which is to take him away as a threat.
Really he should be honored that other teams don't take him lightly which is a huge compliment. Same with AB, so don't become a ME, ME brat like he did. I'd work even harder if I was in his position.
I dont find any issue with what Tomlin said, as **** like that shouldn't be engaged publicly.
that said, i do have an issue if Pickens' attitude gets worse. I also don't have an issue with GP wanting to be THE MAN. Though in reality, he already is. He just needs to realize that it comes with or without stats - and the stats will come.

as for the leader on the offensive side, that is Najee. Who else pays attention when they have too many men in the huddle?
Kenny Pickett isn't going to produce an elite stud receiver
Missing wide open guys that make big plays in favor of dumping another 2-3 yarder to the flat will not make elite receivers

You sir are very correct
The fans and the media have been pouting all year about Canada and Pickett being very subpar. Imagine how Pickens feels? His Livelihood and being successful in his career directly depend on Canada and Pickett. I don't see how you can reasonably blame the guy for getting upset. Any WR patience would be breaking down on this team.
Yup, the 2nd contract is usually the one players work to

Pickens with an even average QB and OC would be flat out dominant, he knows it too
So sure he’s frustrated as Canada and Pickett are robbing him blind

He sees that if he can just be freed about 28 teams in the league would make him look much better so why not work your way off Shades sinking Canadian clipper before it crashes costing him more?

Get a new team, get utilized properly, make that money….it’s the NFL these days

If you don’t like your situation and you have talent just get a new team

Loyalty is dead in favor of the almighty $
Unless we’re talking of the Rooney’s undying loyalty to coaches…that’s alive and well.
Pickens is ridiculously productive anywhere else.