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she likes those Venn Diagrams. You know, the three circles? cackle cackle cackle.

Dems Convention Opening Tune

Followed by

Hell we've been the biggest drug and gun running country in the world under these ********. Makes you feel really good and patriotic don't it?

Will she take credit for El Mayo and Chapo's son?

Of course. What's that 10-11+ million people? That YOU intentionally allowed in!

Squandering the citizens tax money,like it's yours.

Screw you and all of those like you.
Dems Convention Opening Tune

Followed by

Hell we've been the biggest drug and gun running country in the world under these ********. Makes you feel really good and patriotic don't it?

No mention of the hundreds of thousands who have died from fentanyl. They don't give two ***** about anyone here.

They don't care about the human trafficking.

And they certainly don't care about the democratic process.

Absolutely nothing is sacred to them. The only thing that matters is winning and fundamentally transforming the United States.

Which would have to be a totalitarian government, because nobody is going to go along with it willingly.

All oppressive ideologies must be implemented by force.
The woke asss CEO of Netflix gave the whoore $7 million. I have 5 episodes of a documentary left and then I'm cancelling.
I'm starting to feel like the Democrats never had a losing season and we're stuck with them for life.
All you can do is laugh and feel secure in he knowledge that you have a plan and don't have to grow up in this shiithole. I have about 20 years left. I'll be alright. Wish I could see this place in 50 years to see if they're loving what they created.

All you can do is laugh and feel secure in he knowledge that you have a plan and don't have to grow up in this shiithole. I have about 20 years left. I'll be alright. Wish I could see this place in 50 years to see if they're loving what they created.

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I'm concerned for my sons and their sons. That's it. The current trajectory is collapse and hardship.
Do you know what happens to the people in charge when countries collapse? I believe history shows that clearly. It won't be pretty for them.

There's absolutely no way it can keep going down this path and be fruitful.

Just the deficit alone will get us. The ridiculous endless taxation we get hit with from every direction. The value of our dollar. The selling out to communist countries who produce products with slave wages.

They have to pump the brakes on this now and reverse course. We've had 12 years of these lefties in charge out of the last 16. They have accomplished nothing for the benefit of the United States.

Just squandering of the public treasury and endless wars for no reason other than $$$$.

We definitely can't afford to waste another 4 years with people who put party and power above country.
I'm concerned for my sons and their sons. That's it. The current trajectory is collapse and hardship.
Do you know what happens to the people in charge when countries collapse? I believe history shows that clearly. It won't be pretty for them.

There's absolutely no way it can keep going down this path and be fruitful.

Just the deficit alone will get us. The ridiculous endless taxation we get hit with from every direction. The value of our dollar. The selling out to communist countries who produce products with slave wages.

They have to pump the brakes on this now and reverse course. We've had 12 years of these lefties in charge out of the last 16. They have accomplished nothing for the benefit of the United States.

Just squandering of the public treasury and endless wars for no reason other than $$$$.

We definitely can't afford to waste another 4 years with people who put party and power above country.
I don't have any children. I feel sympathy for those that do. Most of the young people today feel we are on the right path but, must go further left. You can't beat that. Even if Trump were to win, what? Holding off the demise for four years? Most, if not all republicans are of the same thinking as the dems. What can I get for me? To hell with the damage my decisions may cause years down the road. I want mine now, today. And if you do get a politician that wants what's best for America well.....just look at the hell they are putting Trump through.
I watch the news and hear the verifiable lies being told. I see the spin and there is nothing that can be done, short of civil war, to change it. Our government treats us like shiit. We have Royalty ruling over us. They don't represent us. They do as they please. They just installed Kamala as the Democrat nominee. No vote, no nothing. The universities are led by commies churning out brainwashed, non-questioning lefties by the thousands. We got out numbered. It happens.

We are being destroyed from the inside and outside. Attacked from all sides. And we are the enemy terrorists for any push back. I recognize when I'm beat.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, I get attacked for expressing opinions anywhere else with my wrongthink.

IDK... do I need to get my information from different sources? Am I wrong about what I see on the news and innerwebs? Is there Right leaning groups destroying everything on a regular basis and I'm not seeing it? Would America be in better shape if the dems had total control and got their way on everything? Am I nuts for thinking the dems are bad for America and they may actually be the party of good and we're the real problem? I don't get it.
I don't have any children. I feel sympathy for those that do. Most of the young people today feel we are on the right path but, must go further left. You can't beat that. Even if Trump were to win, what? Holding off the demise for four years? Most, if not all republicans are of the same thinking as the dems. What can I get for me? To hell with the damage my decisions may cause years down the road. I want mine now, today. And if you do get a politician that wants what's best for America well.....just look at the hell they are putting Trump through.
I watch the news and hear the verifiable lies being told. I see the spin and there is nothing that can be done, short of civil war, to change it. Our government treats us like shiit. We have Royalty ruling over us. They don't represent us. They do as they please. They just installed Kamala as the Democrat nominee. No vote, no nothing. The universities are led by commies churning out brainwashed, non-questioning lefties by the thousands. We got out numbered. It happens.

We are being destroyed from the inside and outside. Attacked from all sides. And we are the enemy terrorists for any push back. I recognize when I'm beat.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, I get attacked for expressing opinions anywhere else with my wrongthink.

IDK... do I need to get my information from different sources? Am I wrong about what I see on the news and innerwebs? Is there Right leaning groups destroying everything on a regular basis and I'm not seeing it? Would America be in better shape if the dems had total control and got their way on everything? Am I nuts for thinking the dems are bad for America and they may actually be the party of good and we're the real problem? I don't get it.
Ecclesiastes 1:15 "That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered."

And Psalm 11 "
"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men. The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth."

So, we know is a perplexity to "why do the wicked prosper" question. It does seem that the left has captured the foundations to mean the institutions and the educational system. But we also just saw Trump spared from an assassin's bullet and wicked devices. Maybe God will be merciful and give us 4 years and forestall their wicked devices. Or maybe we have to first suffer to break their cultic hold and sway over 50% of the public who doesn't get it.

Then again, maybe Christians have become too wed to the USA as "strangers and pilgrims." Politicians say they will do this and that, "when that you ought to say, 'if the Lord wills, we shall do this, or that." There's a definite pride of life in a Party who embraces Dana White, Hulk Hogan, and Kid Rock more than Franklin Graham. As much as I admire Trump as a fighter and perceived wrecking ball instrument in God's hands.

It was the same thing after 9/11. For a time, the nation was humbled and Churches filled up. But that was quickly eclipsed in short order by a national "we'll kick their ***" feeling that then devolved irreparably into further division to this day.

"It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord."

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."
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I don't have any children. I feel sympathy for those that do. Most of the young people today feel we are on the right path but, must go further left. You can't beat that. Even if Trump were to win, what? Holding off the demise for four years? Most, if not all republicans are of the same thinking as the dems. What can I get for me? To hell with the damage my decisions may cause years down the road. I want mine now, today. And if you do get a politician that wants what's best for America well.....just look at the hell they are putting Trump through.
I watch the news and hear the verifiable lies being told. I see the spin and there is nothing that can be done, short of civil war, to change it. Our government treats us like shiit. We have Royalty ruling over us. They don't represent us. They do as they please. They just installed Kamala as the Democrat nominee. No vote, no nothing. The universities are led by commies churning out brainwashed, non-questioning lefties by the thousands. We got out numbered. It happens.

We are being destroyed from the inside and outside. Attacked from all sides. And we are the enemy terrorists for any push back. I recognize when I'm beat.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, I get attacked for expressing opinions anywhere else with my wrongthink.

IDK... do I need to get my information from different sources? Am I wrong about what I see on the news and innerwebs? Is there Right leaning groups destroying everything on a regular basis and I'm not seeing it? Would America be in better shape if the dems had total control and got their way on everything? Am I nuts for thinking the dems are bad for America and they may actually be the party of good and we're the real problem? I don't get it.

Nope. You're not wrong on any of it. You just pay too much attention to them and see things for what they really are.

I have the same issues. I've followed this stuff since early childhood. I had no choice as all my father ever watched on tv was movies and poltical stuff.

He was pointing these things out when you could barely get any conservative viewpoints on TV. FOX didn't even exist yet. And all conservative speakers on shows got gang attacked.

Everytime I go visit him,he's watching something with politics. I told him a few weeks ago that we can't vote our way out of this.

My entire extended family are conservatives,straight arrows,hard workers,educated and successful. Most are Christians.

It appears on tv that we are a minority, but that is not truly the case. If you just look at the large amount of states who support the second ammendment and have passed laws for permitless concealed carry. You'll know all is not lost.

What we need is more unity between states who share the same core values. The more we can minimize the federal government in our lives and schools, the better off we will be.

The leftist do the same, yet they leave a wake of destruction and ruin everything they control.

California and New York define them.
Netflix? Obama and Rice are big shareholders. Obama daughter got hired as a screenwriter and changed her name. Pelosis daughter is a communist propaganda film maker. Communism all around.
Netflix? Obama and Rice are big shareholders. Obama daughter got hired as a screenwriter and changed her name. Pelosis daughter is a communist propaganda film maker. Communism all around.
And this comes from the general population being apathetic to political affairs. They just blindly trust these people and only pay attention when the election rolls around.

You will have people vote for candidates for idiotic reasons. From skin color to how they wear their freaking hair. They'll know zero about policy and don't even care to know.

And if we actually taught about the true history of communism in schools, we wouldn't have any of them near office right now. Most can't wrap their brains around at least 100 million dead either directly or indirectly because of this idea, from the Chinese Cultural Revolution to the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Currently the worst places on the planet are in the work camps of North Korea and China. That's real oppression and despair.
I don't have any children. I feel sympathy for those that do. Most of the young people today feel we are on the right path but, must go further left. You can't beat that. Even if Trump were to win, what? Holding off the demise for four years? Most, if not all republicans are of the same thinking as the dems. What can I get for me? To hell with the damage my decisions may cause years down the road. I want mine now, today. And if you do get a politician that wants what's best for America well.....just look at the hell they are putting Trump through.
I watch the news and hear the verifiable lies being told. I see the spin and there is nothing that can be done, short of civil war, to change it. Our government treats us like shiit. We have Royalty ruling over us. They don't represent us. They do as they please. They just installed Kamala as the Democrat nominee. No vote, no nothing. The universities are led by commies churning out brainwashed, non-questioning lefties by the thousands. We got out numbered. It happens.

We are being destroyed from the inside and outside. Attacked from all sides. And we are the enemy terrorists for any push back. I recognize when I'm beat.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, I get attacked for expressing opinions anywhere else with my wrongthink.

IDK... do I need to get my information from different sources? Am I wrong about what I see on the news and innerwebs? Is there Right leaning groups destroying everything on a regular basis and I'm not seeing it? Would America be in better shape if the dems had total control and got their way on everything? Am I nuts for thinking the dems are bad for America and they may actually be the party of good and we're the real problem? I don't get it.
Clearly you think to much.

When will we see the Kamala piñatas? I'll bet the staff members that were victimized by her toxicity would like to take a couple swings.
Some years ago I thought the future of the country was doomed but not so much anymore.
All of the problems brought by the left over the last 20 years have left young people very dissatisfied.
Can't afford rent or a house, they've seen with their own eyes the destruction open borders have brought, the high prices at the grocery store caused by high inflation and endless borrowing, useless college degrees that came with crushing personal debt..
Despite the brainwashing they've gotten at school and college, kids know the standard of living was much better for past generations and the current trajectory for them sucks.
Hopefully their suffering will open their eyes to who and what the problem is.
Some years ago I thought the future of the country was doomed but not so much anymore.
All of the problems brought by the left over the last 20 years have left young people very dissatisfied.
Can't afford rent or a house, they've seen with their own eyes the destruction open borders have brought, the high prices at the grocery store caused by high inflation and endless borrowing, useless college degrees that came with crushing personal debt..
Despite the brainwashing they've gotten at school and college, kids know the standard of living was much better for past generations and the current trajectory for them sucks.
Hopefully their suffering will open their eyes to who and what the problem is.
Depends if they believe the Dims who will tell them it's all the Pubbies' fault.
Don't know about any other group, but I can't see anyone in the military, past or present, voting for Harris. Her ..... as Commander-In-Chief .... hell no. Never.