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Wow... Manziel may be "Leaf" stupid...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Apparently he was spotted in Aspen when he is supposed to be rehabbing in Cleveland.

Seriously. They need to just cut the guy loose. He is completely empty between the ears. No ******* Clue whatsoever. Ryan Leaf at least had some ******* talent.
LOL, Here is johnny. SO glad we didn't draft that bafoon. Not on ly does he NOT earn his pay, but he jepordises any future return given, daily. One wonders, if he looks both ways when crossing the street. Maybe he only crosses at cross walks with cross walk gaurds??? Fluck tooth

Salute the nation
Yeah, not ready to bury him yet. When did everyone start getting so indignant when a rookie out of college acts like a rookie out of college? How many years did Bradshaw need?
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Yeah, not ready to bury him yet. When did everyone start getting so indignant when a rookie out of college acts like a rookie out of college? How many years did Bradshaw need?

Are you kidding me? This clown is well on his way to becoming the biggest tool the NFL has ever seen and he's been in it less than a year. He's nothing more than a media gimmick gone bad.
he is already the most nicknamed NFL player of all time. that's got to be something for Tooly McToolbag right?
Apparently he was spotted in Aspen when he is supposed to be rehabbing in Cleveland.

Seriously. They need to just cut the guy loose. He is completely empty between the ears. No ******* Clue whatsoever. Ryan Leaf at least had some ******* talent.

Absolutely do not cut him....this guarantees us 2 wins per year for as long as he stays. I laughed when people were talking about this guy being a first round talent. The guy is TINY!! Kids in my daughters high school have bigger arms then he does. People bought into the hype. Winston will be the same...whoever drafts him is a ******* moron.
Are you kidding me? This clown is well on his way to becoming the biggest tool the NFL has ever seen and he's been in it less than a year. He's nothing more than a media gimmick gone bad.

What does it say when Tim Tebow is better than you and can't find a job?
Wow... Manziel may be "Leaf" stupid...Apparently he was spotted in Aspen when he is supposed to be rehabbing in Cleveland.

I guess it's apropos...Aspen is the focused locale of Dumb and Dumber.
Yeah, not ready to bury him yet. When did everyone start getting so indignant when a rookie out of college acts like a rookie out of college? How many years did Bradshaw need?

Bradshaw never acted like an ***. At least no where near at the level the Johnny Jackass does.
Bradshaw never acted like an ***. At least no where near at the level the Johnny Jackass does.

And even if he did act like an ***, I bet he at least did something in the league first. This douche wasn't even on a roster yet.....or out of college for that matter.
C'mon guys, let's cut the guys some slack. I mean, he was probably doing a good deed. He probably saw some woman leave a brief case at Cleveland Airport and took to Aspen. I mean, it's all just a misunderstanding...lol
Yeah, not ready to bury him yet. When did everyone start getting so indignant when a rookie out of college acts like a rookie out of college? How many years did Bradshaw need?

When did his behavior become the standard for all rookies right out of college? He's the Miley Cyrus/Justin Beiber of the NFL.
He's the way he has been from the beginning. His parents are wealthy, he knows he doesn't have to work a day in is life an d it shows. They can't cut him, nobody in their right mind will give them anything for him. They're gonna have to wait it out and hope something changes. I wouldn't bet on it.
Johnny Douchenozzle
Gee, I have the choice to be at some rehab thing in ******* Cleveland or with some hottie in Aspen...I guess I would also make the stupid choice.
Johnny Bench

Where the endf is never in sight........................

Salute the nation
Gee, I have the choice to be at some rehab thing in ******* Cleveland or with some hottie in Aspen...I guess I would also make the stupid choice.

And you would also be out of the league within 3 years.....just like Johnny most likely will.
And you would also be out of the league within 3 years.....just like Johnny most likely will.
I think rehab is generally a bullshit gesture in these cases anyway. The kid seems like a snot, but I'm not gonna crucify him for partying. If he is out of the league in 3 years it will be because he doesn't have the talent, not because he didn't go to some rehab thing in Cleveland.
Yeah, not ready to bury him yet. When did everyone start getting so indignant when a rookie out of college acts like a rookie out of college? How many years did Bradshaw need?

The only reason he seems worse than the typical rookie is all the cell cameras and social media out there. What, does everyone forget what Ben was like for YEARS (not just as a rookie)? How many women did he grope? How many bar tabs did he skip out on? How many skanks did he do in weird places like bar bathrooms? And yet you are pointing the dirty end of the stick at Johnny? Has he done even a tenth of what Ben did?
The only reason he seems worse than the typical rookie is all the cell cameras and social media out there. What, does everyone forget what Ben was like for YEARS (not just as a rookie)? How many women did he grope? How many bar tabs did he skip out on? How many skanks did he do in weird places like bar bathrooms? And yet you are pointing the dirty end of the stick at Johnny? Has he done even a tenth of what Ben did?

He was already an NFL legend a year before he was drafted according to sports media. Add that to the fact that he is a snot, but even more so the fact that he doesn't seem to have any skills whatsoever that will translate at all to success in the NFL. Put it all together and what you get is a spoiled, idiotic media creation that most people are sick of hearing about. Think Justin Beiber in a helmet and shoulder pads.
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Gee, I have the choice to be at some rehab thing in ******* Cleveland or with some hottie in Aspen...I guess I would also make the stupid choice.

Doesnt Cleveland have one of the best hospital/rehab facilities in the country? Or so I thought.

Point being, Manziel was in the news far too often for a rookie who did not perform well. You would hope that he know by now to lay low and focus on his craft.