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Who created ISIS?

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If the USA did fund isis, the whole intention was to supply/train them to over throw al-qaida. Isis and al-qaida/taliban are at war against each other. Remember that. I say we just let them blow each other up. Isis is not as spooky as the media says
That ****** up twisted oppressive ideology called Islam is the root cause. It's spread around the world is a cancer on it. I can't find a single damn thing good it brings to this planet. The tens of millions you could call radicals don't make peace with anyone not Islam. Isis is a product of our ***** *** president drawing red lines and pulling out of Iraq before it could stand on it's own.
We are in a huge moral dilemma as a country with respect to foreign relations.

The internet age has exposed all of it for us to see without blinders or media "cover"age.

When we deal with countries that are 200 years behind us in terms of economy/infrastructure/education/religion, how can we expect our political values to take hold? And if they can't? If these backwards nations are destined to be governed by either dictators or warlords in constant civil war? What then? Do we intervene? Do we allow human rights violations during conflict and growth?

There are no easy answers to this and our country has not resolved these dichotomies.

I have some opinions, but even I am unsure of them. I know that America is not as accepting of the Cold War rules of engagement where we funded awful dictators as an antithesis to Russian-backed communism (itself a version of dictatorship and state control). I know that our country no longer has the patience nor willpower to "nation build" using our republic structure. I know our leaders don't put right/wrong above financial and political gains and that effects our diplomatic relations to lead by example.

Should we be isolationist? Should we be involved and how and to what extent?

These are the hardest questions our republic faces in the 21st century. I only hope we have leadership that doesn't apologize for our attempts at doing what is right, because the last 8 years of that have proven to be a disaster.
That ****** up twisted oppressive ideology called Islam is the root cause. It's spread around the world is a cancer on it. I can't find a single damn thing good it brings to this planet. The tens of millions you could call radicals don't make peace with anyone not Islam. Isis is a product of our ***** *** president drawing red lines and pulling out of Iraq before it could stand on it's own.

Arabic Numerals?
Who created ISIS?


Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Founder - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi


Who organized them?

Convinced the Americans would invade Iraq, Zarqawi began building a base there in 2002; when they did so a year later, he proved willing to ally with remnants of Saddam’s intelligence network. The story is well told by William McCants in his excellent new book, The ISIS Apocalypse. Four months after the U.S. invasion, Zarqawi’s organization attacked three well-chosen targets—UN headquarters in Baghdad, the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, and the Imam Ali Mosque, a Shiite shrine, in Najaf—that signaled the dirty war ahead. These bombs shattered the ground for reconciliation: Iraq would be a no-go zone for the international organizations that might have lightened the burden of U.S. occupation; Iraq’s links would be severed with its mainstream Sunni patron, Jordan; and Iraq would be cleaved apart by a vicious sectarian war between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, whose coexistence had been a feature of modern Iraqi life. Zarqawi’s game plan was set by late August 2003; at the time, the United States was still denying there was an insurgency in the country.

A few embers of Zarqawi’s Islamic state remained, kept alive by flickering Sunni rage. The flame was nurtured at U.S.-organized Iraqi prisons such as Camp Bucca, where religious Sunni detainees mingled with former members of Saddam’s Baath Party, and the nucleus of a reborn movement took shape.

It helped too that ISIS had used Iraqi prisons as its training camps, building trust, operations security, and a passionate hatred for the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. This was a guerrilla army in waiting, and ISIS staged a campaign called “Breaking the Walls” to free these captives and bring them into the fight. Whiteside estimates that between July 2012 and July 2013, ISIS orchestrated seven major prisons raids, culminating in a spectacular, well-organized breakout at Abu Ghraib. (One of the first things ISIS did after sweeping through Mosul was to liberate the prison there, adding several thousand fighters to its burgeoning ranks.) One graduate of these prisons turned schools for jihad, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the current leader of ISIS.


Who funded them?

According to a 2015 study by the Financial Action Task Force, ISIL's five primary sources of revenue are as followed (listed in order of significance):

proceeds from the occupation of territory (including control of banks, oil and gas reservoirs, taxation, extortion, and robbery of economic assets)
kidnapping for ransom
material support provided by foreign fighters
fundraising through modern communication networks

In 2014 the RAND Corporation analyzed ISIL’s funding sources by studying 200 documents — personal letters, expense reports and membership rosters — captured from the Islamic State of Iraq (which included al-Qaeda in Iraq) by US Forces in Iraq between 2005 and 2010.[3] It found that over this period, outside donations amounted to only 5% of the group’s operating budgets, with the rest being raised within Iraq. In the time period studied, cells were required to send up to 20% of the income generated from kidnapping, extortion rackets and other activities to the next level of the group's leadership. Higher-ranking commanders would then redistribute the funds to provincial or local cells which were in difficulties or which needed money to conduct attacks. The records show that the Islamic State of Iraq depended on members from Mosul for cash, which the leadership used to provide additional funds to struggling militants in Diyala, Salahuddin and Baghdad.

In mid-2014, Iraqi intelligence obtained information from an ISIL operative which revealed that the organisation had assets worth US$2 billion, making it the richest jihadist group in the world. About three-quarters of this sum is said to be represented by assets seized after the group captured Mosul in June 2014; this includes possibly up to US$429 million looted from Mosul’s central bank, along with additional millions and a large quantity of gold bullion stolen from a number of other banks in Mosul. However, doubt was later cast on whether ISIL was able to retrieve anywhere near that sum from the central bank, and even on whether the bank robberies had actually occurred.


Who armed them?

Islamic extremist fighters captured U.S.-made Humvees and tanks from a crumbling Iraqi Army.

ISIS captured large swathes of territory in northern Iraq. The Iraqi Army, trained by the U.S., collapsed in the face of ISIS advances due to poor training, broken equipment and low morale. They left behind arms, munitions and equipment that were produced and paid for by the United States, which has given $25 billion to train and arm the Iraqi Army and other branches of security forces since 2003, the year the U.S. invaded Iraq. So now ISIS possesses hundreds of Humvees, pickup trucks, tanks and armored vehicles, as well as ammunition and artillery shells. They have used those weapons to continue to march through Iraq and to help out their fight in neighboring Syria, where ISIS is battling the government of Bashar al-Assad.


Who trained them?

It took advantage of ex-Iraqi officers' experience

ISIS fighters got better, in part because they were being led by former officers of Saddam's army. The United States disbanded Iraq's army in 2003 to start a new one from scratch, leaving many Sunni officers out of work. Remember the Sunni resentment against the new Shiite-led government? Some aggrieved Sunni officers joined the insurgency, and eventually ISIS.

It skillfully used prison 'networking'

By now, many of its top leaders were former inmates at US-administered prisons in Iraq during the insurgency. Those prisons, it appears, were networking centers for those who would join the movement. Analysts say Baghdadi and some of his top deputies were at various points imprisoned at Camp Bucca, which was a US-run prison in southern Iraq.


Now tell me why they did so?

As the self-proclaimed worldwide caliphate, their mission is to establish Islam as the supreme form of government for all Muslims throughout the world. This means implementing all Islamic traditions as they were initially laid out by Muhammad and forcibly expanding their territory.

The current leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. His lineage, as a descendant of Muhammad's tribe, the Quraysh, supposedly gives him authority to act as a legitimate caliph (leader of the caliphate).


Started to see the truth yet?
The truth is murky, multi-faceted and fluid.

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I can't find a single damn thing good it brings to this planet.
I ain't singing the praises of anything Muslims are doing nowadays, but let's not be ignorant about history.

Trigonometry, Sine, Tangent, Co-Tangent

The Arabs developed these functions in trigonometry and Ibn Moosaa's work Hisaab-Al Jab-Wal Muqaabala (The Calculation of Integration and Equation) presented 800 examples in the 8th century CE. His work was translated from Arabic into Latin and until the 16th century CE, it was Europe's main textbook on the subject.

Algebra and Geometry

Muhammad bin Moosaa Al-Khawaarizmi is considered to be one of the founders of Algebra. The word ‘Algorithm’ or 'Algorizm' is a corruption of his name or the name of the town Khwaarizm (Kheva), in what is now Uzbekistan, where he was born. He adopted the use of ‘cipher’ (zero), that was devised in India some centuries earlier, a numeral of fundamental importance, leading up to the so-called arithmetic of positions and the decimal system. The very word ‘zero’ is a derivative of the Arabic ‘sifr’ or ‘cipher’. His pioneering work on the system of numerals is well known as "Algorithm," or "Algorizm." In addition to introducing the Arabic numerals, he developed several arithmetical procedures, including operations on fractions.

Another great mathematician was Omar Khayyaam, who offered to the world geometric and algebraic solutions of the second degree. Naseeruddeen wrote the treatise on quadrilateral trigonometry, as well as plain and spherical geometry.

Physics and Chemistry

Kamaaluddeen examined the refraction of sunlight in raindrops and offered an explanation of the genesis of primary and secondary rainbows. The story of the invention of the pendulum and the presentation of a water clock to Emperor Charlemagne by Haaroon Ar-Rasheed is well known.

The great historian Gibbons wrote in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume 5) that the science of chemistry owes its origin and improvements to the Muslims.

Science of Mechanics

The development of the science of mechanics in Islam is an act of genius. Moosaa bin Shaakir described one hundred pieces of mechanical equipment in his book of artifices. Other outstanding Muslim treatises included Al Kitaab Fi Ma`rifat Al-Hiya Al-Handasiyyah (The Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Geometrical Contrivances) by Abul Fiaz bin Al Raz and Al Kitaab Meezanal-Hikmah (The Book of Balance and Wisdom) by Al-Khazini. He also did work on accurate weighing, and determination of the specific gravity of substances.

Camera Obscura

In the field of optics, Camera Obscura was invented by Ibn Haytham in 1038 CE.

Theory of Relativity

Qaadhi Abu Bakr had developed the theory of relativity in the 8th century CE in terms of time and space by means of mathematical equations and astrophysics. Imagine, Einstein was not even born in the Western world, who propounded the same theory of relativity much later in the 20th century CE.


As far as geography was concerned, Muslim scientists established that the world was round in the 9th century CE, and the first map of the globe was made during the Caliphate of Ma’moon.

Paper Making

This was one of the earliest skills attained by the Muslims. As early as the 8th century CE, high quality paper was being manufactured in Samarqand. Egypt was known to have its first paper mill in the year 900 CE. The earliest Arabic manuscript written on paper that has been discovered is the Ghareeb Al Hadeeth by Abu ‘Ubayed, dated 837 CE. It can be seen in Holland preserved in the library at the University of Leyden.

Advances in Industry

Under Islamic rule, Spain was an industrial center. It was one of the wealthiest and most thickly populated of the European countries. Muslims were leading in weaving wool, producing silk, pottery, jewelry, leather and perfume industry. In the Middle Ages, world trade was commanded by Muslims and Baghdad Bukhaara and Samarqand remained centers for world fairs until the 16th century CE. The Bayt Al-Hikmah at Cairo contained two million books, the library at Tripoli contained some three million, but this library was burned down by the Christians during the first Crusade.

I ain't singing the praises of anything Muslims are doing nowadays, but let's not be ignorant about history.

Um...lets learn reading comprehension. Steelr4ever was speaking of a religious ideology, not of an entire culture.

That ****** up twisted oppressive ideology called Islam is the root cause. It's spread around the world is a cancer on it. I can't find a single damn thing good it brings to this planet.
And without oil, which the West developed, the Arab World would be nothing more than a bunch of warring Bedouin tribes, hell bent on returning to the 7th century.
Islam created ISIS.

Allah created ISIS - to cut off the heads of infidels

Oh sorry, I meant God - God Is Allah

who can forget?

Justice Department Replaces 'Allah' With 'God' in Censored Orlando Terrorist Transcript
And when isis is gone something else will pop up just like it. All in the name of some false god and pedophile murderous prophet. Show me the goodness of it? They've been this way for a few thousand years. I don't think we can ever change their way of thinking,but we sure as hell should make sure it doesn't take hold here.