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White Privilege wasn't enough - now there's White Flight

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Read, if you're ready to have your blood boil.

White flight is creating a separate and unequal system of higher education

In the post-World War II era, whites fled the center city to the leafy-green suburbs and better neighborhood schools. Today, a similar trend has taken root in American higher education, only this time whites are fleeing the underfunded and overcrowded two-year and four-year open-access colleges for the nation’s top 500 universities...

At the top 500 universities, whites comprise 70 percent of students, compared to their 57 percent share of the college-age population. Meanwhile, as blacks and Latinos have swarmed the halls of open-access colleges, whites have fled them. White students have declined from 68 percent to 49 percent of students at open-access colleges, while black and Latino students have grown from 26 percent to 45 percent.

It should come as no surprise that the outcomes at the top 500 universities and the 3,000 open-access colleges are vastly different: 82 percent of students at top universities graduate, compared to 49 percent of students at open-access colleges. Unequal college outcomes then lead to unequal career success and differential access to graduate school, which is especially important because it is only at the graduate degree level that we see race-based earnings gaps converge.

Our racially stratified postsecondary education system serves as a passive agent that mimics and magnifies the race-based inequities it inherits from the K-12 education system and projects them into the labor market. Whites educated at elite colleges go on to have successful careers, marry other whites with similar backgrounds, and buy homes in the right neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods in turn give their kids access to a top education in pre-K through high school that prepares them for selective colleges, beginning anew the self-sustaining intergenerational cycle of racial privilege.
I got nothin'.

Those private schools cost somewhere in the zone of 68k and up a year. Who in the hell can afford that ****?

If I sent my kid to a school that expensive and she DIDN'T graduate, I'd ******' kill her.
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The liberal agenda has pushed a narrative so damn hard that it's hard to value higher education these days. You go to school to learn and succeed at a chosen field. You'd think students would be rewarded by staying the course and meeting curriculum rather than "oh we don't have enough minorities, they deserve a spot and tuition". The only ones who deserve a spot and scholarships are those qualified. Regardless of skin color. Just another failure of the liberal movement
The top colleges should be for top students. The victim mentality is debilitating. I think that each person no matter how intelligent they are has value and can live a successful, fulfilled life. When a person lives in a state where they continually feel slighted they are often unable to succeed. The onus to do their best is often not present because they've been given a pass by their dem leaders.
The first time I saw this seriously put forward was in the St Louis area after the Michael Brown, gentle giant incident. The social justice warriors were babbling that the sad state of St Louis was the fault of all the racist whites moving to the suburbs. Those damn racists not wanting their children to go to school in an environment where education is looked down on. Where you can't sit on your own porch without getting shot. The nerve.
All this bullshit will start to be fixed with a federal government that does not take every chance to make race a thing. Seriously, just remaining silent will start fixing everything. This is supposed to be our government, and we really don't give a **** about race. One would think that a black man elected as president two times would allow that race doesn't have to be a thing, but it was the exact reverse. He made it the biggest thing. **** HIM for that.
He could have been so much more of a positive force for good. He squandered that opportunity instead choosing to race bait and foster division in my opinion
Agree so much. It's painful to think about the opportunity he had and wasted. It's really devastating. I get very upset about the lost opportunity.
Well ****, you got me started Steelin, so here I go. My wife is black and my kids grew up pretty much knowing only a black president. That's cool. That is so cool I cannot even explain it. You would know why if you had mixed or black kids. What is not cool is that this president does not talk about Americans as good people, or about America as a good country. I mean really GOOD. This ******* president has spent the last eight years telling us that we are not basically good, our police are not basically good, and every other month he's apologizing about America to other countries. Americans are sick of our government telling us we are not good people and America is not a good country. For ****'s sake his wife said she wasn't proud of this country until her husband was elected? **** HER!

So at least my sons know for a fact that the political system is open to ******** of all colors - and actually that is pretty cool.
I'm one of those "white flight" families and you're goddamn right I moved. My wife and I made the decision to move into a town that's been rated one of the top 20 public school systems in the Commonwealth (Massachusetts) which is pretty lofty due to the heavy emphasis on education around this state. We made this decision for one reason only....to ensure our two elementary age children could receive the absolute best possible education we could provide as parents. This town HS averages over 99% of their students attending college after graduation. We had to buy a Cape which needed plenty of work...basically one of the worst homes in the best neighborhood situation and bring it back up with hard work and dedication. That little Cape cost us $400K and tons more fixer upper contractors and our own labor. Just so our kids can ride the bus in a great district. I don't regret a damn thing and would do it again instead of having my kids go to a school where my son was facing daily bullying and being constrained in his education due to students who couldn't keep up with the curriculum due to not being able to read or speak the language.

I'll take it a step further...my wife and I dump as much as we can into our kids 529 plans. I'm 50 and know I will not be able to retire as early as I could because I will pay for my kids education...full freight, with no regret. That's what parents do....sacrifice for the betterment of their children to have a better life. If others would only do the same this world might be a better place. White flight...pfffhhhht. It's being and parent and showing your children you are investing in them so that they see how it's done when it's their turn.
I got nothin'.

Those private schools cost somewhere in the zone of 68k and up a year. Who in the hell can afford that ****?

If I sent my kid to a school that expensive and she DIDN'T graduate, I'd ******' kill her.

Like, kill her dead? Or just beat the **** out of her?
Well ****, you got me started Steelin, so here I go. My wife is black and my kids grew up pretty much knowing only a black president. That's cool. That is so cool I cannot even explain it. You would know why if you had mixed or black kids. What is not cool is that this president does not talk about Americans as good people, or about America as a good country. I mean really GOOD. This ******* president has spent the last eight years telling us that we are not basically good, our police are not basically good, and every other month he's apologizing about America to other countries. Americans are sick of our government telling us we are not good people and America is not a good country. For ****'s sake his wife said she wasn't proud of this country until her husband was elected? **** HER!

So at least my sons know for a fact that the political system is open to ******** of all colors - and actually that is pretty cool.

I shook his hand when he was campaigning in 2007. Although I had read stories about his extremely left positions I had hoped that he would be that inspirational force that he had the potential to be. I had hope in the beginning. I will most likely have mixed race grandchildren. I fear for their future and they aren't even born yet. I live in a VERY diverse area. The expectations were very high here. He has been such a disappointment.
All colleges should cost the same and be affordable and people should be able to go wherever they want. I will vote for candidates who will force them to do this. For free n' stuff.
Don't buy into any of the white privilege bullshit

"The heart of liberalism in America today is based on race. It permeates almost every issue"

"The Left wants 'power taken away from the white establishment''. Taking voting power away from the white precincts is the quickest way to do that."

"Liberals want to get rid of the Electoral College because they want “power taken away from the white establishment.”

"Getting rid of the Electoral College would silence white voters in rural areas."
