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WTF With Great Britain?

Ron Burgundy

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, PA
New lady Prime Minister is forced to resign after six weeks.
Supposedly over tax cuts and the economy. How the hell can you even make any changes in six weeks?
Granted I would have liked to give Biden the boot after six weeks but I gotta think our system is better.
New lady Prime Minister is forced to resign after six weeks.
Supposedly over tax cuts and the economy. How the hell can you even make any changes in six weeks?
Granted I would have liked to give Biden the boot after six weeks but I gotta think our system is better.
She and her team have had many issues already. At least two of her top inner circle of cabinet ministers had already had to resign. This should have been an easy, internal party transition, but it was clear that she blew it internally and externally with a plan that was too far from status quo. It is probably a shame, but demonstrates that everyone has several bosses, even political leaders. When folks do not understand that those in power are still responsible to and accountable to some folks, that is ...... well, that is unfortunately what many people believe.
She was forced out because of her terrible proposed policies like ending mass migration that was turning parts of England into a 3rd world country and tax cuts so citizens could keep more of what they earned.

Outrageous. No wonder she didn't last.
She was forced out because of her terrible proposed policies like ending mass migration that was turning parts of England into a 3rd world country and tax cuts so citizens could keep more of what they earned.

Outrageous. No wonder she didn't last.
Seems to me we should adopt said practices instalead of having to suffer for years
Her first move was pure stupid. Tax cuts without equitable spending cuts is highly inflationary. When you already have high inflation she pored
gas on the fire and their markets tanked. The result was completely foreseeable.
Her first move was pure stupid. Tax cuts without equitable spending cuts is highly inflationary. When you already have high inflation she pored
gas on the fire and their markets tanked. The result was completely foreseeable.
Good thing no one here does anything stupid like that, you know, spending money that we don't have. What could go wrong?
Pundits last night were saying that, despite stupid moves, it was the Leftist elite in the UK that drove her out. Instead of sticking to her plan and her guns, she capitulated to them, walked back her plans, and lost internal party support as well.
Her first move was pure stupid. Tax cuts without equitable spending cuts is highly inflationary. When you already have high inflation she pored
gas on the fire and their markets tanked. The result was completely foreseeable.
Not really. Cut tax rates and tax revenues almost always go up. The Left and EU couldn’t afford for Conservatism to succeed though.
Her first move was pure stupid. Tax cuts without equitable spending cuts is highly inflationary. When you already have high inflation she pored
gas on the fire and their markets tanked. The result was completely foreseeable.

Partially correct. But the problem is not and has never been that government is taking too little from taxpayers. The problem is and always has been that governments are incapable of making reasoned fiscal decisions, spend waaaaaaaaaay too much, and then print money to cover the fact they have plundered the treasury, past AND future, on moronic spending.

You lobby for tax increases, taxes, more taxes, the rich pay more, taxes and taxes.

For **** sake, the problem is not how much we pay in, the problem is that the deviate morons running fiscal policy are utterly incapable of moderating their spending. It's not the fox guarding the henhouse - the fox will stop eating when it's full. This is Stacey Abrams and Rosie O'Donnell guarding the candy aisle.
Her first move was pure stupid. Tax cuts without equitable spending cuts is highly inflationary. When you already have high inflation she pored
gas on the fire and their markets tanked. The result was completely foreseeable.
21 is back!!!!!💪🏻🫢🤗
Partially correct. But the problem is not and has never been that government is taking too little from taxpayers. The problem is and always has been that governments are incapable of making reasoned fiscal decisions, spend waaaaaaaaaay too much, and then print money to cover the fact they have plundered the treasury, past AND future, on moronic spending.

You lobby for tax increases, taxes, more taxes, the rich pay more, taxes and taxes.

For **** sake, the problem is not how much we pay in, the problem is that the deviate morons running fiscal policy are utterly incapable of moderating their spending. It's not the fox guarding the henhouse - the fox will stop eating when it's full. This is Stacey Abrams and Rosie O'Donnell guarding the candy aisle.

So yeah yeah I’m going to google him but who is that dude Milton?
The late Milton Friedman. Greatest economist of our time.

I think ICS was making light.

And agree with your sentiment here, Ron. Everything he warned about in Capitalism and Freedom has played out. All of it:
  • Using government policy to promote or punish behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using government tax and spend policy to guide behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using spending as a substitute for the free market determination of allocation of goods and services results in a massive misallocation of resources.
  • Government programs to promote social welfare inevitably wind up serving government employees more than the people the program was supposed to help.
  • Government spending without concomitant increase in private sector production results in deficit spending.
  • Deficit spending results in the printing of unbacked currency.
  • The printing of unbacked currency always results in inflation.
  • Government spending and monetary policy are the ONLY cause of inflation.
The communists in charge want to crush the currency.
The communists in charge want to crush the currency.
I agree it may have been bad policy earlier on, but now it is intentional. There is great power and wealth to be gained by destabilizing, or flat-out destroying, this nation.
I agree it may have been bad policy earlier on, but now it is intentional. There is great power and wealth to be gained by destabilizing, or flat-out destroying, this nation.
That's the plan. Hillary was supposed to finish the job but Trump got in the way so the Swamp has to make sure we never order off the menu again.
Appears that basically the same thing happened in the U.K.
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Basically Liz Truss told the truth that they have to grow the economy via tax cuts and they’d have cut the bond rates to do that which would require pension payments to be lowered some. Nobody in the UK wants to give up those free gibs so now they are going to go bankrupt via hyperinflation, and now the English people are going to find out first hand that Thatcher was right and that they have run out of OPM. In a nutshell all that socialism they voted for has ****** them to the point of societal collapse.
Basically Liz Truss told the truth that they have to grow the economy via tax cuts and they’d have cut the bond rates to do that which would require pension payments to be lowered some. Nobody in the UK wants to give up those free gibs so now they are going to go bankrupt via hyperinflation, and now the English people are going to find out first hand that Thatcher was right and that they have run out of OPM. In a nutshell all that socialism they voted for has ****** them to the point of societal collapse.
As I recall, the UK didn't go on the Euro although they joined the EU. So there may be a bit looser standards for them and they can do hyperinflation on their own. Greece was a basket case a few years ago with the Euro for the same reasons but you don't hear about them in the news any more so maybe they fixed their ****.
I think ICS was making light.

And agree with your sentiment here, Ron. Everything he warned about in Capitalism and Freedom has played out. All of it:
  • Using government policy to promote or punish behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using government tax and spend policy to guide behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using spending as a substitute for the free market determination of allocation of goods and services results in a massive misallocation of resources.
  • Government programs to promote social welfare inevitably wind up serving government employees more than the people the program was supposed to help.
  • Government spending without concomitant increase in private sector production results in deficit spending.
  • Deficit spending results in the printing of unbacked currency.
  • The printing of unbacked currency always results in inflation.
  • Government spending and monetary policy are the ONLY cause of inflation.
Hope you don't mind, but I stole part of this responding to a liberal loon on FB that stated that "the misinformed will probably blame the Democrats for inflation."
Hope you don't mind, but I stole part of this responding to a liberal loon on FB that stated that "the misinformed will probably blame the Democrats for inflation."

Jeez, you have to be completely misinformed to blame (D)imbos and their reckless monetary policy for inflation. Remember that skyrocketing 1.5% inflation under Trump? Thank God the diligent (D)imbos have enacted policies to bring that down to 8.4%.
I think ICS was making light.

And agree with your sentiment here, Ron. Everything he warned about in Capitalism and Freedom has played out. All of it:
  • Using government policy to promote or punish behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using government tax and spend policy to guide behavior fails.
  • Such policies wind up creating a class of government workers whose sole job becomes protecting their jobs.
  • Using spending as a substitute for the free market determination of allocation of goods and services results in a massive misallocation of resources.
  • Government programs to promote social welfare inevitably wind up serving government employees more than the people the program was supposed to help.
  • Government spending without concomitant increase in private sector production results in deficit spending.
  • Deficit spending results in the printing of unbacked currency.
  • The printing of unbacked currency always results in inflation.
  • Government spending and monetary policy are the ONLY cause of inflation.
Nope. I really had no idea.
Nope. I really had no idea.
A growing economy does need an increasing supply of money but Milton Friedman had the idea to simply increase the money supply a flat 4% a year and things would work themselves out.
A growing economy does need an increasing supply of money but Milton Friedman had the idea to simply increase the money supply a flat 4% a year and things would work themselves out.

Such a wise man. I see these old clips of this dude, Reagan and others and it’s like where did critical thinking go? Is it too woke, does it get canceled, or we are just to dumb connected to our device we can’t see?
Such a wise man. I see these old clips of this dude, Reagan and others and it’s like where did critical thinking go? Is it too woke, does it get canceled, or we are just to dumb connected to our device we can’t see?
The Soviet-backed college professors finally got enough people through the system to stupify the country.