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Ya, but...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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So my daughter and her girlfriend stopped by last night. I love those two dearly but sometimes you just have to calmly and politely hit them with the logic.

Obviously, they're gay. I'm fine with that. I know my daughter, understand her and love her unconditionally. Of course, she and her girlfriend's personal preferences tend to make them a bit more liberal minded than I am. That's ok too, as long as we all accept logic and simple human biology.

So, the other night they were showing my wife a TicToc about a woman who has been going through transition therapy to become a man. This person truly looks and sounds like a man. However since she still has her reproductive organs, she decided she wanted to birth her own child. The kids were enamored of how this person was espousing that he was the child's "Dad" but had experienced the gift of carrying the child inside "his" body and bearing it.

I pointed out that his entire argument had been made utterly moot by his choice to have a baby. There is no possible scientific or rational way this woman can claim to be a man. It is physiologically impossible for a man to have a baby. As a male, I can feel more natural as a woman, I can go through therapy to change my physical traits but at the end of the day, I cannot escape my dna. I can't do it. If I contribute ANY dna to a child, that dna will contain a Y chromosome. No matter what therapy I undergo, no matter how badly I wish otherwise, the chromosomes don't lie.

I pointed out that it would be as logical for me to claim that I identified as a full-blood Native American and that no tribal council had any right to suggest otherwise. I have just as much right to claim that I identify as a 67 year old man and wish to claim my Social Security benefits in full. There is absolutely JUST as much physical and biological evidence backing those claims as any claim I might make that I am a "woman".

The kids attempted to argue that you don't have to be tied to your gender, that you can choose to be something else, and I said - how do you get around your chromosomes? You are aware that you do not have a Y chromosome. So even if science through some miraculous process managed to allow two women to share their genetic material and produce offspring, there is no way whatsoever that those women could have a boy. It's utterly impossible. Ironically, the same process with men could allow for boys and girls to be born, although the odds of having a YY chromosomal serial killer would be about as likely.

My daughter's girlfriend is Mexican and when I pointed out to her that I had every right to identify as Mexican as well and that I deserved all the minority benefits available due to my minority heritage, you could see she was appalled. It seems white folks can't be anything but white folks. Although for some reason they have every right to be men, women, or something in between.
While I can respect the fact that everyone can have an opinion, I have found that trying to reason with Liberals is like running full speed, head first, into a brick wall. Back up and do it again.
the point that science is ONLY making the person appear more as the gender of their decision at the moment is escaping those who claim that gender is a social construct. yes, it is a construct. if done by doctors on a surgical table. cutting off a dick and reorganizing the internal functions to make the appearance of a vagina does not produce a vagina. it's an inverted dick. nothing else. the hormonal injections are not natural to that body, otherwise that body would already produce those in enough levels to "construct" it to be the gender the brain is imagining.
The girls weren't happy when I pointed out my main concern with "gender reassignment therapy" is that we haven't had long enough of a test period to determine what the actual long term effects will be on the human body.

We DO know that extensive use of steroids causes a huge number of serious problems, including the big C. I can't imagine why pumping mass amounts of testosterone or estrogen into your body wouldn't have a similarly devastating effect over time.
the point that science is ONLY making the person appear more as the gender of their decision at the moment is escaping those who claim that gender is a social construct. yes, it is a construct. if done by doctors on a surgical table. cutting off a dick and reorganizing the internal functions to make the appearance of a vagina does not produce a vagina. it's an inverted dick. nothing else. the hormonal injections are not natural to that body, otherwise that body would already produce those in enough levels to "construct" it to be the gender the brain is imagining.
iT's SCEYEencse. D'uh.
The party of science. Except for Biology, Agricultural Sciences, Nuclear Science, Fracking, Geology (which often refutes climate change models), Economics, and Mathematics. Oh yeah, and the actual Scientific Method, the basis of all true science is now being rewritten to say that a consensus of opinion is more important that actual proof.
I am A-OK with them playing pretend. An adult can do what they please. I refuse to feed their delusions by playing along though. I know it’s bad policy to ignore mental illness, and I also refuse to stand by while they coerce children into it.
Did anyone see DOCTOR Rand Paul questioning Rachel Levine who is also a DOCTOR, Biden's nominee for a role in DHHS?
As an adult, if you want to make decisions to alter your body, mutilate your body, take drugs and hormones, etc. - salute! To each their own. Equal rights for everyone.
But a minor CHILD? Are you insane?!
We don't let anyone under the age of 18 to legally get a tattoo! That's all 50 states and DC.
We don't let them vote, smoke tobacco/weed, drink alcohol, serve in the military.
But we're going to OK it for them to make this irreversible life altering decision before 18?!?!?!
It's only science when it does NOT deal with killing fetuses and species' genders.
Then science doesn't exist.
I am A-OK with them playing pretend. An adult can do what they please. I refuse to feed their delusions by playing along though. I know it’s bad policy to ignore mental illness, and I also refuse to stand by while they coerce children into it.

Guy wants to wear a dress in his house, pretend to be Queen Elizabeth? Don't give a ****.

Same guy wants to get paid my tax dollars while wearing the dress and pretending?


**** off.

It's like I said elsehwhere, 2 plus 2 equals whatever a person of color says it does and you're a racist.
While I can respect the fact that everyone can have an opinion, I have found that trying to reason with Liberals is like running full speed, head first, into a brick wall. Back up and do it again.
I second this
I am all for allowing anyone to pretend to be anything they want, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. Guys want to pretend to be girls, fine, who cares. Girls want to be guys, again who cares. Your classification will not change until your DNA changes. Dude wants to compete as a girl, sorry, not going to happen, that affects other females. Dude wants to wear a dress to work, that is up to the owner, not the government.
I am all for allowing anyone to pretend to be anything they want, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. Guys want to pretend to be girls, fine, who cares. Girls want to be guys, again who cares. Your classification will not change until your DNA changes. Dude wants to compete as a girl, sorry, not going to happen, that affects other females. Dude wants to wear a dress to work, that is up to the owner, not the government.
I don't think anyone should be discriminated against but neither do I think we should change a bunch of stuff for less than 0.5% of the population.
The usual Democrat M.O. is 1) create a new grievance group, 2) tell said group they are being discriminated against, and 3) that they need the government to fix it so vote Democrat.
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Did anyone see DOCTOR Rand Paul questioning Rachel Levine who is also a DOCTOR, Biden's nominee for a role in DHHS?
As an adult, if you want to make decisions to alter your body, mutilate your body, take drugs and hormones, etc. - salute! To each their own. Equal rights for everyone.
But a minor CHILD? Are you insane?!
We don't let anyone under the age of 18 to legally get a tattoo! That's all 50 states and DC.
We don't let them vote, smoke tobacco/weed, drink alcohol, serve in the military.
But we're going to OK it for them to make this irreversible life altering decision before 18?!?!?!
It's only science when it does NOT deal with killing fetuses and species' genders.
Then science doesn't exist.
This feels like a frog in the boiling water thing. At this point, the water has become very hot and is moving a lot.

When do we say enough? History is not on our side. We have allowed too much, and are in the "just allow it" mode.
The girls weren't happy when I pointed out my main concern with "gender reassignment therapy" is that we haven't had long enough of a test period to determine what the actual long term effects will be on the human body.

We DO know that extensive use of steroids causes a huge number of serious problems, including the big C. I can't imagine why pumping mass amounts of testosterone or estrogen into your body wouldn't have a similarly devastating effect over time.
I really believe that 20-50 years from now gender reassignment medicine will be looked at as a bizarre, horrific medical oddity that occurred at this time in history.

I have no problem if people want to dress as the other gender, identify as the other gender, partner up and raise children as the other gender. But why do they have to suppress their body's natural processes to do that? Why can't I just be a non-hairy man with a not so deep voice? Why can't someone just call themselves a woman and dress and act like a woman but not chop off their penis? If as they say gender is fluid and a social construct, why the need to do horrible medically unnecessary things to yourself to "conform" to the standards of the other gender? It's bizarre and illogical.

When it's done to children, it's child abuse.
I read an article that something like 18% of people ages 18-29 (Generation Z?) identifies as LGBTQ. It is the "cool thing" to do now for an entire generation. I do not believe for one moment these kids actually go through with full sex with the same sex. I do not believe all of these are dysphoric enough to actually believe they were born the wrong sex.

But it has become so much of the "it" thing to be accepting that any questioning of the realities of it are SEVERELY looked down upon.

One of my friend's daughters is 16. At some point in the last year, she had a group of friends that all wanted to identify as "Bi". They wanted to do this TOGETHER, albeit (I don't think) with any real sexual exploration. In other word, they weren't pressuring her to actually have sex with each other, just SAY they were all bisexual.

She refused. She told the, "I'm not bisexual". And they kind of rejected her for saying that. I'm not sure how it all ended up (I don't have all the details). And this girl is literally the nicest, politest, grounded person you will ever meet. But it did lead to a fight and awkwardness in her "group", just because she wouldn't agree to say she was bisexual.

This whole country is going crazy. The cancel culture. The woke culture. The "think like me or else" culture. The constant counting and comparing of "victim" classes to make sure every sub-sub-sub group is getting their perfect share (if not more). And the blaming of all things bad on some magical "systemic" force that is holding people back.

It is such a dangerous way to look at things. It can only lead to a really, really, bad place. And I just don't understand how people don't see it coming.
I really believe that 20-50 years from now gender reassignment medicine will be looked at as a bizarre, horrific medical oddity that occurred at this time in history.

I have no problem if people want to dress as the other gender, identify as the other gender, partner up and raise children as the other gender. But why do they have to suppress their body's natural processes to do that? Why can't I just be a non-hairy man with a not so deep voice? Why can't someone just call themselves a woman and dress and act like a woman but not chop off their penis? If as they say gender is fluid and a social construct, why the need to do horrible medically unnecessary things to yourself to "conform" to the standards of the other gender? It's bizarre and illogical.

When it's done to children, it's child abuse.
Levine wouldn't answer Rand Paul's question that she would allow children to have the surgery. A 8 y.o, 10 y.o.? That is unfathomable to me. The parents that OK it for their children at such a young age is also mindboggling. Some things are irreversible and people change. You can't drive a car or get into a R-rated movie until you are 18, but can have gender surgery that will affect the rest of the life? WOW!