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Where are the big changes?

Just this new thread is the BIG change from having to click on any of the other 2 billion threads.

There will be no change at this time.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting different results.

Groundhog Day

Salute the nation
It appears the Steelers/Rooneys have given up on making real, significant changes. Last year was their last semi-real attempt with getting rid of Canada and it was Tomlinized, so that's it, nothing worked. They're the same old, Fraudlin team so that's it. They tried and it didn't work but they kept that non-losing streak going, so what else do you want? Maybe we'll settle for 9-8 this year.
get not firing AS. but what has the oline coach done? what has Autin done with one of the highest paid defenses?

No change leads you to believe that they think they are close. close to what would be the question
almost see them making big trades this year after the draft. TJ? Pickens? Mincah? imagine the draft capital going into the 2026 draft in Pittsburgh.
I think it may have to do with taking out the ping pong tables or foosball.
That was Fraudlin's case of heavy discipline for the team, but only rookies applied so.....it wasn't too much discipline. Such a disciplinarian that Fraudlin. What's his next snappy quip gonna be? I can't wait!
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It appears the Steelers/Rooneys have given up on making real, significant changes. Last year was their last semi-real attempt with getting rid of Canada and it was Tomlinized, so that's it, nothing worked. They're the same old, Fraudlin team so that's it. They tried and it didn't work but they kept that non-losing streak going, so what else do you want? Maybe we'll settle for 9-8 this year.
I like that concept.

Used in a sentence:
"The Steelers' "standard" has become Tomlinized over the past 18 years, such that now the standard is substandard."

"The Tomlinized Steelers now accept a lack of post season wins in the past decade as good performance."

"The Steelers D, the most expensive in the NFL, has been Tomlinized for poor performance against quality NFL opponents, as demonstrated by TJ Watt's Tomlinized stat line in his last two games."

"Only the Steelers would accept Russell Wilson's Tomlinized success in his last five games as a reason for expecting success next season."
That was Fraudlin's case of heavy discipline for the team, but only rookies applied so.....it wasn't too much discipline. Such a discinarian that Fraudlin. What's his next snappy quip gonna be? I can't wait!
This guy lives in your head.
The nfl wants an 18 game regular season. I don't know when it happens. But 9-9 will be standard. Adding an extra game won't add an extra win.
"Little Debbie" over Hostess? I can recall a day when little Debbies were not sold in Western PA. Not now?
Just this new thread is the BIG change from having to click on any of the other 2 billion threads.

There will be no change at this time.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting different results.

Groundhog Day

Salute the nation
There have been huge I mean YUGE changes

Now they will try to not put vanilla pudding back in the box where they used to not put chocolate pudding back in the box

I can’t stress how this will be a significant component of the upcoming changes on game day.

Obviously there has been a switch in the training and nutrition program as well as uncured bacon will now be the bacon of choice in the facility.

Where there used to be only brown paint to paint the barn beige will be added into the bold all NEW color scheme, this compounded with the training component and pudding component will most assuredly be factors in an upward trajectory of all the men on game day.

The playbook has seen a significant overhaul as well as meat was revealed as an ingredient of the hot dog, we cannot reveal if that meat is beef however as we can’t allow the opponent significant insight into the huge schematic changes before hell is unleashed next year on every single blade of grass…except the grass between the hash marks which obviously is made of the lava component in regards to what the offense will utilize on game day but will be much more like a Bavarian cream when the defense is on the field.

There will be new additions and pedigree via a component known as the draft as well…but that is for a later day.

Cheers and salute the GROUNDHOG!!!
They are gonna rip the 5 plays on O and D that dont come from the 70's or Tampa Bay's Tony Dungy led team and replace them with a different 5 plays... so next year teams wont be ready for them until midseason...

They may also petition the league to make tge field between the hash marks out of bounds... so everyone will have to play edgeball
The Steelers needed to have more coaching changes than just letting contracts run out. With new coaches assembling their staffs, making moves early would be a professional courtesy as well.
And yet crickets. They even act like a team with no urgency to improve. Too comfy in those shoes.
Last night I took a chick out to supper, while I was getting cleaned up, I decided to end my 5-day current underwear run.

Does that count as change ???

Salute the nation
Last night I took a chick out to supper, while I was getting cleaned up, I decided to end my 5-day current underwear run.

Does that count as change ???

Salute the nation
Yes, but you do not need clean underwear to go to White Castle.
Last night I took a chick out to supper, while I was getting cleaned up, I decided to end my 5-day current underwear run.

Does that count as change ???

Salute the nation
I just don't believe either one.
You make your date take dictation?

I used “microphone” text when I told the Trailer Court Beotch I was one my way……………. Eyes closed with super glue…..

Last night’s supper chick was pre-arranged………… eyes able to blink

Salute the nation
I used “microphone” text when I told the Trailer Court Beotch I was one my way……………. Eyes closed with super glue…..

Last night’s supper chick was pre-arranged………… eyes able to blink

Salute the nation
Tomlin does not approve.