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Why lefties don't have nice things & who knew Tibs' coffee shop moved to Philadelphia?


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
This story - right here - is one of the funniest I have ever read, and all the funnier because the left-wingers racing to see who can get more to the left all wound up crashing and burning while proclaiming racism and victimhood. Seriously, read the quoted material. I could not make this up. I link to the article, edit it for ease of reading, with my editorial observations in brackets.

Left-wing coffee shop implodes; shocking, right?

Two leftists named Sonam Parikh and Kate Egghart who decided to open a coffee shop in Philadelphia. They were only able to do this because Kate Egghart’s mom, EJ Egghart, was a successful accountant who purchased a building in Philadelphia from an Iranian businessman who’d been using it for storage. [Cue lefties gladly taking the benefits earned by somebody who actually works for a living.]

Sonam Parikh and Kate Egghart then spent 3 years cleaning and preparing the site to open their coffee shop, Mina’s World. ... Mina’s World finally opened on February 28, 2020, which quickly turned out to be a truly terrible time to open a business.

Mina’s World, sitting on 52nd Street between Hazel and Larchwood, was founded in February of 2020 on the principles of social justice. The two majority owners, Sonam Parikh and Kate Egghart, define themselves as queer and trans people of color (QTPOC) and strove to make their cafe a safe space for others like them. Mina’s World sold local artists’ goods, covered community members’ meals when they couldn’t afford them, and offered lower–priced coffee in an effort to make often–elitist coffee culture accessible to lower–income customers. Mina’s World also funds and maintains The People’s Fridge, a food bank outside of the cafe.
Two weeks after it opened, businesses in Philadelphia were largely shut down and Mina’s World became a pick-up window for coffee. Customers, who were outside, were required to always wear masks when interacting with staff.

Speaking of staff, the fledgling company hired four employees all of whom were trans and/or black. Those employees soon decided they were unhappy with conditions at the shop and demanded a “radical accountability process” from the owners. [Wow, employees hired based on their supposed victimhood turn out not to be good employees?!? Who'da thunk it?!?]

“We are facing systemic employer opposition, manipulation, abuse of power, exploitation, anti-blackness, ableism, hostility and complete disregard for our livelihoods,” they said. The “List of Grievances” published by the workers — don’t we all have one? — was extremely vague, with such claims as:
  • “Anti-blackness in a multitude of forms & occasions”
  • “Tokenization as a way to appear safe by association
  • “Ableism in the form of inaccessibility, etc etc”
One alleged instance of anti-blackness was that when a group of black teenagers stole the Mina’s World tip jar and customers ran after them to retrieve it, the owners didn’t defend… the thieves. Without a hint of irony, the employees also accused the owners of “wage theft.”

The owners made a cringey video apologizing for their role in gentrifying the neighborhood and promised to turn the store into a co-op, meaning the four employees would become co-owners.

However, the employees plans to seize the means of production didn’t go as smoothly as they had hoped. Kate Egghart’s mom, EJ Egghart, decided enough was enough. She had bought the building and had been allowing Mina’s World to operate rent free. Plus she was paying the electrical bill for “The People’s Fridge.” She also paid their insurance and did their books. In an Instagram post she explained that the “current business model of low coffee pricing, high labor” costs wasn’t sustainable. They were literally buying top tier beans and selling coffee at discounted prices so low-income customers could afford it. [Lefties actually believe they can charge customers less then it costs to make their product because equity. Less, lefties are in fact that stupid.]

So instead of allowing the co-op to proceed, EJ Egghart put the building up for sale. The employees accused EJ of being rich and responded by creating a GoFundMe campaign to buy the building. They were seeking to raise $200,000. They eventually raised just over $10,000 but by that point it didn’t matter. The cafe close for good on July 1, 2022. The four employees announced they would be keeping the money. [Lefties ... business that charges more for product than it costs to make are capitalist pigs; also lefties ... raising money for something and then keeping the money for yourself when that something does not turn out is hunkey-dorey!]
Total Idiot Buys/Sells ("TIBS") coffee: "I'll use premium coffee beans, charge just $1 for a cup of coffee."
Average person: "How much does it cost to make that cup of coffee?"
TIBS: "$1.85."
Average person: "How the hell are you going to make any money?"
TIBS: "Volume!"
Total Idiot Buys/Sells ("TIBS") coffee: "I'll use premium coffee beans, charge just $1 for a cup of coffee."
Average person: "How much does it cost to make that cup of coffee?"
TIBS: "$1.85."
Average person: "How the hell are you going to make any money?"
TIBS: "Volume!"
Phase 1: Make coffee
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit
Tibs could never make it in America. That's why he left to sell espresso in Budapest.
This is why Leftists rarely own businesses.
1. They have to participate in a system they regard as evil.
2. They’re afraid if they do, it will prove that everything they believe is wrong.
This is why Leftists rarely own businesses.
1. They have to participate in a system they regard as evil.
2. They’re afraid if they do, it will prove that everything they believe is wrong.
They're definitely not afraid to own a business with ties to govt. Who can blame them? It's a huge money train. That train needs to be derailed and pared back to the size and scope of what was originally intended. Guess who doesn't want to see that happen? Folks who are onboard. Their fight to retain the status quo or even more expansion is much stronger and has much more backing than average Joe 6-pack. Ar least at this station.
They're definitely not afraid to own a business with ties to govt. Who can blame them? It's a huge money train. That train needs to be derailed and pared back to the size and scope of what was originally intended. Guess who doesn't want to see that happen? Folks who are onboard. Their fight to retain the status quo or even more expansion is much stronger and has much more backing than average Joe 6-pack. Ar least at this station.

I believe it is too late to fix, far too late at this point. The United States is a joke around the world, the dollar is crumbling, we are $32 TRILLION in debt, the borders are non-existent, we have had a massive influx of unvetted illegals, most of whom don't know the ******* language and will destroy the public school systems, our military is being drained of equipment, we are fighting a useless proxy war for no reason anybody can articulate, our young are taught to hate the country, the cities have become dirtier and less safe, and everybody who can has already left (D)imbo safe spaces so of course the execrable (D)imbo contingent is now intent on destroying suburban and rural America just as they have absolutely ruined urban America.

I am making arrangements to go into the reddest of the red part of America, with lots of acreage, neighbors who know each other, and if I can simply overcome my innate fear of guns, may buy a .22 pistol. No ammunition, just the pistol to wave at bad guys.
That city is a shithole

That is the inevitable outcome for the policies enacted by the ruling class. Philadelphia is one of the most intelligently-planned cities on earth. William Penn played a key role in its design, and included five large parks. Later, Ben Franklin encouraged the city to keep including parks as it expanded and that is why Philadelphia has parks every few miles.

Liberal policies destroyed the city, as they have destroyed California. I have said for years that if liberal policies can destroy a state as beautiful and abundant as California, they can destroy anything.

And they are busily doing so.
Liberal policies destroyed the city, as they have destroyed California. I have said for years that if liberal policies can destroy a state as beautiful and abundant as California, they can destroy anything.

And they are busily doing so.
Another demonstration of the stupidity of leftist thought
Buy a shotgun and fire it into the air a couple of times, I've been told that works.

Ho-lee ****, anybody who said that must be dumber than dumb, a moron, an imbecile of the lowest order who cannot be trusted with any responsibility. Let me check to see who would offer such an idiotic comment ...

Yep, just as I suspected.
that or shooting the gun out of the bad guy's hand. That's super easy to do

Video evidence proving your point:

