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Warned y'all about this


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Russia and China pushing to remove the dollar as the world's currency.

Called it.

Yeah, being $25 trillion in debt, no big deal. Nothing. No worries.

$28 trillion or $30 trillion or $40 trillion? Who gives a ****. Okay, so by simply printing paper money that has no real value anymore, the dollar is no longer the world currency, the Chinese Yuan becomes the world currency, and the United States can no longer just ******* print money without having 1924 Germany and 2018 Venezuela level inflation, and our economy is in the *******, but that's all good, right?

Maybe we make this nation such a ******* dump that illegals decide to go somewhere else.

Just $25 trillion in debt ... the good old days.

If (when) the US dollar is no longer the world's currency, this nation is done. Currently, the irresponsible criminal grifters spending unbacked trillions create inflation of about 10% in 1980 terms only because of the VAST amount of US dollars in circulation as the world's currency.

The USD no longer the world's currency, our current inflation would be 30% or so.

And the political class does not care. They are rich enough not to give a **** so they DON'T.
Is China paying Joe in yuan or dollars?
The main player is the kingdom. And seemingly they are on board.
Russia and China pushing to remove the dollar as the world's currency.

Called it.

Just $25 trillion in debt ... the good old days.

If (when) the US dollar is no longer the world's currency, this nation is done. Currently, the irresponsible criminal grifters spending unbacked trillions create inflation of about 10% in 1980 terms only because of the VAST amount of US dollars in circulation as the world's currency.

The USD no longer the world's currency, our current inflation would be 30% or so.

And the political class does not care. They are rich enough not to give a **** so they DON'T.

If our inflation ever goes to 30% or more. The politicians better go into hiding. They'll definitely care when the torches&pitchforks show up to do a constitutional government reset.
This was an easy call. Irresponsibility does this.
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That is a BS graph. Congress spends the money. Sure, the President can veto but you can directly tie our current mess to one Nancy Pelosi
Well I certainly didn’t put it up to rub you the wrong way Badcat. Don’t know why you say it’s BS. It simply shows the spending under all presidents. Wether you like it or not. Wether your guy spent more or less. Simply the facts of spending under different administration.
Well I certainly didn’t put it up to rub you the wrong way Badcat. Don’t know why you say it’s BS. It simply shows the spending under all presidents. Wether you like it or not. Wether your guy spent more or less. Simply the facts of spending under different administration.
I'm not an emotional guy, it didn't rub me the wrong way by any means. Just stating that the President has little to do with the spending.
Most Americans don't pay attention to any of this and don't care. They will care when cigarettes are $40 /pack. Gasoline is $12/ gallon.

Very true. Society is only civil because we're still comfortable.

If we ever get our cell service and power grid knocked out, it will be on like donkey kong. Not to mention all of the electric cars will be worthless.
we are so ****** right now that it makes me physically ill. I live in a state were EVERYTHING is taxed at 10 percent. you buy a pair of shoes 10%, new washing machine 10%, candy bar 10%, a bottle of water **** you 10%. then you have the alcohol tax 600%, cigarette tax 600%, fuel tax 600%. I'm exaggerating on the last three but you get my point.

we are one of only three states that tax food, that is unless you get food stamps then your **** is tax free.

Three years ago I would have said my wife and I were comfortable put money away for retirement money in savings and some cash on hand in the home safe. we both thought that we did things right and that 62 was our magic number. cash out 401k, draw SS and live out the last few years making up for all the years we didn't get to spend a lot of time together because we both worked our ***** off to prepare for this year. **** now I'm praying we don't have to work till we both drop dead. All the while the rich get richer and the people living off the government tit eat better than we do.
we are so ****** right now that it makes me physically ill. I live in a state were EVERYTHING is taxed at 10 percent. you buy a pair of shoes 10%, new washing machine 10%, candy bar 10%, a bottle of water **** you 10%. then you have the alcohol tax 600%, cigarette tax 600%, fuel tax 600%. I'm exaggerating on the last three but you get my point.

we are one of only three states that tax food, that is unless you get food stamps then your **** is tax free.

Three years ago I would have said my wife and I were comfortable put money away for retirement money in savings and some cash on hand in the home safe. we both thought that we did things right and that 62 was our magic number. cash out 401k, draw SS and live out the last few years making up for all the years we didn't get to spend a lot of time together because we both worked our ***** off to prepare for this year. **** now I'm praying we don't have to work till we both drop dead. All the while the rich get richer and the people living off the government tit eat better than we do.
…and you’re and American. I’d imagine those numbers for others? ****** times X.

I see my money just washed the **** away on my retirement. My job is on the line bc of massive cuts. Not bc I suck but yeah we are cutting the entire risk management dept. 😳.

Fell ya.

I guess I’ll also let this be my apology for being so pissy. Life is just ******** in my Cheerios right now so everything that happens just adds to…….
we are so ****** right now that it makes me physically ill. I live in a state were EVERYTHING is taxed at 10 percent. you buy a pair of shoes 10%, new washing machine 10%, candy bar 10%, a bottle of water **** you 10%. then you have the alcohol tax 600%, cigarette tax 600%, fuel tax 600%. I'm exaggerating on the last three but you get my point.

we are one of only three states that tax food, that is unless you get food stamps then your **** is tax free.

Three years ago I would have said my wife and I were comfortable put money away for retirement money in savings and some cash on hand in the home safe. we both thought that we did things right and that 62 was our magic number. cash out 401k, draw SS and live out the last few years making up for all the years we didn't get to spend a lot of time together because we both worked our ***** off to prepare for this year. **** now I'm praying we don't have to work till we both drop dead. All the while the rich get richer and the people living off the government tit eat better than we do.
I know exactly how you feel. The country we knew and loved is dying right in front of us and I can't stand seeing it. Hard working older people who sacrificed everything to build a better life now struggle to put food on the table. You see it every time you go in the grocery store these days.
Our country didn't get here by accident which makes it that much worse and contributes to the dull ache in my gut and pounding headache that never lets up. There's also really nothing we can do about it other than grin and bear it and do the best we can to get by.